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⇦ Previous section 03-Logic service       ⇨ Next section 05-Program registration and Menu settings

04 - Controller


bambooBSC page view / controller is use JSP / Struts2 and DOJO.

You must first understand the following framework

  1. Spring
  2. Struts2
  3. DOJO javascript framework


BaseSupportAction is for default page action, usually use of Management page, Edit page, Create page.

Name Return description
getAccountObj() AccountObj get user account object
getAccountId() String get user account-id
getAccountOid() String get user account OID
getSysCurrentId() String get current-id, CORE-WEB, GSBSC-WEB, QCHARTS-WEB current-id is same value, it save in Cookie encryption with AES-128
getIsSuperRole() boolean Administrator(admin, * role) true, other role false
getActionMethodProgramId() String get @ControllerMethodAuthority programId value
getServletContext() ServletContext get ServletContext
getHttpServletResponse() HttpServletResponse get HttpServletResponse
getHttpServletRequest() HttpServletRequest get HttpServletRequest
getPageOf() PageOf PageOf is for Page query grid use
getSearchValue() SearchValue SearchValue is for Page query grid use
getErrorMessage() String error msg
getErrorContent() String config of
getInterceptorActionInfoProvide() ActionInfoProvide action info
getDojoAjaxTimeout() int get config of
getDojoAjaxSync() String get config of
getDojoLocal() String
getVerMsg() String
getJsVerBuild() String
getGoogleMapEnable() String googleMap.enable
getGoogleMapKey() String googleMap.key
getGoogleMapDefaultLat() String googleMap.defaultLat
getGoogleMapDefaultLng() String googleMap.defaultLng
getGoogleMapLanguage() String googleMap.language
getGoogleMapClientLocationEnable() String googleMap.clientLocationEnable
getTwitterEnable() String twitter.enable
getPageMessage() String page message
getNowDate() String get now date, format: 2016/05/26
getNowDate2() String get now date, format: 2016-05-26
getUuid() String get a UUID value
defaultString(String sourceString) String null return blank value
getBasePath() String get full URL
getDojoMainTabContainer() String get main DOJO tabContainer Id gscoreTabContainer
checkFields(String[] fieldsName, String[] msg, Class<IActionFieldsCheckUtils>[] checkUtilsClass)

checkFields(String[] fieldsName, String[] msg, Class<IActionFieldsCheckUtils>[] checkUtilsClass, List<String> fieldsId)

checkFields(String[] fieldsName, String[] msg, Class<IActionFieldsCheckUtils>[] checkUtilsClass, String[] methodsName, List<String> fieldsId)
void check input field
transformFields2ValueObject(T valueObj, String... fieldsName) <T> BaseValue fill page fields Map variable to value object
transformFields2ValueObject(T valueObj, String[] objFieldsName , String[] fieldsName) <T> BaseValue fill page fields Map variable to value object
transformSearchGridList2JsonDataMapList(List searchList, String... fields) List<Map<String, String>> fill List value object data to List map for query page grid need
transformList2JsonDataMapList(List searchList, String[] objFields, String[] mapKeys) List<Map<String, String>> fill List value object data to List map for query page grid need
providedSelectZeroDataMap(boolean pleaseSelectItem) Map<String, String> provide zero Map for gs:select or s:select tag
isNoSelectId(String value) boolean if no select options item return true
transformAppendIds2ListByEncode(String appendIds)

transformAppendIds2List(String appendIds)

joinAppend2String(List<String> datas)
String for text work

IBaseAdditionalSupportAction interfaces

The IBaseAdditionalSupportAction interfaces support View Page( JSP ) to get action method program-id and program-name.

public String getProgramName() {
	try {
		return MenuSupportUtils.getProgramName(this.getProgramId());
	} catch (ServiceException e) {
	} catch (Exception e) {
	return "";

public String getProgramId() {
	return super.getActionMethodProgramId();

JSP code for IBaseAdditionalSupportAction show head label.

