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bidetaggle edited this page Jun 19, 2021 · 1 revision

What is NLP and how it can help for educational purpose?

Natural language processing (NLP) is the ability of a computer program to understand human speech. It’s an area of artificial intelligence that’s getting more and more popular, especially in the education sector.

In fact, NLP is used in many schools to help students who struggle with reading comprehension or have trouble with writing or speaking. For example, NLP can be used to help students learn how to write better by correcting their spelling and grammar mistakes. It can also be used to create voice assistants like Siri or Alexa that can respond to questions and commands given by users. In addition, it can also be used for educational purposes like creating virtual tutors or teaching assistants that can interact with students and answer their questions.

How this tool can help to learn GNU/Linux?

There are many different ways to learn Linux, but one of the most popular is by using a command line. This is because most Linux distributions have a command line interface and it is a very powerful tool for completing different tasks on your computer. However, using the command line can be difficult and intimidating at first if you don’t know what you are doing, and it can take some time to learn all the commands in order to use it efficiently.

That’s why I created a simple natural language processing command line that can help you learn Linux more easily. The goal of this command line is to make it easier for beginners to learn Linux by using natural language processing. Instead of having to memorize all the commands, you can simply type in what you want to do and the command line will do the rest for you! For example if you want to learn how to install software on your computer using apt-get install <package-name>, instead of having to remember this long string of text, you can simply type in install <package-name> and it will do the rest for you!

Actually, with the help of the Correction feature, you will be able to correct the output made by OpenAi and somehow "teach" it how to better answer next time. Therefore this tool is not tied to a specific distribution but adaptive to the operating system you are working on (including MacOS X).