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executable file
120 lines (90 loc) · 3.11 KB

File metadata and controls

executable file
120 lines (90 loc) · 3.11 KB


Copy files to a (remote) machine running an SSH daemon with 'rsync'.

See also:

Getting Started

rsync has to be installed on the local and remote system. rsync must be able to connect to the host without password (e.g. public key authentication)

Install with: npm install grunt-rsync-2

Inside your grunt.js file add :


and a task named rsync (see Configuration)!


Add a configuration like this:

  rsync: {
        deploy: {
          files: 'dist/',
          options: {
            host      : "",
            port      : "1023",
            user      : "jdoe",
            remoteBase: "~/production"

This will transfer the content of the dist directory (relative to the current directory) to the host directory ~/production (relative to the user home) on the host logged in with jdoe.

Warning: Files on the remote machine will be overridden

File option: files

  • files: defines the files and directories to transfer from local to remote machine. files can be an String (supports grunts globbing) or a map of <String>:<String> or <String>:[<String>].


Simple file-descriptor:
rsync: {
  deploy: {
    files: 'dist/**/*.jpg' // globbing

selects all jpg-images from all directories in dist

Mapping single file-descriptor:
rsync: {
  deploy: {
    files: {'images/' : 'dist/**/*.jpg'} // map <String>:<String>
    options: {
      remoteBase: "~/production"

selects all jpg-images from all directories in dist to remote ~/production/images/

Mapping multiple file-descriptor:
rsync: {
  deploy: {
    files: {'images/' : ['dist/images/*.jpg', 'dist/img/*.jpg']} // map <String>:[<String>]
    options: {
      remoteBase: "~/production"

selects all jpg-images from images and img directories in dist to remote ~/production/images/

rsync options: options

  • host: the hostname or ip (ip4/ip6). Default: localhost
  • port: the port of the ssh server on the host. Default: 22
  • user: the user name on the remote to log in with.
  • remoteBase: the path from root (defined by the ssh server) to the directory to place the content in. Default: ~
  • preserveTimes: keeps the origin timestamp. Default: false
  • preservePermissions: keeps the rights. Default: true
  • compression: transfer with compression. Default: true
  • recursive: transfer the source directory recursivly Default: true
  • additionalOptions: rsync commandline arguments (see man rsync) Default: ''

Release History

0.1.2 - grunt-4.0 support (big thanks to cmaddalozzo) 0.1.1 - initial release to github and npm



Copyright (c) 2012 Jan-Philip Loos Licensed under the MIT license.