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This file is auto generated. Do not edit this file manually. Last Updated: Sat, Mar 23, 2024 - 10:13 AM

on Comparable

Extension Type Description
< METHOD Returns true if other object is less than this.
<= METHOD Returns true if other object is less than or equal to this.
> METHOD Returns true if other object is greater than this.
>= METHOD Returns true if other object is greater than or equal to this.
coerceAtLeast METHOD Ensures that this value is not less than the specified minimum value. returns this value if it's greater than or equal to the minimum value or the minimum value otherwise.
coerceAtMost METHOD Ensures that this value is not greater than the specified maximum value. Returns this value if it's less than or equal to the maximum value or the maximum value otherwise.
coerceIn METHOD Ensures that this value lies in the specified range min <--> max. Return this value if it's in the range, or min value if this value is less than min value, or max value if this value is greater than max value.

on Iterable

Extension Type Description
secondOrNull GETTER Returns the second element in the iterable or returns null if iterable is empty or has only 1 element.
thirdOrNull GETTER Returns the third element in the iterable or returns null if iterable is empty or has less than 3 elements.
lastIndex GETTER Returns the index of the last element in the collection.
hasOnlyOneElement GETTER Returns true if the collection only has 1 element.
records GETTER Returns an iterable containing the items with their respective indices in form of records. One of the use-cases includes iterating over the collection with access to the index of each item in a for loop. e.g. for (final (index, item) in list.records) { print('$index: $item'); }
filterTo METHOD Appends all elements matching the given predicate to the given destination.
filter METHOD alias for Iterable.where
filterIndexed METHOD alias for whereIndexed which returns a new lazy Iterable.
flatMap METHOD alias for
drop METHOD alias for Iterable.skip
takeLast METHOD alias for Iterable.skip
dropWhile METHOD alias for Iterable.skipWhile
dropLast METHOD alias for Iterable.skip
all METHOD alias for Iterable.every
associate METHOD Returns a Map containing key-value pairs provided by transform function applied to elements of the given List.
associateTo METHOD Populates and returns the destination map with key-value pairs provided by transform function applied to each element of the given iterable.
associateBy METHOD Returns a Map containing the elements from the given List indexed by the key returned from keySelector function applied to each element.
associateByTo METHOD Populates and returns the destination mutable map with key-value pairs, where key is provided by the keySelector function applied to each element of the given iterable and value is the element itself.
associateWith METHOD Returns a Map where keys are elements from the given iterable and values are produced by the valueSelector function applied to each element.
associateWithTo METHOD Populates and returns the destination map with key-value pairs for each element of the given iterable, where key is the element itself and value is provided by the valueSelector function applied to that key.
groupBy METHOD Groups elements of the original iterable by the key returned by the given keySelector function applied to each element and returns a map where each group key is associated with a list of corresponding elements.
groupByTo METHOD Groups elements of the original iterable by the key returned by the given keySelector function applied to each element and puts to the destination map each group key associated with a list of corresponding elements.
distinct METHOD Returns an iterable containing only distinct elements from the given iterable.
distinctBy METHOD Returns an iterable containing only elements from the given iterable having distinct keys returned by the given selector function.
distinctByTo METHOD Populates and returns the destination list with containing only elements from the given iterable having distinct keys returned by the given selector function.
intersect METHOD Returns a set containing all elements that are contained by both this iterable and the other iterable.
subtract METHOD Returns a set containing all elements that are contained by this iterable and not contained by the other iterable.
union METHOD Returns an iterable containing all distinct elements from both iterables.
count METHOD Returns the number of elements matching the given predicate.
foldRight METHOD Accumulates value starting with initialValue value and applying operation from right to left to each element and current accumulator value.
foldRightIndexed METHOD Accumulates value starting with initialValue value and applying operation from right to left to each element with its index in the original list and current accumulator value.
randomOrNull METHOD Returns a random element from this. Returns null if no elements are present.
random METHOD Returns a random element from this. Throws StateError if there are no elements in the collection.
onEach METHOD Performs the given action on each element and returns the iterable itself afterwards.
maxByOrNull METHOD Returns the first element yielding the largest value of the given function or null if there are no elements.
maxBy METHOD Returns the first element yielding the largest value of the given function. Throws StateError if there are no elements in the collection.
maxByLastOrNull METHOD Returns the last element yielding the largest value of the given function or null if there are no elements.
maxByLast METHOD Returns the last element yielding the largest value of the given function. Throws StateError if there are no elements in the collection.
minByOrNull METHOD Returns the first element yielding the smallest value of the given function or null if there are no elements.
minBy METHOD Returns the first element yielding the smallest value of the given function. Throws StateError if there are no elements in the collection.
minByLastOrNull METHOD Returns the last element yielding the smallest value of the given function or null if there are no elements.
minByLast METHOD Returns the last element yielding the smallest value of the given function. Throws StateError if there are no elements in the collection.
sumBy METHOD Returns the sum of all values produced by selector function applied to each element in the collection.
averageBy METHOD Returns the average of all values produced by selector function applied to each element in the collection.
except METHOD Alias for subtract.
containsAll METHOD Returns true if the collection contains all the elements present in other collection.
containsNone METHOD Returns true if the collection doesn't contain any of the elements present in other collection.
findBy METHOD Finds an element where the result of selector matches the query. Throws StateError if no element is found.
findByOrNull METHOD Finds an element where the result of selector matches the query. Returns null if no element is found.
findAllBy METHOD Finds all elements where the result of selector matches the query. Returns empty collection if no element is found.

