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Machine Learning CONFIGuration, mlconfig file

Bahrudin Hrnjica edited this page Nov 23, 2018 · 21 revisions

mlconfig file

In this section it will be briefly described the structure of the mlconfig file, and how to create it from scratch.The mlconfig file represent central part of the ANNdotNET tool, since it is a basic file in order to run deep learning with ANNdotNET.

In order to write proper mlconfig file, the user should define 8 keywords:

  • configid: - unique identifier of the mlconfig,
  • metadata:- meta information about data set.
  • features: - defines features for the model
  • labels: - defines labels for the model
  • network: - defines neural network model to be trained
  • learning: - defines learning parameters,
  • training: - defines training parameters,
  • path – defines paths to files needed during training and evaluation.

Each keyword consists of several parameters (pn) and values (pv) which must be specified in one line. In case mlkeyword is defined in more than one line the mlcofing will not be parsed correctly. mlconfig keyword defined set of parameters through defining parameter names, followed by parameter values.

So every keyword is written in the following template: [mlkeyword]:[pv] or [mlkeyword]:[pn]:[pv]

In case more than one parameters it is used '|' as parameter separator.For example:

[mlkeyword]:|[pn1]:[pv1]|[pn2]: [pv2]

Parameter name (pn) may have one or more parameter values (> pv). Each parameter value is separated using ' ' space or semicolon ';'. For example:

[mlkeyword]:|[pn1]:[pv1] [pv2] or [mlkeyword]:|[pn1]:[pv1];[pv2]

Semicolon and space can be mixed in case some parameter value can be of different type. For example, input feature can be a vector or matrix or tensor. For example this is correct ml syntax; [mlkeyword]:|[pn1]:[pv11;pv12] [pv2] [pv3] The last syntax indicates the first parameter value, consist of two numbers, then second and third parameter values are just a values.

Making comment in the mlcofig file

mlconfig file allows you to create as many empty lines as you like. In case you want to add comment in the file, the sentence must begin with exclamation ‘!’. Order of the keywords is irrelevant. Every keyword must end in one line.

For example, the following content represent typical mlconfig file:

!ANNdotNET v1.5
!Iris mlconfig file iris.mlconfig
!configid represent the unique identified of the configuration

!metada contains information about data set.

!Information about features. The line contains
! two groups of features: NumericFeatures and Product fetaure

features:|NumFeatures 4 0 |Product 10 0

!Information about label
labels:|species 3 0

!Network configuration
network:|Layer:Normalization 0 0 0 None 0 0 |Layer:Dense 5 0 0 ReLU 0 0 |Layer:Dense 3 0 0 Softmax 0 0

!Learning parameter information
learning:|Type:SGDLearner |LRate:0.01 |Momentum:0.9 |Loss:CrossEntropyWithSoftmax |Eval:ClassificationAccuracy|L1:0|L2:0

!Training parameters information
training:|Type:default |BatchSize:65 |Epochs:1000 |Normalization:0 |RandomizeBatch:False |SaveWhileTraining:1 |ProgressFrequency:50 |ContinueTraining:0 |TrainedModel:models model_at_952of1000_epochs_TimeSpan_636720117054117391

!Components of the mlconfig paths
paths:|Training:data\\mldataset_train |Validation:data\\mldataset_valid \|Test:data\\mldataset_valid |TempModels:temp_models |Models:models |Result:FFModel_result.csv |Logs:log


Each mlconifg has unique identifier GUID. The GUID value is generated automatically and supposed to be identifier for several components used by ANNdotNET MLEngine. When mlconfig file is created manually, it can be any string value. Syntax for the keyword is: modelid:[guid_string]


The metadata keyword contains meta information about data set. The information is arranged as list of columns, where each column contains: name, type, kind of variable, missing value type, and class values in case of categorical variable.

metadata:|Column01:[name];[type];[kind];[missingtype] |Column02:[name];[type];[kind];[missingtype];[cv1][cv2]|Column03:.... Values cv1, cv2, cv3 are class values of categorical variable in second column.

Note: The number of columns must be the same as number of dimensions of features and labels.

features: and labels:

When describing features and labels in the mlconfig file, the following signatures should be applied:

features:|[featurename1] [dim] [isSparsedata] |[featurename2] [dim1;dim2] [isSparsedata] ... labels:|[labelname1] [dim] [isSparsedata] |[labelname2] [dim1;dim2;dim3] [isSparsedata] ...

