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File metadata and controls

61 lines (46 loc) · 3.67 KB

Filtering The Stack

Three filters for the preprocessing of The Stack are available:

  • basic: uses line length filtering and percentage of alphanumeric characters (similarly to Codex), default thresholds are max_line_length=1000, mean_line_length=100, alpha_num_threshold=0.25.

  • stars: filter based on number of stars of the file (i.e. of the parent repository), default threshold is threshold_stars=5.

  • comments: filter based on minimum and maximum comments to code ratio, default thresholds are min_comments_ratio=0.01, max_comments_ratio=0.8 (this filter was used in the preparation of SantaCoder data which included python, Java & JavaScript only):

    • For Python, we extract comments using Python tokenizer and docstrings using ast parsing.
    • For other languages (Java and Javascript), we extract comments using pygments library.
    • We compute the comment to code ratio of a file by counting the number of characters in comments over the total number of characters in the file.
  • fertility: filter based on the character to token ratio after calling the tokenizer on the code file. Different thresholds for Python (2.5), Java (2.9) and JavaScript (2.6) for data after near-dedup + basic filtering & PII redaction.

  • Additionnal filters used for StarCoder Training StarCodeData:

    • basic-filter with parameters that depend on the file's extension.
    • filter to remove XML files
    • filter for HTML based on displayed-text VS code ratio
    • filter to remove small and large files (for json and yaml)
    • code to generate full-content with meta (repo-name, filename, num stars) for training

Below is an example for running all filters on the java subset of The-Stack-Smol. You can specify the filters to use separated by commas in --filters argument:

python --dataset_name bigcode/the-stack-smol --subset data/java --filters basic,comments,stars,fertility --hub_username loubnabnl --remote_repo test_filter_pipeline_java

In this case, the dataset is saved in parquet shards in a clone of remote_repo. If you want to push the data directly to the hub add push_to_hub flag.

A log file filtering.log is saved in the working directory with details about the processing and percentage of files and volume removed at each step.

Filtering GitHub Issues

We release the filtered GitHub issues dataset as part of StarCoderData, and provide the code used to curate the dataset:

python --dataset_name bigcode/subset-github-issues --subset data/ --hub_username loubnabnl --remote_repo test_filter_github_issues

Filtering Git Commits

We release the filtered Git Commits dataset as part of StarCoderData, and provide a notebook with the cleaning steps at filtering_git_commits.ipynb.

Converting Jupyter Notebooks to Scripts

We release the Jupyter scripts dataset as part of StarCoderData, and provide the code used to curate the dataset:


Creating Jupyter-structured dataset

Step 1

Parse Jupyter notebooks from the Stack.

python jupyter-structured/

Step 2

Generate markdown-code-output triplets.

python jupyter-structured/

Step 3

Create notebook-level structured dataset using jupyter-structured/jupyter-structured.ipynb.