on Iterable?

Extension Type Description
isNullOrEmpty GETTER Returns true if this is either null or empty collection
isNotNullOrEmpty GETTER Returns true if this is neither null nor empty collection

on Iterator

Extension Type Description
next METHOD Advances the current index and returns current element

on List

Extension Type Description
<< METHOD adds element into the list and returns the list
replaceFirstWhere METHOD Replaces an item in the list with replacement where predicate returns true. Returns true if an item is replaced, false otherwise.
replaceLastWhere METHOD Replaces an item in the list with replacement where predicate returns true. Returns true if an item is replaced, false otherwise.

on Map<K, V>

Extension Type Description
records GETTER Similar to Map.entries but returns an iterable of records instead of MapEntry. One of the use-cases includes iterating over the collection with access to the key of each item in a for loop. e.g. for (final (key, value) in map.records) { print('$key: $value'); }
+ METHOD Allows to add a record entry to this.
<< METHOD Allows to add MapEntry to this.
toJson METHOD Converts this map into a JSON string.
except METHOD Returns a new Map with the same keys and values as this except keys present keys.
only METHOD Returns a new Map with the same keys and values but only contains the keys present in keys.
where METHOD Returns a new Map with the same keys and values as this where the key-value pair satisfies the test function. Similar to Iterable.where.
whereNot METHOD Returns a new Map with the same keys and values as this where the key-value pair doesn't satisfy the test function.
removeKeys METHOD Removes all the keys present in keys from this map. If this is an instance of UnmodifiableMapBase, it will return a new map with the same keys and values except the keys present in keys.

