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Site App Development

This document details instructions and guidelines for developing site apps to be used with the SODAR Core framework.

It is recommended to read :ref:`dev_project_app` before this document.

Site App Basics

Site apps are basically normal Django apps not hooked to SODAR projects. However, they provide a few nice features to be used in a SODAR-enabled Django site:

  • Rules for accessing app data (similar to project apps but without the need for being associated with a project)
  • Dynamic inclusion into the site and default templates via plugins
  • The ability to show site-wide messages to users


See :ref:`dev_project_app`.


No specific model implementation is required. However, it is strongly to refer to objects using sodar_uuid fields instead of the database private key.

Rules File

Generate a file similar to a project app. However, you should not use project predicates in this one. Example:

import rules
# Allow viewing data
rules.add_perm('{APP_NAME}.view_data', rules.is_authenticated)

If you allow anonymous users on your site and want to enable anonymous access to your site app, use the is_allowed_anonymous predicate:

from projectroles import rules as pr_rules
    rules.is_authenticated | pr_rules.is_allowed_anonymous


Create a file in your app's directory. In the file, declare a SiteAppPlugin class implementing projectroles.plugins.SiteAppPluginPoint. Within the class, implement member variables and functions as instructed in comments and docstrings.

from projectroles.plugins import SiteAppPluginPoint
from .urls import urlpatterns

class SiteAppPlugin(SiteAppPluginPoint):
    """Plugin for registering a site-wide app"""
    name = 'example_site_app'
    title = 'Example Site App'
    urls = urlpatterns
    # ...

The following variables and functions are mandatory:

  • name: App name (ideally should correspond to the app package name)
  • title: Printable app title
  • urls: Urlpatterns (usually imported from the app's file)
  • icon: Iconify collection and icon name (e.g. mdi:home)
  • entry_point_url_id: View ID for the app entry point
  • description: Verbose description of app
  • app_permission: Basic permission for viewing app data in project (see above)

Implementing the following is optional:

  • app_settings: Implement if project or user specific settings for the app are needed. See the plugin point definition for an example.
  • info_settings: List of names for app-specific Django settings to be displayed for administrators in the siteinfo app.
  • get_messages(): Implement if your site app needs to display site-wide messages for users.
  • get_statistics(): Return statistics for the siteinfo app. See details in :ref:`the siteinfo documentation <app_siteinfo>`.


In your views, you can still use projectroles mixins which are not related to projects. Especially LoggedInPermissionMixin is useful to ensure users not allowed to access a view are properly redirected. Example:

from django.views.generic import TemplateView
from projectroles.views import LoggedInPermissionMixin

class ExampleView(LoggedInPermissionMixin, TemplateView):
    """Site app example view"""
    permission_required = 'example_site_app.view_data'
    template_name = 'example_site_app/example.html'


The entry point URL is not expected to have any URL kwargs in the current implementation. If you intend to use a view which makes use of URL kwargs, you may need to modify it into also accepting a request without any parameters (e.g. displaying default content for the view).


It is recommended for you to extend projectroles/base.html and put your actual app content within the projectroles block. Example:

{# Projectroles dependency #}
{% extends 'projectroles/base.html' %}
{% load projectroles_common_tags %}

{% block title %}
  Example Site App Page Title
{% endblock title %}

{% block projectroles %}

  <div class="container sodar-subtitle-container">
      <i class="iconify" data-icon="mdi:rocket-launch-outline"></i>
      Example Site App

  <div class="container-fluid sodar-page-container">
    <div class="alert alert-info">
      This is an example and the entry point for <code>example_site_app</code>.

{% endblock projectroles %}

Site App Messages

The site app provides a way to display certain messages to users. For this, you need to implement get_messages() in the SiteAppPlugin class.

If you need to control e.g. which user should see the message or removal of a message after showing, you need to implement relevant logic in the function.


def get_messages(self, user=None):
    Return a list of messages to be shown to users.
    :param user: User object (optional)
    :return: List of dicts or and empty list if no messages
    return [{
        'content': 'Message content in here, can contain html',
        'color': 'info',        # Corresponds to bg-* in Bootstrap
        'dismissable': True     # False for non-dismissable
        'require_auth': True    # Only view for authorized users