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File metadata and controls

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RPC methods supported

See the Electrum Cash Protocol specification for "offical" supported RPC methods.


In addition to the above supported RPC methods, ElectrsCash implements the following extensions.


See protocol extras


See protocol extras


The height parameter is optional with ElectrsCash. If omitted, ElectrsCash uses its internal index to lookup the transaction height.


Returns the blockhash of a block the transaction confirmed in. Returns error if transaction is not confirmed (or does not exist).

Signature: blockchain.transaction.get_confirmed_blockhash(txid)

  • txid - Transaction ID

Example result

'block_hash': '000000000000000002a04f56505ef459e1edd21fb3725524116fdaedf3a4d0ab',
'block_height': 597843,


Returns data on a specified output of specific transaction. Returns error if transaction or output does not exist.

If the output is spent, information about the spender is provided. This allows a SPV client to call blockchain.transaction.get_merkle to generate a merkle branch, proving that it is spent.

Signature: blockchain.utxo.get(tx_hash, output_index)

  • tx_hash - Transaction ID
  • output_index - The vout position in the transaction.


A dictionary with the following keys:

  • state - State of the utxo. A string that is "spent" or "unspent".

  • height- The height the utxo was confirmed in. If it is unconfirmed, the value is 0 if all inputs are confirmed, and -1 otherwise.

  • value - The output’s value in minimum coin units (satoshis).

  • scripthash - The scriphash of the output scriptPubKey.

  • spent - The transaction spending the utxo with the following keys:

    • tx_pos - The zero-based index of the input in the transaction’s list of inputs. Null if utxo is unspent.

    • tx_hash - The transaction ID. Null if utxo is unspent.

    • height- The height the transaction was confirmed in. If it is unconfirmed, the value is 0 if all inputs are confirmed, and -1 otherwise. Null if utxo is unspent.

Example result

    "amount": 4999999000,
    "height": 100000,
    "scripthash": "2e6d15f1a36288b55d5cb14d21f00324cbf767b459dc37e5054e383e434e0b16",
    "spent": {
        "height": -1,
        "tx_hash": "90adba10cdb91546b9c17e93ee300fe7940c6c3dda80f83bb791df5895d83aff",
        "tx_pos": 0
    "status": "spent"

Signature:, height)

Returns the transactions registering a cashaccount at blockheight. Note that height is absolute blockheight and you need to add the cashaccount block modification value yourself.

The cashaccount block modification value for Bitcoin Cash is 563620.

For example, to lookup dagur#216, call"dagur", 216 + 563620)

  • name - Cash account name
  • height - Block height for registration (without cashaccount offset subtracted)

Example result

Query:'dagur', 563836)


'blockhash': '000000000000000003c73e50b9de6317c4d2b2ac5f3c1253b01e61a6e329219a',
'height': 563836,
'tx': '0100000001bca903bbc429218234857628b382e8aa8e3bfa74c5b59628ad053284e50bf6ac010000006b4830450221009bbd0a96ef5ef33e09c4fce7fafd2add714ebe05d87a9cb6c826b863d0e99225022039d77b8bd9c8067636e64d6f1aeeeeb8b816bbc875afd04cef9eb299df83b7d64121037a291b1a7f21b03b2a5120434b7a06b61944e0edc1337c76d737d0b5fa1c871fffffffff020000000000000000226a040101010105646167757215018c092ec2cbd842e89432c7c53b54db3a958c83a575f00d00000000001976a914dfdd3e914d73fee85ad40cd71430327f0404c15488ac00000000'

Notable differences


The output for verbose = true is implemented in ElectrsCash. The output for this call is always consistent, regardless of what full node implementation is used for backend.

If there are breaking changes to this output in the future, this will be done as part of a major version release of ElectrsCash, meaning first digit of version number will be increased.