on DateTime

Extension Type Description
dateOnly GETTER Returns an instance of DateTime without time related values. This is intended to remove hour, minute, second and millisecond information from DateTime instance which leaves only date information. Example: final date = DateTime().now(); // 26-07-2020 16:54:23 date.dateOnly // 26-07-2020 This is helpful in cases where comparison of only dates is required.
isToday GETTER Returns true if this is same as the date of today. This doesn't account for time.
isYesterday GETTER Returns true if this occurs a day before today This doesn't account for time.
isTomorrow GETTER Returns true if this occurs a day after today This doesn't account for time.
isPast GETTER Returns true if this occurs in past This doesn't account for time.
isFuture GETTER Returns true if this occurs in future This doesn't account for time.
isInPreviousMonth GETTER Returns true if this occurs in previous month
isInNextMonth GETTER Returns true if this occurs in previous month
isInPreviousYear GETTER Returns true if this occurs in previous year
isInNextYear GETTER Returns true if this occurs in previous year
isMonday GETTER Returns true if this occurs on Monday In accordance with ISO 8601, a week starts with Monday, which has the value 1.
isTuesday GETTER Returns true if this occurs on Tuesday In accordance with ISO 8601, a week starts with Monday, which has the value 1.
isWednesday GETTER Returns true if this occurs on Wednesday In accordance with ISO 8601, a week starts with Monday, which has the value 1.
isThursday GETTER Returns true if this occurs on Thursday In accordance with ISO 8601, a week starts with Monday, which has the value 1.
isFriday GETTER Returns true if this occurs on Friday In accordance with ISO 8601, a week starts with Monday, which has the value 1.
isSaturday GETTER Returns true if this occurs on Saturday In accordance with ISO 8601, a week starts with Monday, which has the value 1.
isSunday GETTER Returns true if this occurs on Sunday In accordance with ISO 8601, a week starts with Monday, which has the value 1.
isInJanuary GETTER Returns true if this falls in january
isInFebruary GETTER Returns true if this falls in february
isInMarch GETTER Returns true if this falls in march
isInApril GETTER Returns true if this falls in april
isInMay GETTER Returns true if this falls in may
isInJune GETTER Returns true if this falls in june
isInJuly GETTER Returns true if this falls in july
isInAugust GETTER Returns true if this falls in august
isInSeptember GETTER Returns true if this falls in september
isInOctober GETTER Returns true if this falls in october
isInNovember GETTER Returns true if this falls in november
isInDecember GETTER Returns true if this falls in december
isLeapYear GETTER Returns true if this is a leap year
previousDay GETTER Returns DateTime with previous day
nextDay GETTER Returns DateTime with next day
previousYear GETTER Returns DateTime with previous year
nextYear GETTER Returns DateTime with next year
fromNow METHOD Returns Duration difference between this and current time
isBeforeDate METHOD Returns true if the date of this occurs before the date of other. The comparison is independent of whether the time is in UTC or in the local time zone.
isAfterDate METHOD Returns true if the date of this occurs after the date of other. The comparison is independent of whether the time is in UTC or in the local time zone.
isSameDateAs METHOD Returns true if the date of this occurs on the same day as the date of other. The comparison is independent of whether the time is in UTC or in the local time zone.
< METHOD Returns true if this occurs before other. The comparison is independent of whether the time is in UTC or in the local time zone.
> METHOD Returns true if this occurs after other. The comparison is independent of whether the time is in UTC or in the local time zone.
<= METHOD Returns true if this occurs before or at the same moment as other. The comparison is independent of whether the time is in UTC or in the local time zone.
>= METHOD Returns true if this occurs after or at the same moment as other. The comparison is independent of whether the time is in UTC or in the local time zone.
+ METHOD + operator that Adds duration to this e.g. DateTime twoDaysAfter = + 2.days;
- METHOD - operator that subtracts duration from this. e.g. DateTime fiveDaysAgo = - 5.days;
isBetween METHOD Returns true if this falls between date1 and date2 irrespective of the order in the Calender.
truncateMicros METHOD Removes any information that is equal to or smaller than milliseconds. Returned instance will have 0 milliseconds and microseconds.
truncateMillis METHOD Removes any information that is equal to or smaller than milliseconds. Returned instance will have 0 milliseconds and microseconds.
truncateSeconds METHOD Removes any information that is equal to or smaller than seconds. Returned instance will have 0 seconds, milliseconds and microseconds.
truncateMinutes METHOD Removes any information that is equal to or smaller than minutes. Returned instance will have 0 minutes, seconds, milliseconds and microseconds.
format METHOD Formats date using DateFormat from intl package.
only METHOD Returns DateTime with only information that is passed to the method. In contrast to DateTime.copyWith method, this method does not copy unspecified fields from the original DateTime.

on Duration

Extension Type Description
ago GETTER Returns DateTime that is before this duration.
after GETTER Returns DateTime that is before this duration.
fromNow GETTER Alias for after
inYears GETTER Returns the number of whole years spanned by this Duration. Please note that this does not account for leap year.
isInYears GETTER Returns true if this duration equals to or more than a year.
isInDays GETTER Returns true if this duration equals to or more than a day.
isInHours GETTER Returns true if this duration equals to or more than an hour but is less than a day.
isInMinutes GETTER Returns true if this duration equals to or more than a minute but is less than an hour.
isInSeconds GETTER Returns true if this duration equals to or more than a second but is less than a minute.
isInMillis GETTER Returns true if this duration equals to or more than a millisecond but is less than a second.
absoluteMinutes GETTER Returns remaining minutes after deriving hours.
absoluteHours GETTER Returns remaining minutes after deriving days.
absoluteSeconds GETTER Returns remaining minutes after deriving minutes.