Each feature and label are defined with 3 parameters:

  • name - name of the variable. The name must be the same as the name from the dataset file.
  • dimension - dimension of the variable
  • issparsedata - indicates is data written in sparse format.

So, in case of iris data set features are define:

features:|iris_measures 1;4 0  
labels:|species 3 0

It means the iris data set has 4 features which is grouped in iris_measures name, with 1x4 dimensions, which identifies 4 features and it is not written in sparse data. The keyword labels is defined as species with one-hot encoding vector of 3 classes

Assume we have an example for features and labels definition with the following case:

features:|year 3 1 |month 12 1|shop 52 1|item 5100 1|cnt_past3m 3 0
labels:|item_cnt_month 1 1 0

As can be seen, in this example there are 5 different group of features. The features are described in the following text:

  • feature name: = year, with dimension of 3, and it is sparse data (1).
  • feature name: = item, with 5100 dimensions, and this feature is sparse data (1).
  • feature name: cnt_past3m, with 3 dimensions, and this data is not (0) sparse.
  • label name: item_cnt_month, with 1 dimension, and it is not (0) sparse data.

Definition of features and labels are closely related on how mlready dataset is generated. In case of the above definition one row for corresponded mlready data set is given as:

|year 2:1 |item 3906:1 |cnt_past3m 0.02696543 0.02696543 0.02696543|item_cnt_month 0.02696543

We can see that the row defines with 3 groups of features and one group of labels. Two features are category and one is numeric feature. Also label is of numeric type, since it has only one dimension.

It is recommended to review other examples to see how the features and labels defined.


network: keyword defines the network model. It can be of type:

  • default – all network parameters are provided in the ml config file,
  • custom - network model are provided as C# method in extension project.

In order to define custom network model, the following line must be defined:


So, when first layer is of Custom type, the API tries to call the delegate method specified by the last argument of the MachineLearning.Run. In case the custom model implementation is not provided, the exception is thrown by specifying the exception message.

For default network type we can define various network models. The network keyword has the following signature:

network:|Layer1:[Type][Param1] [Param2] [Param3] [FParam] [BParam1] [BParam2] |Layer2:[Type][Param1] [Param2] [Param3] [FParam] [BParam1] [BParam2]|Layer3:...

As can be seen, network consist of layers. Each Layer has 7 parameters which may be define. You can have as many layers as you like. This means you can make network of arbitrary size.

Type of network parameters can have the following value:

  • Normalization – implements normalization layer,
  • Scale - implements layer of scalar value, each feature is multiply by this value. This layer is handy when modelling time series, in order to normalize data.
  • Dense – implements dense layer
  • Embedding- implements Embedding layer.
  • DropOut -implements dropout layer.
  • LSTM – implements Long Short-Term memory layer,
  • NALU - implements Neural Arithmetic Logic Units layer,
  • Conv1D - convolution 1D layer,
  • Conv2D - convolution 2D layer,
  • Polling1D- pooling 1D layer,
  • Polling2D - pooling 2D layer,
  • CudaStackedLSTM- implementation of CNTK stacked LSTMrecurrent layer,
  • CudaStackedGRU - implementation of CNTK stacked GRU recurrent layer.

Other layer parameters can be summarizing to:

  • Type [layertype] - type layer name
  • Param1[number] – defines the first numeric parameter of the layer.Depending of the layer it has different meaning.
  • Param2[number] – defines the second numeric parameter of the layer.
  • FParam [name] – defines parameter indicated function (activation, arithmetic, or other function ).
  • Param3 [number]- defines the third numeric parameter of the layer.
  • BParam1 [0,1] - defines Boolean value parameter.
  • BParam2 [0,1] - defines Boolean value parameter.

Schematic picture of sample network model which is presented as list of layer is shown below:

The last layer in the sequence must be the output layer.

Example of bike sharing network model

The Bike Sharing example can be found and opened from the Start Page of ANNdotNET GUI Tool. The graphical representation of the model is shown on the image above. The following text describes the network model in the mlconfig file:

network:|Layer:Normalization 0 0 0 None 0 0 |Layer:Embedding 10 0 0 None 0 0 |Layer:LSTM 240 240 0 TanH 1 1 |Layer:Drop 0 0 20 None 0 0 |Layer:Dense 20 0 0 TanH 0 0 |Layer:Dense 1 0 0 None 0 0

The model is defined as: EmbeddedLSTM network which has several different layers in the network. Since we are dealing with numerical data, the first layer is Normalization which normalizes the numerical features’ value. Only numerical values are normalized with this layer, which means other categorical features are remain the same. Then the Embedding layer is added in order to reduce the features number, since we have 40 features. With embedding layer, we reduce 40 features to 10, and then we add LSTM layer with 240 output dimensions. After LSTM we add some dropout and dense layers. Since the label layer has dimension of 1, the last layer in the network must match the output layer dimension. The last layer doesn’t have activation function, since we except the any value.


