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Releases: bigcommerce/bigcommerce-for-wordpress


13 Oct 19:01
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  • Added subtotal and taxes display on AMP cart template
  • Added ability to change quantity on AMP cart template
  • Display product options(if applicable) on AMP cart template


  • Changed customer cache flush logic. Prevent situations when customer group rules don't apply after they have been changed in Bigcommerce Control Panel. To flush customers data go to plugin settings: Bigcommerce → Settings → Diagnostics → Flush users cache


15 Sep 16:24
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  • Added a new option Pricing nonce field to Appearance → Customizer → Bigcommerce → Single → Product. The option allows nonce disabling in pricing requests on a single product page. If you use strong cache options that don't provide the ability to refresh page nonce, the disabling nonce option allows performing correct pricing requests.
  • Added new filter bigcommerce/product/variant_price. Hook returns the calculated price for the variant and allows price changing per variant. The example usage is adding taxes or some custom calculations to variant price


02 Sep 17:50
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  • Improved graphql token validation while using 'Fast - Headless' import. The update should handle GraphQL credentials were missing. No token was sent issue during import


05 Aug 17:46
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  • Improved products processing by adding pre-caching logic on the product catalog after each "Fast-Headless-Import and store minimal product data option" import. This should reduce the number of queries and the risk of the "too many requests" issue occurring
  • Allow import abort if it is stuck in the 'Completed' status


  • Fixed issue with product duplication during "Fast-Headless-Import and store minimal product data option" import.
  • Fixed "Respect General Inventory Settings" (Customizer -> Bigcommerce -> Product Catalog) toggle behavior: radio button switch allows disabling or enabling support for the general Bigcommerce out of stock inventory settings
  • Allow renaming channel from Bigcommerce -> Settings -> Channel without errors


14 Jul 19:38
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  • Added real-time shipping calculation with USPS. In order to enable it please go to Bigcommerce admin -> Settings -> Shipping and connect USPS service. Then on WordPress store make a full sync. The real-time shipping calculation will be added as a new option to 'Shipping Calculator' on the Cart page
  • Added ability to hide meta description set in Bigcommerce Admin. By default that option is on. In case you want to change it please go to WordPress Admin -> Customizer -> Bigcommerce -> Product Single and switch behavior in Meta Description section
  • Added a warning notice to Customizer -> Bigcommerce -> Product Catalog. It will be displayed on the 'Grid Columns' and 'Products per page' options when Divi theme is enabled.


  • Allow writing reviews for non-customer users. In order to do that go to Wordpress Admin -> Settings -> Discussion and uncheck 'Users must be registered and logged in to comment' checkbox. If checkbox is checked only logged-in users(customers) can leave a review


  • Fixed issue when cart items change did not update cart totals/subtotals/taxes
  • Customers creation on Bigcommerce Admin with empty details issue resolved.


22 Jun 16:40
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  • Allow creating customers from WordPress admin. To add new customer go to wp-admin panel Users -> Add New and create new user with Customer role


  • Allow using embedded checkout when cart page is disabled. If embedded checkout is enabled customers will proceed to embedded checkout page
  • Show inventory level according to selected variant instead of show inventory for whole product. Inventory show option can be enabled via Customizer -> Single product -> Inventory Level setting


  • Create customer account on Bigcommerce side during registration process and store customer address


14 Jun 17:56
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  • Webhook listeners for adding/removing products to the channel. Webhooks can be enabled via Bigcommerce > Settings > Product Sync > Enable products webhooks. Webhook is firing when a product is assigned to a channel or unassigned from it
  • Add the ability to change product variant's out-of-stock behavior. Go to Customizer > Bigcommerce > Product Single > Product variants out of stock behavior. If the option is enabled then out-of-stock variants will be disabled. If it is disabled out-of-stock items can be added to the cart
  • 'Fast' import type(beta) is added. When it is selected during the import will get only products titles, ids, categories, and brands. Other information like prices, images, descriptions and etc, won't be retrieved on import. Instead, the information will be taken directly from Bigcommerce API and will show relevant product data on the fly. Import type can be set from WordPress admin panel > Bigcommerce > Settings > Product Sync > Import Type.


  • Categories is_visible behavior can be controlled from Customizer. Go to Customizer > Bigcommerce > Product Category > Categories 'is_visible' option. If the option is on the plugin will respect categories visibility set in Bigcommerce admin and will remove hidden categories from the menu and redirect categories pages to the 404 page


12 May 16:29
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  • Support for WPGraphql plugin queries was added:
    • bCProducts - retrieves a list of Bigcommerce products
    • bCProduct - retrieves single product data by product ID
    • bCCategories - get the Bigcommerce categories list and their data
    • bCCategory - get Bigcommerce category data by category ID
    • bCBrands - get Bigcommerce brands data list and their data
    • bCBrand - get Bigcommerce brand data by brand ID
  • Support for Bigcommerce out of stock inventory settings(Advanced Settings > Inventory > General Settings). To enable that feature in the plugin go to Customizer > Bigcommerce > Product Catalog > Respect General Inventory Settings. If the option is enabled next actions will be applied to the products:
    • Do nothing - product will be shown without changes
    • Redirect to the category page - user will be redirected from product page to product category page if a product is out of stock
    • Hide product on category page - product can be accessed directly via link but will be hidden from the category page
    • Hide the product completely - the product will be hidden from the category page and can't be accessible via direct link.


  • Successful customer registration will not perform auto-login to the WordPress store. Customers should sign in to the store via login page
  • Password reset form after submission will redirect customers to the same site in WordPress network. For example: if customer submits the reset password form on after submission customer still stays on the
  • Pass product SKU in analytics events alongside product ID
  • Synchronize Password option is enabled by default for customers created via webhooks


  • Fixed the scopes issue during on-boarding process that prevented store connection and setup
  • Fixed total and subtotal calculation on the cart when using discounts like "Buy one, get one free"
  • Correct alignments for second address row in Twenty Twenty-Two theme
  • Correct Wishlist size in Twenty Twenty-Two theme
  • Correct coupon code field size on the cart page in Twenty Twenty-Two theme
  • Correct mini-cart "View cart" button size in Twenty Twenty-Two theme


20 Apr 18:56
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  • Fixed the issue with products data fetch that prevented the correct import and allows import of only the first 10 products


20 Apr 18:55
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  • Added detailed description to the Import Task Processing option in Settings -> Product Sync
  • Respect product variants availability settings: if variant is disabled or not available it will be un-selectable and visually marked
  • Add support for category is_visible flag:
    • Hide disabled category from menu
    • Redirect from category page to 404 page
    • Exclude category from search index
    • Product under category can still be accessed, directly via URL