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259 lines (206 loc) · 7.56 KB

File metadata and controls

259 lines (206 loc) · 7.56 KB

Development Documentation

Get all commands from the robot

def cmd(self, command: str | Callable = ""):

Subscribe to display beautification



Translate file >>>


  • Create a new .py file in the i18n directory. For the file name naming convention Language code table
  • Translate the string against an existing file
  • Variable name, {} string, keyboard (the dict of control) label (dict key) prohibit translation

Main module

The service module function is built on the app module
There is not a one-to-one correspondence between the app module and the service module

App module

Each app module corresponds to a Microsoft Graph API module

  • Create a new module in the app directory, the template is as follows:
from util.request import *

class ModuleName(MsRequest):

    def __init__(self, request: Requests):
    def method(self, *args, **kwargs):
# Microsoft document:
Content-type: application/json

  "accountEnabled": true,
  "displayName": "Adele Vance",
  "mailNickname": "AdeleV",
  "userPrincipalName": "",
  "passwordProfile" : {
    "forceChangePasswordNextSignIn": true,
    "password": "xWwvJ]6NMw+bWH-d"
# App:
def create(self, username: str, password: str):
    :param password: user password
    :param username:
    display_name = username.split('@', 1)[0]
    json = {
        'accountEnabled': True,
        'displayName': display_name,
        'mailNickname': display_name,
        'passwordPolicies': 'DisablePasswordExpiration, DisableStrongPassword',
        'passwordProfile': {
            'password': password,
            'forceChangePasswordNextSignIn': True
        'userPrincipalName': username,
        'usageLocation': 'CN'
    res ="/users", json=json)
    return res.json["id"]

def create(msg: Message, app: App):

Service Module

Each service module corresponds to a type of Telegram bot function
Tool method: helper >>>
Core components: core >>>

  • Create a new module in the service directory

  • Persistence of data

    • Create a new session = Session(), the session information must be initialized within __init__
    • Register session_util.register(session)
  • Decorator

    #Register bot commands
    def get_cmd(msg: Message):
    #Register a callback function that can take a function identity string as an argument
    def get(msg: CallbackQuery):
    #Inject an app Object
    def add_cmd(msg: Message, app: App):
    #Triggered when the bot starts
    def start():
  • Keyboard

    buttons = [[Btn(text=text,
    bot.send_msg(msg,, Keyboard(buttons))
    # text: displays the text for the button
    # callback_data: is the data returned after the button is triggered. If you use the list for multiple parameters, the callback data is still the list
    # callback_func: is the callback function that is triggered after the button is triggered (must be registered in advance) and can identify a string for the function
    # buttons: are a two-dimensional array with columns in the first dimension and rows in the second
  • Message

    Reference pyTelegramBotAPI

    edit_msg(msg, text, keyboard, **keyword)
    send_msg(msg, text, keyboard, **keyword)
    send_doc(msg, doc, keyboard, **keyword)
    register_next_step(func, *args, **kwargs)
  • Cross-module calls (try not to have mutual calls)

    • Information transfer
      • Pass across modules field, session_util.get(field)
    • Callback method
      • Use string to represent method name

Util module


Initiate a request

def get(url: str, headers: dict, params: dict) -> Response:

def post(url: str, headers: dict, params: dict, data: dict, json) -> Response:

def delete(url: str, headers: dict) -> Response:

def patch(url: str, headers: dict, data: dict, json) -> Response:

Response data

  • ok status code, note that an exception will be thrown if the request is unsuccessful
  • text text for response body
  • json json format response data


Provides easy-to-use tools for service module methods

  • session_util:

    Manage subsessions for each module under the service

    • get():
      • Function: Used to get session parameters across modules
      • Parameters:
        • Var: Session field
    • set():
      • Function: Used to modify session parameters across modules (use with caution, may break data consistency)
      • Parameters:
        • Var: Session field
        • Value: Modified value
    • register():
      • Function: Register a session instance
      • Usage: Register(session())
    • reset():
      • Function: Reset all sessions, this time causing the bot to show no corresponding objects
  • task:

    Daemon thread for executing all deferred tasks such as timers

  • clear():

    • Function: Clear all tasks
  • cancel(name):

    • Function: Clear the specified task
    • Parameter: Task name
  • delay(time_out, loop, name)

    • Function: Register a delayed task
    • Usage: As a decorator
    • Parameters:
      • time_out: Delayed Events
      • Loop: Whether to loop
      • Name: Task name
  • Format:

    • Function: json data to yaml style html string
    • Usage: str (Format (json))
  • lock:

    • Function: After setting the operation password, the user needs to check the password of the decorated function
    • Usage: As a decorator to lock the function, must be after the bot decorator, because it is passively triggered
  • app_autowired:

    • Function: Inject app:App arguments into the function instead of using app:App= app_pool.get(session_util.get("app_id"))
    • Usage: As a decorator, be sure to follow the bot decorator, as this will cause the function to decrease one parameter
  • gen_control_keyboard

    • Function: Generate control panel keyboard
    • Usage: Generate a Keyboard object
    • Parameters:
      • btn_data: buttons dict, see control panel text under i18n
      • btn_line: number of buttons per line, default two
  • gen_page_switch

    • Function: Generate an up and down page switch button
    • Usage: Generate a list with up and down buttons, Keyboard([gen_page_switch(...)])
    • Parameters:
      • page_index: page number
      • has_next_page: is there a next page


Language code table
