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31 lines (27 loc) · 1.4 KB

File metadata and controls

31 lines (27 loc) · 1.4 KB


  • Add a Spira::Base class that can be inherited from for users who prefer to inherit rather than include.
  • Resource#new returns to the public API as a way to create a resource with a new blank node subject.


  • Bumped promise dependency to 0.1.1 to fix a Ruby 1.9 warning
  • Rework error handling when a repository is not configured; this should always now raise a Spira::NoRepositoryError regardless of what operation was attempted, and the error message was improved as well.
  • A '/' is no longer appended to base URIs ending with a '#'
  • Resources can now take a BNode as a subject. Implemented #node?, #uri, #to_uri, #to_node, and #to_subject in support of this; see the yardocs for exact semantics. RDF::Node is monkey patched with #as, just like RDF::URI, for instantiation. Old code should not break, but if you want to add BNodes, you may be using #uri where you want to now be using #subject.


  • Implemented #each on resource classes, allowing classes with a defined RDF type to be enumerated
  • Fragment URIs are now used as strings, allowing i.e. Integers to be used as the final portion of a URI for classes with a base_uri defined.
  • Added an RDF::URI property type
  • Implemented #to_rdf and #to_uri for increased compatibility with the RDF.rb ecosystem


  • Initial release