on Object

Extension Type Description
apply METHOD Calls the specified function block with this value as its argument and returns this value.
run METHOD Calls the specified function block with this value as its argument and returns this value.
takeIf METHOD Returns this if it satisfies the given predicate or null, if it doesn't.
takeUnless METHOD Returns this if it doesn't satisfy the given predicate or null, if it doesn't.
tryCast METHOD A safe cast operation that returns null if the cast is not possible. Otherwise, returns the casted value.

on bool

Extension Type Description
toggled GETTER Returns opposite of this
toInt METHOD Returns 1 if this is true and 0 if otherwise.

on double

Extension Type Description
isWhole GETTER Returns to if this has .00000 fraction points
roundToPrecision METHOD Rounds value precision number of fraction points. Example: 2.1234567890.roundToPrecision(0)=> 2 2.1234567890.roundToPrecision(1)=> 2.1 2.1234567890.roundToPrecision(2)=> 2.12 2.1234567890.roundToPrecision(3)=> 2.123
isCloseTo METHOD Returns true if this is close to other within precision. By default, precision is set to 1.0e-8 which is 0.00000001 which makes it suitable for most of the cases.

on int

Extension Type Description
isLeapYear GETTER Returns true if this represents a leap year
weeks GETTER Returns Duration equal to this no. of weeks
weeksAgo GETTER Returns DateTime with date that is this weeks ago
weeksAfter GETTER Returns DateTime with date that is this weeks after
days GETTER Returns Duration equal to this no. of days
daysAgo GETTER Returns DateTime with date that is this days ago
daysAfter GETTER Returns DateTime with date that is this days after
hours GETTER Returns Duration equal to this no. of hours
hoursAgo GETTER Returns DateTime with time that is this hours ago
hoursAfter GETTER Returns DateTime with time that is this hours after
minutes GETTER Returns Duration equal to this no. of minutes
minutesAgo GETTER Returns DateTime with time that is this minutes ago
minutesAfter GETTER Returns DateTime with time that is this minutes after
seconds GETTER Returns Duration equal to this no. of seconds
milliseconds GETTER Returns Duration equal to this no. of milliseconds
microseconds GETTER Returns Duration equal to this no. of microseconds
length GETTER Returns no. of digits e.g. 3.length // returns 1 21.length // returns 2 541.length // returns 3
digits GETTER Returns list of digits of this e.g 12345.digits // returns [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] e.g 8564.digits // returns [8, 5, 6, 4]
asBool GETTER Returns true for non-zero values just like C language. e.g 1.asBool // returns true 0.asBool // returns false 452.asBool // returns true
isDivisibleBy METHOD Returns true if this can be completely divisible by divider
isDivisibleByAll METHOD Returns true if this can be completely divisible by all of the dividers.
repeat METHOD runs func for this number of times. This is irrespective of the sign of this. the for loop will always run from 1 to absolute value of this. Returns List of type T where T is the return type of func
twoDigits METHOD Returns int as string which has a zero appended as prefix if this is a single digit value.
rangeTo METHOD Creates an IntRange starting from this to end inclusively with default step size of 1. Example: 5.rangeTo(10); // creates range 5-6-7-8-9-10
downTo METHOD Creates an IntRange starting from this to end inclusively with default step size of 1. Example: 5.downTo(1); // creates range 5-4-3-2-1
until METHOD Returns a range from this value up to but excluding the specified end value.

on num

Extension Type Description
negative GETTER converts positive numbers into negative ones. Use abs for conversion to positive numbers.
inRadians GETTER Turns this number from degrees to radians.
inDegrees GETTER Turns this number from radians to degrees.
isBetween METHOD Returns true if this falls between value1 and value2 irrespective of the order of value1 and value2. Includes boundaries if inclusive is true.
roundToPrecision METHOD Rounds value precision number of fraction points.