<jsp:include page="../header.jsp"></jsp:include>


BaseJsonAction is extends BaseSupportAction, it is for Save/Update/Delete controller action use.

Name Return description
allowJob() boolean usually only true, because before will check by UserLoginInterceptor, ControllerAuthorityCheckInterceptor
getNoAllowMessage() String get no allow message
getLogin() String Y/N
getIsAuthorize() String Y/N
getMessage() String message
getSuccess() String Y/N
getFieldsId() List<String> get page fields-id, when throw ControllerException, view page will RED-color input field background style

# BaseQueryGridJsonAction BaseQueryGridJsonAction is extends BaseJsonAction, it main support Grid query.
Name Return description
getItems() List<Map<String, String>> grid results list
getPageOfShowRow() String String-number of page show row size
getPageOfSelect() String String-number of page number of select
getPageOfCountSize() String String-number of grid record size
getPageOfSize() String String-number of page total size

# Controller annotation
Name description
@ControllerAuthority check=true , ControllerAuthorityCheckInterceptor will check
@ControllerMethodAuthority programId value set controller action program-id

Program id naming rules example:

Program-id description
BSC_PROG002D BSC is BSC-system, CORE is CORE-SYSTEM, PROG002D the D mean it is a menu item directory
BSC_PROG002D0001Q 0001Q is for Query page, 0001 is serial-no, Q is mean Query page
BSC_PROG002D0001A 0001A is for Create page, 0001 is serial-no, A is mean Create/Add page
BSC_PROG002D0001E 0001E is for Edit page, 0001 is serial-no, E is mean Edit page

Program page show at DOJO-Tab javascript

Show at DOJO-Tab javascript function system auto generated when the program has registered.

function-key description
_TabShow() Tab show
_TabRefresh() Tab refresh
_TabClose() Tab close
TabShow(oid) Tab show with Edit mode
_DlgShow() Dialog page show
_DlgShow(oid) Dialog page show with Edit mode
_DlgHide() Dialog page hide


Program-id system auto generated javascript function description
BSC_PROG002D0001Q BSC_PROG002D0001Q_TabShow() BSC_PROG002D0001Q for query management page show
BSC_PROG002D0001Q BSC_PROG002D0001Q_TabRefresh() BSC_PROG002D0001Q for refresh query management page
BSC_PROG002D0001Q BSC_PROG002D0001Q_TabClose() BSC_PROG002D0001Q for close query management page
BSC_PROG002D0001E BSC_PROG002D0001E_TabShow(oid) BSC_PROG002D0001E for Edit mode page
CORE_PROGCOMM0001Q CORE_PROGCOMM0001Q_DlgShow() for Dialog mode page
BSC_PROG005D0001A_S03 BSC_PROG005D0001A_S03_DlgShow(oid) for Dialog page with Edit data mode
CORE_PROGCOMM0001Q CORE_PROGCOMM0001Q_DlgHide() for hide Dialog page

GreenStep page Tag

The gs tag is work with Struts2 and DOJO javascript.

Tag description
gs:button page DOJO button compoment, can easy do send data to action no need write many javascript
gs:grid page query grid, show DOJO grid
gs:select page DOJO select compoment
gs:textbox page DOJO input compoment
gs:toolbar page head DOJO label compoment

Use GS tag example:

<%@ taglib prefix="gs" uri="" %>


Args required description
id true compoment-id
name true compoment-name
programId false action-method program-id ${programId}
label false button label text
showLabel false Y show label, N no show
onClick true click event function
iconClass false dojo-themes icon css class
cssClass false dojo-themes css class
xhrUrl false json action url
parameterType false postData or form
xhrParameter false send json data, parameterType = postData need xhrParameter
sync false Y or N
handleAs false dojo xhr handleAs type, default use json
timeout false xhr timeout-time
preventCache false Y or N
loadFn false xhr load success function
errorFn false xhr load error function
confirmDialogMode false Y or N , Y when click button will show confirm dialog
confirmDialogTitle false confirm dialog title
confirmDialogMsg false confirm dialog message

gs:button example:

function BSC_PROG002D0001A_saveSuccess(data) {
	alertDialog(_getApplicationProgramNameById('${programId}'), data.message, function(){}, data.success);	
	if ('Y' != data.success) {						
		setFieldsBackgroundAlert(data.fieldsId, BSC_PROG002D0001A_fieldsId);		

function BSC_PROG002D0001A_clear() {
	dijit.byId('BSC_PROG002D0001A_title').set("value", "");	
	dijit.byId('BSC_PROG002D0001A_content').set("value", "");		


