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Development: Branches, environments, and check ins

bigpopakap edited this page Mar 6, 2013 · 5 revisions

Development process page

  1. Create a new local branch for any changes your are going to make
  2. Commit often locally when making changes
  3. Push this new branch to Github, making sure to prefix it with your username. I.e. bigpopakap-fblogin, as oppposed to just fblogin
  4. Important before pushing any branch to the repo, make sure to squash your commits so other people don't have to see every little change as a separate commit
  5. Tip if your branch is long-running, make sure to merge changes from master into your branch often, so as not to fall behind
  6. When done with the changes, make sure to test locally, and write automated tests
  7. Push your final changes to your topic branch
  8. Create a Pull Request, and notify everyone of this request by @mentioning them
  9. Respond to comments, make changes, re-push to the branch until there are no more comments
  10. Important before completing the pull request, merge the master branch into your branch and resolve any conflict. Make sure that everyone is okay with this final version
  11. Merge the branch into master, which should now be automatic since you already merged the changes to master into your branch