on num

Extension Type Description
max METHOD Returns upperBound if this value is greater than or equal to upperBound, otherwise returns this value. If exclusive is true, then it will return upperBound if this value is greater than upperBound.
min METHOD Returns lowerBound if this value is less than or equal to lowerBound, Otherwise returns this value. If exclusive is true, then it will return lowerBound if this value is less than lowerBound.
clampAtLeast METHOD Returns this value if it is greater than or equal to lowerBound. Returns lowerBound otherwise.
clampAtMost METHOD Returns this value if it is less than or equal to upperBound. Returns upperBound otherwise.

on num?

Extension Type Description
orZero GETTER Returns this value or 0 if null. Useful for equations.
orOne GETTER Returns this value or 1 if null. Useful for equations.
or METHOD Returns this or value if null. Useful for equations.

on Object?

Extension Type Description
isNull GETTER Returns true if the object is null
isNotNull GETTER Returns true if the object is not null

on String

Extension Type Description
isBlank GETTER Returns true if this only contains white-spaces.
isNotBlank GETTER Returns true if this contains characters other than white-spaces.
capitalized GETTER Converts the first character of this to upper case. Note that this does not work if the first character of this string is an Emoji character.
isBinary GETTER Returns true if this is a binary string which only contains 1's and 0's
isHexadecimal GETTER Returns true if this is a hex string which only contains 0-9 and A-F
isOctal GETTER Returns true if this is a hex string which only contains 0-7
isDecimal GETTER Returns true if this is an int
isDouble GETTER Returns true if this is a double
isEmail GETTER Returns true if this happens to be an email This uses RFC822 email validation specs which is widely accepted. check this: Original Ref:
reversed GETTER Returns a reversed string of this
words GETTER This would tokenize this into words by breaking it with space.
toggledCase GETTER Toggles the case of the characters
toIntOrNull METHOD Returns this as int or null Radix be between 2..36
toDoubleOrNull METHOD Returns this as double or null
toBoolOrNull METHOD Returns true only if this equals to be true (insensitive of case) or if a non-zero integer. e.g 'true'.toBoolOrNull() // returns true 'TRUE'.toBoolOrNull() // returns true 'FALSE'.toBoolOrNull() // returns false 'something'.toBoolOrNull() // returns null '1'.toBoolOrNull() // returns true '0'.toBoolOrNull() // returns false
wrap METHOD wraps this between prefix and suffix. Uses prefix as suffix if suffix is null. e.g. 'hello'.wrap("*"); // returns hello 'html'.wrap('<','>'); // returns
unwrap METHOD unwraps this between prefix and suffix. Uses prefix as suffix if suffix is null. e.g. 'hello'.unwrap("*"); // returns hello ''.unwrap('<','>'); // returns html
removePrefix METHOD removes prefix from this and returns remaining. e.g. 'hello-world'.removePrefix('hello'); // returns -world 'hello-world'.removePrefix('world'); // returns hello-world
removeSuffix METHOD removes suffix from this and returns remaining. e.g. 'hello-world'.removeSuffix('world'); // returns hello- 'hello-world'.removeSuffix('hello'); // returns hello-world
toDateTimeOrNull METHOD Tries to convert this into a DateTime.
parseJson METHOD Converts this to a JSON map.
parseJsonArray METHOD Converts this to a JSON map.
count METHOD Returns count of given match in this string
find METHOD alias for indexOf
title METHOD Makes all the words capitalized in this string Note that this does not work properly if the first character of any word is an Emoji character.
equalsIgnoreCase METHOD Compares two strings ignoring the case.
splitMapJoinRegex METHOD An alternative to String.splitMapJoin which provides access to RegExpMatch instead of Match. Match does not provide access to named groups. RegExpMatch does. Reference: dart-lang/sdk#52721
splitMap METHOD An alternative to String.splitMapJoin which allows to return mapped values from onMatch and onNonMatch callbacks unlike the original String.splitMapJoin which only allows to return String values. This uses splitMapJoinRegex internally which provides access to RegExpMatch instead of Match providing access to named groups as well.

on String?