<gs:button name="BSC_PROG002D0001A_save" id="BSC_PROG002D0001A_save" onClick="BSC_PROG002D0001A_save();"
			'fields.title'		: dijit.byId('BSC_PROG002D0001A_title').get('value'), 
			'fields.content'	: dijit.byId('BSC_PROG002D0001A_content').get('value')
<gs:button name="BSC_PROG002D0001A_clear" id="BSC_PROG002D0001A_clear" onClick="BSC_PROG002D0001A_clear();" 


Args required description
id true compoment-id
programId false action-method program-id ${programId}
gridFieldStructure true DOJO - grid field structure
clearQueryFn true clear grid
width false grid width
disableOnHeaderCellClick false Y / N , Y disable header cell click event

gs:grid example:

function BSC_PROG002D0001Q_GridFieldStructure() {
	return [
			{ name: "*", field: "oid", formatter: BSC_PROG002D0001Q_GridButtonClick, width: "15%" },  
			{ name: "ID", field: "visId", width: "25%" },
			{ name: "Title", field: "title", width: "60%" }			

function BSC_PROG002D0001Q_GridButtonClick(itemOid) {
	var rd="";
	rd += "<img src=\"" + _getSystemIconUrl('PROPERTIES') + "\" border=\"0\" alt=\"edit\" onclick=\"BSC_PROG002D0001Q_edit('" + itemOid + "');\" />";
	rd += "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;";
	rd += "<img src=\"" + _getSystemIconUrl('APPLICATION_PDF') + "\" border=\"0\" alt=\"edit\" onclick=\"BSC_PROG002D0001Q_pdf('" + itemOid + "');\" />";
	rd += "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;";
	rd += "<img src=\"" + _getSystemIconUrl('REMOVE') + "\" border=\"0\" alt=\"delete\" onclick=\"BSC_PROG002D0001Q_confirmDelete('" + itemOid + "');\" />";
	return rd;	


<gs:button name="BSC_PROG002D0001Q_query" id="BSC_PROG002D0001Q_query" onClick="getQueryGrid_${programId}_grid();"
			'searchValue.parameter.visId'		: dijit.byId('BSC_PROG002D0001Q_visId').get('value'), 
			'searchValue.parameter.title'		: dijit.byId('BSC_PROG002D0001Q_title').get('value'),
			'pageOf.size'				: getGridQueryPageOfSize_${programId}_grid(),
			''				: getGridQueryPageOfSelect_${programId}_grid(),
			'pageOf.showRow'			: getGridQueryPageOfShowRow_${programId}_grid()
<gs:grid gridFieldStructure="BSC_PROG002D0001Q_GridFieldStructure()" 


Args required description
id true compoment-id
name true component-name
width false component width
dataSource true can put action Map<String, String> variable, or json data
value false default select value
onChange false ocChange event function
readonly false Y / N

gs:select example:

<gs:select name="BSC_PROG002D0002Q_visionOid" dataSource="visionMap" id="BSC_PROG002D0002Q_visionOid"></gs:select>


<gs:select name="BSC_PROG006D0001E_S00_confirm" 
	dataSource="{\"Y\" : \"Yes\", \"N\" : \"Reject\"}" 


Args required description
id true compoment-id
name true component-name
maxlength false input field maxlength
placeHolder false place holder text
width false field width
value false field value, can put action variable
readonly false Y / N

gs:textbox example:

