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Seb edited this page Aug 28, 2014 · 4 revisions

What happened with the BioJS event system?

We realised that a custom (buggy) implentation of the Observer pattern is too hard to maintain. For more info see our wiki

How do I create a new package?

We have a beginners guide.

Where should I publish my package on github?

We try to keep popular / "recommended" components under the biojs account (e.g biojs-events) So just start with your own github account and wait until the community says it is "super-duper-mega-awesome-recomended".

How to name my package?

You are completely free to choose your own awesome name. However if you are a bit uncreative, you can adapt this naming convention (it helps you to be modular).


  • io for components which are responsible for parsing data into a specific format (aka parser)
  • vis for components which are visualizing data sets
  • rest for REST apis to databases
  • algo for server/client side algorithms processing the data (e.g. alignments, neural networks, markov models, graph algorithms)

How to setup continous integration (or how to get the fancy build badges)?

  • new project -> github -> add your project
  • choose node
  • setup build script
npm install --silent
npm test
npm run build-browser
  • change the nvm to node 0.10
  • artifcats: enter the relative dir of files that should be downloadable (e.g. build/biojs_io_fasta.min.js)
  • get your badges

If you prefer Travis

Add a .travis.yml and add your project on Travis.

language: node_js
  - "0.11"
  - "0.10"

(they automatically run npm install and npm test)