Extension Type Description
isNullOrEmpty GETTER Returns true if this is either null or empty string.
isNotNullOrEmpty GETTER Returns true if this is neither null nor empty string.
isNullOrBlank GETTER Returns true if this is either null or blank string.
isNotNullOrBlank GETTER Returns true if this is neither null nor blank string.
hasContent GETTER Alias for isNotNullOrEmpty
orEmpty GETTER Returns this if it is not null, otherwise returns empty string.

on File

Extension Type Description
isEmpty GETTER Returns a Future containing a bool indicating whether this file is empty or not.
isEmptySync GETTER Returns true if this file is empty
copyTo METHOD Copies content of this to other file.
clear METHOD Asynchronously flushes all the data in this file leaving it to be empty.
clearSync METHOD Synchronously flushes all the data in this file leaving it to be empty.
onModified METHOD Calls block whenever the this file is modified. Returns StreamSubscription which allows to cancel the listener.
onDeleted METHOD Calls block whenever the this file is deleted. Returns StreamSubscription which allows to cancel the listener.
appendString METHOD Appends value string at the end of the file using provided encoding.
appendStringSync METHOD Appends value string at the end of the file using provided encoding.
appendStringLine METHOD Appends value string as a new line at the end of the file using provided encoding.
appendBytes METHOD Appends value bytes at the end of the file.
appendBytesSync METHOD Appends value bytes at the end of the file.
appendFrom METHOD Appends content of file at the end of this file.
appendFromSync METHOD Appends content of file at the end of this file.
<< METHOD operator that allows to append value string at the end of the file using provided UTF-8 encoding.
+ METHOD Allows to append content of file to this.


Name Description
post Runs given action no sooner than in the next event-loop iteration, after all micro-tasks have run.
postDelayed Runs given action after a delay of millis, no sooner than in the next event-loop iteration, after all micro-tasks have run.
now shot for
TODO Always throws UnimplementedError stating that operation is not implemented.
runCaching Executes a provided action and handles potential errors. The function returns T? which represents the result of the executed action if the action is not asynchronous. If the action completes successfully, the result is returned as is. If an exception occurs during the execution, the onError function is called with the error and stack trace. If the onError function is not provided or returns null, the error is swallowed and the result is set to null. The function returns a Future of type T? which represents the result of the executed action if the action is asynchronous. If the action completes successfully, the result is returned as is. If an exception occurs during the execution, the onError function is called with the error and stack trace. If the onError function is not provided or returns null, the error is swallowed and the result is set to null. If the onError function is synchronous, the result is returned as is. If it throws an error, the error is swallowed and the result is set to null. If the onError function is asynchronous, a Future of type T? is returned. If the onError function completes successfully, the result is returned as is. If it throws an error, the error is swallowed and the result is set to null.
randomBool Generates a random boolean value.
randomDouble Generates a non-negative random floating point value uniformly distributed in the range from 0.0, inclusive, to 1.0, exclusive.
randomInt Generates a non-negative random integer uniformly distributed in the range rom 0, inclusive, to max, exclusive. default max is 1_000_000
checkNotNull Throws IllegalStateException if argument is null. If name is supplied, it is used as the parameter name in the error message. Returns the argument if it is not null.
check Throws IllegalStateException if value is false.
requireNotNull Throws IllegalArgumentException if argument is null. If message is supplied, it is used as the error message. Returns the argument if it is not null.
require Throws IllegalArgumentException if value is false. If message is supplied, it is used as the error message.
checkLeapYear checks whether given year is a leap year or not How to determine whether a year is a leap year To determine whether a year is a leap year, follow these steps: 1. If the year is evenly divisible by 4, go to step 2. Otherwise, go to step 5. 2. If the year is evenly divisible by 100, go to step 3. Otherwise, go to step 4. 3. If the year is evenly divisible by 400, go to step 4. Otherwise, go to step 5. 4. The year is a leap year (it has 366 days). 5. The year is not a leap year (it has 365 days).
tryJsonDecode A safe json decode function that uses jsonDecode and returns null if decoding fails.