<gs:textBox name="BSC_PROG006D0001E_title" id="BSC_PROG006D0001E_title" 
	width="400" maxlength="100"></gs:textBox>

Page common javascript function

Name return description
alertDialog(txtTitle, txtContent, callbackFn, successFlag) void show DOJO toaster, txtTitle is title, txtContent is message content, callbackFn callback function, successFlag flag Y - success, N - work fail, E - error or exception
confirmDialog(dialogId, title, question, callbackFn, e) void show confirm dialog, dialogId dialog-id, title dialog title, question dialog message content, callbackFn click OK,YES button do event, e mouse event (window.event ? window.event : null)
showPleaseWait() void show Please wait dialog
hidePleaseWait() void hide Please wait dialog
getGuid() string get a non-RFC GUID
xhrSendForm(_urlAction, _formId, _handleAs, _timeout, _sync, _preventCache, _loadFunction, _errFunction) void send form XHR mode.
_urlAction action url
_formId form id
_handleAs use json
_loadFunction function for load success
_errFunction function for error-load
xhrSendParameter(_urlAction, _parameter, _handleAs, _timeout, _sync, _preventCache, _loadFunction, _errFunction) void send input-field XHR mode.
_urlAction action url
_parameter json parameter
_handleAs use json
_loadFunction function for load success
_errFunction function for error-load
xhrSendFormNoWatitDlg(_urlAction, _formId, _handleAs, _timeout, _sync, _preventCache, _loadFunction, _errFunction) void send form XHR mode with no show please wait dialog
xhrSendParameterNoWatitDlg(_urlAction, _parameter, _handleAs, _timeout, _sync, _preventCache, _loadFunction, _errFunction) void send input-field XHR mode with no show please wait dialog
logoutEvent(success) void do logout, success true or false
openCommonUploadDialog(system, type, isFile, uploadOidField, callJsFunction, callJsErrFunction) void open upload file dialog
type tmp,image,common,kpi-doc,pdca-doc ( )
isFile Y,N Y-use real file mode, N-use byte-blob mode
uploadOidField the input-field id for upload success will set fill upload OID value
callJsFunction success event, callJsErrFunction fail event
hideCommonUploadDialog() void hide upload file dialog
doUpload(formId, uploadId, callbackFn, errFn) void no need use openCommonUploadDialog to upload file, manual mode upload
getUploadFileNames(uploadOid) string get upload file show-name, uploadOid upload OID
openCommonSignatureDialog(system, uploadOidField, callJsFunction, callJsErrFunction) void signature dialog
uploadOidField input-field for signature-image upload OID ( tb_sys_upload.OID )
openCommonJasperReportLoadWindow( title, jreportId, format, paramData ) void open jasperreport dialog
openCommonCodeEditorWindow( uploadOid, valueFieldId, okFn, lang ) void open common expression edit dialog, first need write expression to tb_sys_upload
openCommonLoadUpload( type, uploadOid, paramData ) void open view dialog or download for upload-file ( tb_sys_upload )
openCommonLoadUploadDataAction( type, uploadOid, paramData ) void open view dialog or download for upload-file ( tb_sys_upload )
setFieldsBackgroundAlert(fieldsId, viewFieldsId) void alert color for fields
setFieldsBackgroundDefault(viewFieldsId) void default color for fields

setSelectItems(data, destSelectId)
clearSelectItems(pleaseSelect, destSelectId)
selectChangeTriggerRefreshTargetSelectItems(srcSelectId, destSelectId, action, parameters)
setPageOfOrderBy(_id, queryFieldName)
getGoogleMapAddressName(lat, lng, _setAddressFn)

Add controller to menu item and config authority

Please use:

  1. Registration use 02 - Program registration to add.
  2. Config menu use 03 - Menu settings settings.
  3. Role's permitted settings -> 01 - Role function to add permitted value

reference example:

Management query action:

Grid query action:

Save data or update data action:

View page / JSP:
Management query view page:

Create view page:

Edit view page:

Spring config:

Struts config: