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Node.js ECS MUD

This repo is an experiment implementing an online MUD using an ECS architecture.


ECS Architecture

src/ecs.ts contains a simple implementation of the ECS architecture.

import { World, Entity, Component, System, EVENTS } from './ecs'


The world is a container for all the registered entities and systems. It performs the following functions:

  • Creates and destroys entities
  • Maintains a list of active systems
  • Manages an EventEmitter for cross-system communication
  • Actives all systems on a recurring timer

new World()

Constructs a new World.

World#start(interval: number): void

Starts the World, calling the tick function of all registered systems every interval milliseconds.

World#stop(): void

Stops the World, pausing tick calls.

World#createEntity(): Entity

Creates and returns a new Entity with a unique ID. Emits the ENTITY_CREATED event.

World#getEntity(id: number): Entity | undefined

Looks up an existing entity by its ID. Returns the Entity or undefined if it was not found.

World#releaseEntity(id: number): void

Deletes the entity with the given ID from the world. Emits the ENTITY_DELETED event just before deletion occurs. The ID of the deleted entity may be reused for future entities.

World#withComponent(klass: Constructor<Component>): ReadonlyArray<Entity>

Given a Component subclass klass, returns an array of Entity objects that have that component registered.

World#addSystem(system: System): void

Adds a new system to the world. The System's configure() method is called; see the documentation of System#configure for more information.

World#removeSystem(system: System): void

Removes a system from the world and unsubscribes it from all events. The System's unconfigure() method is called; see the documentation of System#unconfigure for more information.

World#emit(event: Symbol, ...args: any[]): void

Asynchronously (with process.nextTick) emits an event with the type event on the World's EventEmitter along with the specified arguments.

World#subscribe(event: Symbol, callback: Function): Function

Subscribes to events of the event type, calling the passed callback for each event as described in EventEmitter#on. Returns a function that can be called to remove the subscription.


An Entity is essentially an ID unique to a given World and a list of Components.

Entity#addComponent(component: Component): void

Adds component to the entity's list of components. Only one component per Component subclass can exist on an entity at any given time; additional calls with the same type will replace the existing component. Emits the COMPONENT_ASSIGNED event.

Entity#hasComponent(klass: Constructor<Component>): boolean

Returns true of the entity contains data for the component constructor klass, and false otherwise.

Entity#getComponent(klass: Constructor<Component>): Component | undefined

Returns the component data associated with the Component subclass klass, or undefined if the component doesn't exist on the entity.

Entity#removeComponent(klass: Constructor<Component>): boolean

Removes the component data associated with the Component subclass klass and returns true, or returns false if the component doesn't exist on the entity.

Entity#getId(): number

Return the entity's ID.


A component is simply a class that tags an entity with some data. Components generally shouldn't contain any business logic and only exist to help systems know which entities to interact with.

To create a custom component, simply subclass Component and add properties or getters/setters as appropriate.


Systems are the parts of the ECS architecture that actually do things; in general, each system is specialized and acts on entities that contain relevant components. In general, systems will act on the world by either (1) responding to events, or (2) iterating over certain entities during a game tick.

When you subclass System, you can implement configure, unconfigure, and tick to customize the behavior of your system.

System#configure(): void

Called when the system is added to the world. Implement this function to customize behavior for your system. The world can be accessed in this method as

System#unconfigure(): void

Called when the system is removed from the world. Implement this function to customize behavior for your system. The world can be accessed in this method as

System#tick(world: World, delta: number): void

Called on every tick of the world. delta is the number of milliseconds since the last tick, or since World#start was called in the case of the first tick. Implement this function to customize behavior for your system.

System#subscribe(event: Symbol, callback: Function): void

Calls World#subscribe(event, callback) and automatically tracks the unsubscription function so that the subscriptions is automatically removed when the system is removed from the world.

System#subscribeToComponentAssignment(klass: Constructor<Component>, callback: Function)

It's often useful to know when a specific component type has been added to an entity. This uses the COMPONENT_ASSIGNED event under the hood to call the callback whenever a component of the type klass is added to any entity. The callback is called with the Component itself and the Entity it was added to.

System#subscribeToComponentRemoval(klass: Constructor<Component>, callback: Function)

It's often useful to know when a specific component type has been removed from an entity. This uses the COMPONENT_REMOVED event under the hood to call the callback whenever a component of the type klass is removed from any entity. The callback is called with the Component itself and the Entity it was removed from.


There are a few built-in event types that a World will emit from time to time. Here are the events and the parameter types they're emitted with.

ENTITY_CREATED(entity: Entity)

Emitted when a new entity is created.

ENTITY_DELETED(entity: Entity)

Emitted just before an entity is deleted from the world. Accessing the entity asynchronously is not valid as the entity will be invalidated at the end of the current tick.

COMPONENT_ADDED(component: Component, entity: Entity)

Emitted when a component is added to an entity. Used by System#subscribeToComponentAssignment.

COMPONENT_REMOVED(component: Component, entity: Entity)

Emitted when a component is removed from an entity. Used by System#subscribeToComponentRemoval.


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