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Going Deeper

I've glossed-over a lot of the details of how Elm works in order to focus on the particular parts I found most-difficult to grasp. There are many excellent resources to fill in the gaps and make you a well-rounded Elm coder.

The Try Elm app has a link to dozens of examples focused on specific tasks you might want to accomplish with Elm: spend some time wandering through them and have fun fiddling with the code in the online editor.

I got started with Elm by going through the video tutorials from Pragmatic Studio and I can't recommend them highly-enough. They're paid resources, but well worth it IMHO. Work through them both.

Alan Gardner at CultivateHQ has a terrific blog series about integrating the Phoenix web framework with Elm. Even if you're not interested in Phoenix and Elixir (though I certainly am!), it's a great on-ramp to Elm as well.

The Elm docs are a delight to read and go into exhaustive detail on what's available in all aspects of the language. Go here to find specifics on anything in the language.

The Elm Architecture Tutorial digs more into the details of how the model-update-view flow works, including making ajax calls with the elm-http library. It is the definitive location for understanding the MUV approach, but some of it goes a bit quickly, which is why I created this repo as a sort of prerequisite.

For some audio/visual inspiration, Evan Czaplicki and Richard Feldman have done presentations and guested on podcasts discussing Elm. Spend an afternoon going through them to get fired-up about the possibilities of Elm:

And of course, following Evan Czaplicki, Richard Feldman and the Elm-lang twitter feeds will keep you Elm-inspired on a daily basis. :)

Enjoy Elm!