The learning: keyword defines the learning parameter. The signature of the keyword is the following:

learning:|Type:[name] |LRate:[value] |Momentum:[value] |Loss:[funname] |Eval:[funname]

The learning keyword has 5 parameters:

  1. Type – defines the learning type. Currently supported learners: (SGDLearner, MomentumSGDLearner, FSAdaGradLearner, AdaGradLearner, AdamLearner)

  2. LRate: - indicates the learning rate which represent the real value. Example (|LRate:0.01)

  3. Momentum – defines momentum for the learner. Example (|Momentum:0.9)

  4. Loss: - defines the loss function for the learner. Example (|Loss:SquaredError).

  5. Eval: - defines the function during testing and evaluation for the model.

Currently supported loss and evaluation functions defined directly in CNTK library:

  1. SquaredError -used for regression models,

  2. ClassificationError - for classification problems

  3. BinaryCrossEntropy - Computes the binary cross entropy (aka logistic loss) between the output and target,

  4. CrossEntropyWithSoftmax - computes the cross entropy between the target_vector and the softmax of the output_vector.

Several additional custom functions are implemented, and they can be used in training models:

  1. RMSError - root mean square error,

  2. MSError - mean squared error.

Example of learning parameters

Example of learning parameters in ANNdotNET GUI tool for Bike Sharing looks like:

The same set of parameters in mlconfig file looks like:

learning:|Type:AdaGradLearner |LRate:0.01 |Momentum:0.9 |Loss:SquaredError|Eval:SquaredError|L1:0|L2:0

The learner type is AdaGradLearner, with 0.01 of learning rate, and 0.9 of momentum. The loss function is Squared error, and the evaluation function is Squared error.


The training: keyword defines the training parameters. Typical training parameters defined in mlconfig file are:

training: |Type:[type] |BatchSize:[number] |Epochs:[number] |Normalization:[Feature1 Feature2 …] |SaveWhileTraining:[0/1] |RandomizeBatch:[0/1] |ProgressFrequency:[0/1] |FullTraininfSetEval:[0/1]

The first parameter is the type which indicates should we used default, or custom implemented minibatch source. Possible values (custom, default).

The BatchSize defines the size for the batch for the trainer. Possible values are 1 to size of training data set. Example (|BatchSize:125)

The Epoch: defines the number of cycles the trainer processes all samples from the training dataset. Example (|Epochs:12)

The Normalization: defines if the network model contains the Normalization layer which will normalize the data. Normalization layer is described here.

SaveWhileTraining: - indicates if the MLFactory will save models during training process. This option should be used when we expect the model will be overstrained during training.

RandmizeBatch: - indicates if the batch will be generated randomly during training.

ProgressFrequency: - defines how progress will be sent to caller, in order to report about training progress.

Simple example of training keyword which is defined in Solar production example:

training:|Type:default |BatchSize:500 |Epochs:1000 |Normalization:0 |RandomizeBatch:False |SaveWhileTraining:1 |ProgressFrequency:2 |ContinueTraining:0 |TrainedModel:models\model_at_81of1000_epochs_TimeSpan_636720261828457405

Training process is defined with default implemented minibatch source, with 500 size of batch which will not be randomized, with no normalization, with saving models during training, and report progress every 2 epochs. The following image shows the training parameters in GUI tool:

Normalization in ANNdotNET

Simple said, data normalization is set of tasks which transform values of any feature in a data set into predefined number range. Usually this range is [-1,1] , [0,1] or some other specific ranges. Data normalization plays very important role in ML, since it can dramatically improve the training process, and simplify settings of network parameters.

There are two main types of data normalization:

  • MinMax normalization - which transforms all values into range of [0,1],

  • Gauss Normalization or Z score normalization, which transforms the value in such a way that the average value is zero, and standard deviation is 1.

Beside those types there are plenty of other methods which can be used. Usually those two are used when the size of the data set is known, otherwise we should use some of the other methods, like log scaling, dividing every value with some constant, etc. But why data need to be normalized? This is essential question in ML, and the simplest answer is to provide the equal influence to all features to change the output label. More about data normalization and scaling can be found on this link.

As can be observed, the Normalization layer is placed between input and first hidden layer. Also the Normalization layer contains the same neurons as input layer and produced the output with the same dimension as the input layer.

In order to implement Normalization layer, the following requirements must be met:

  • calculate average 


    and standard deviation


    in training data set as well find maximum and minimum value of each feature.

  • this must be done prior to neural network model creation, since we need those values in the normalization layer.

  • within network model creation, the normalization layer should be define after input layer is defined.

Calculation of mean and standard deviation for training data set

Before network creation, we should prepare mean and standard deviation parameters which will be used in the Normalization layer as constants. Hopefully, the CNTK has the static method in the Minibatch source class for this purpose “MinibatchSource.ComputeInputPerDimMeansAndInvStdDevs”. The method takes the whole training data set defined in the minibatch and calculate the parameters.

//calculate mean and std for the minibatchsource

// prepare the training data

var d = new DictionaryNDArrayView, NDArrayView>>();

using (var mbs = MinibatchSource.TextFormatMinibatchSource(

trainingDataPath , streamConfig, MinibatchSource.FullDataSweep,false))


d.Add(mbs.StreamInfo("feature"), new Tuple(null, null));

//compute mean and standard deviation of the population for inputs variables

MinibatchSource.ComputeInputPerDimMeansAndInvStdDevs(mbs, d, device);



Now that we have average and std values for each feature, we can create network with normalization layer. ANNdotNET library supports multiple group of features. For example, the input variables can consist of categorical and numerical features. In case of categorical features, normalization should not be applied, so normalization layer should be created only for numerical group of features.

The following example shows two groups of features Item and Sale.

|Item 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 |Sale 18 10 14 6 5 18 14 6 4 19 12 20 19 12 2 6 16 9 13 10 2 5 5 5 6 6 10 9 12 4 |item_cnt 3

As can be seen we have Item which is typical categorical variable represented with One-Hot encoding vector, and Sale features which is numerical group of features.

The MLConfig file should be defined as:

features:|Item 10 0 |Sale 30 0

labels:|item_cnt 1 0

Based on the above sample, we should define normalization only for Sale feature. So, the training parameters may be defined as:

training: |Type: default |BatchSize: 480 |Normalization:Sale |Epochs:1000 |SaveWhileTraining: 1 |RandomizeBatch: 1 |ProgressFrequency: 1 |FullTrainingSetEval:1

As can be seen Normalization contains only features group which is numerical. For example in case there are two numerical features group Sales and Prices, normalization would be defined as: |Normalization:Sale;Prices.

Note: features group are separated with semicolon.

Paths in mlconfig

The last keyword is paths, which contains file paths for correctly working mlconfig.

  1. Training: - path of the training dataset file

  2. Validation: - path of the validation dataset file¸

  3. Test: - path of the test dataset file used for evaluation

  4. Tempodels: - path where models are stred during training process

  5. Models: - path where sored the best model once the training process finished

  6. Result: - full path name where the result of the evaluation process stored.

  7. Logs – path of log folder. Location of log files.

The last 6 keywords are self-explained and example of using them are presented in the case of solar production example:

paths:|Training:data\solar_cntk_train.ctf |Validation:data\solar_cntk_val.ctf |Test:data\solar_cntk_test.ctf |TempModels:temp_models |Models:models |Result:solar_production_result.csv |Logs:log

As can be seen, paths define training, validation and testing data sets, storing models during training and final stage. And the path where the result will be stored when the model will be evaluated.

Other information about mlconfig file

The mlconfig file can define comments, which are important during explanation about some parameters and options. All examples provided in the MLFactory solution are commented and each parameters is explained.

Beside comment very important information is separator. There are three kinds of separators:

  1. ‘:’ -double point

  2. ‘|’ -vertical line,

  3. ‘ ‘ - space,

  4. ‘;’ semicolon.

Double point separates the keyword and set of parameters, as well as parameters names of their values.

Vertical line separates keyword parameters.

Space separates parameter values, and semicolon separated list of values for the parameter.

So, let’s see the following example:

network:|Layer:LSTM 240 240 0 TanH 1 1 |Layer:Dense 20 0 0 TanH 0 0

Network keyword is separated by ‘:’ from its parameters (|Layer…..). Then ‘|’ separates different network layers (:|Layer:LSTM 240 240 0 TanH 1 1, |Layer: Dense 20 0 0 TanH 0 0). Each network layer is separated by vertical line |. Each layer’s parameters are separated by space. In case the parameter has list of values element list are separated by semicolon.

Note: After double point space is not allow.