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Projectroles REST API Documentation

This document contains the HTTP REST API documentation for the projectroles app. The provided API enpoints allow project and role operations through HTTP API calls in addition to the GUI.

API Usage

Usage of the REST API is detailed in this section. These instructions also apply to REST APIs in any other application within SODAR Core and are recommended as guidelines for API development in your SODAR Core based Django site.


The API supports authentication through Knox authentication tokens as well as logging in using your SODAR username and password. Tokens are the recommended method for security purposes.

For token access, first retrieve your token using the :ref:`app_tokens`. Add the token in the Authorization header of your HTTP request as follows:

Authorization: token 90c2483172515bc8f6d52fd608e5031db3fcdc06d5a83b24bec1688f39b72bcd


The SODAR Core REST API uses accept header versioning. While specifying the desired API version in your HTTP requests is optional, it is strongly recommended. This ensures you will get the appropriate return data and avoid running into unexpected incompatibility issues.

To enable versioning, add the Accept header to your request with the following media type and version syntax. Replace the version number with your expected version.

Accept: application/vnd.bihealth.sodar-core+json; version=0.8.1


The media type and version for internal SODAR Core apps are by design intended to be different to applications implemented in your Django site. Only use the aforementioned values when calling REST API views in projectroles or other applications installed from the django-sodar-core package.

Model Access and Permissions

Objects in SODAR Core API views are accessed through their sodar_uuid field. This is strongly recommended for views implemented in your Django site as well, as using a field such as pk may reveal internal database details to users as well as be incompatible if e.g. mirroring roles between multiple SODAR Core sites.

In the remainder of this document and other REST API documentation, "UUID" refers to the sodar_uuid field of each model unless otherwise noted.

For permissions the API uses the same rules which are in effect in the SODAR Core GUI. That means you need to have appropriate project access for each operation.

Return Data

The return data for each request will be a JSON document unless otherwise specified.

If return data is not specified in the documentation of an API view, it will return the appropriate HTTP status code along with an optional detail JSON field upon a successfully processed request.

For creation views, the sodar_uuid of the created object is returned along with other object fields.

API Views

.. currentmodule:: projectroles.views_api

.. autoclass:: ProjectListAPIView

.. autoclass:: ProjectRetrieveAPIView

.. autoclass:: ProjectCreateAPIView

.. autoclass:: ProjectUpdateAPIView

.. autoclass:: RoleAssignmentCreateAPIView

.. autoclass:: RoleAssignmentUpdateAPIView

.. autoclass:: RoleAssignmentDestroyAPIView

.. autoclass:: RoleAssignmentOwnerTransferAPIView

.. autoclass:: UserListAPIView