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Eduardo Pinho edited this page May 7, 2015 · 35 revisions

Welcome to the Dicoogle wiki!

Development guidelines

Main Branches

Name Category Description
master Release's Branch Dedicated to stable and tested releases
dev Development Branch Dedicated to tested functionality and bug fixing
other branches Dedicated to the remaining development stages

Add your contribution to a separate branch

  • Fork your contributions directly from the dev branch
  • Always follow our branch naming conventions
  • Always check for per-existing branches that might be suitable to hold your contributions

Do not merge your contributions directly to /dev or /master

  • Always create a pull request, other peers will test and merge your contributions
  • Pull requests should always target /dev

Branch naming conventions

Each branch name is composed of the following:


The possible categories are listed below.

Category Description
bug Bug fixing
imp Improvement on already existing features
new New features being added
wip Works in progress - Big features that take long to implement and will probably hang there
junk Throwaway branch, created for experimentations

The name should be concise, and directly represent what the branch solves.

Some examples:





Character Encoding

Use UTF-8 character encoding for all source code. Some adjustments in your IDE of choice may be required.

Library Dependencies

All dependencies are managed through maven. Before adding a new dependency, make sure that the functionality is not listed in the Libraries section. We wish to avoid creating superfluous dependencies.


Use slf4j for all logging purposes, rather than interfacing with java.util.logging or log4j directly.

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