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143 lines (105 loc) · 3.74 KB

File metadata and controls

143 lines (105 loc) · 3.74 KB


Using the service

importer service allows the modification (add,remove) of geoserver data layers from ooi coverages

run bin/ipython

enter import importer_service

enter importer_service.ResourceImporter()

the service will tell you which port it is on. you can simply then pass a query to the service eg.

http://localhost:8844/service=addlayer&name="DATASET_ID"&id="DATASET_ID" http://localhost:8844/service=resetstore&name=ooi&id=ooi


install postgres to a virtual env named "postgres" pull down this repo and run and bin/buildout to develope the eggs needed.

git submodule update --init



postgres data store


kinda looks like this

    <entry key="port">5432</entry>
    <entry key="Connection timeout">20</entry>
    <entry key="dbtype">postgis</entry>
    <entry key="host">localhost</entry>
    <entry key="validate connections">true</entry>
    <entry key="encode functions">false</entry>
    <entry key="max connections">10</entry>
    <entry key="database">postgres</entry>
    <entry key="namespace"></entry>
    <entry key="schema">public</entry>
    <entry key="Loose bbox">true</entry>
    <entry key="Expose primary keys">false</entry>
    <entry key="Session startup SQL">select runCovTest();</entry>
    <entry key="fetch size">1000</entry>
    <entry key="Max open prepared statements">50</entry>
    <entry key="preparedStatements">false</entry>
    <entry key="Estimated extends">true</entry>
    <entry key="user">rpsdev</entry>
    <entry key="min connections">1</entry>

centos 6.3 install (tested as a VM)

create virtual env

install python 2.7.3 from source to venv

install postgres from source using python 2.7.3 to venv

install additional postgis libs

pull down ooi exten git repo

setting up coverage data tables

  • Create the extension
  • create the server using the FDW
CREATE SERVER cov_srv foreign data wrapper multicorn options (
    wrapper 'multicorn.covfdw.CovFdw'
  • create the foreign data table with the path to the dataset
  drop foreign table covtest;

  create foreign table covtest (
       dataset_id character varying,
       time timestamp,
       cond real,
       temp real,
       lat real,
       lon real,
       "geom" geometry(Point,4326)      
) server cov_srv options (k '1',cov_path '/path/to/dataset/44afbd5858c44a8494f171d15e76d0ab');
  • you can add this to a postgres function as follows
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION runCovTest() returns text as $$
  drop foreign table covtest;
  create foreign table covtest (
       dataset_id character varying,
       time timestamp,
       cond real,
       temp real,
       lat real,
       lon real,
       "geom" geometry(Point,4326)        
) server cov_srv options (k '1',cov_path '/path/to/datasets/44afbd5858c44a8494f171d15e76d0ab');

  • because the srid is fixed geom can be overridden using postgres mk_point, to caluclate the SRID from the lat,lon of a coverage by generating a postgres view as follows.
CREATE or replace VIEW covproj as 
SELECT ST_SetSRID(ST_MakePoint(lon, lat),4326) as proj, dataset_id, time, cond, temp from covtest;
  • notice that the server is called cov_src, and the data table is called cov_test and the projection is called covproj.