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File metadata and controls

139 lines (93 loc) · 3.17 KB


General HTML

Line length

Unfortunately it is not very easy to produce HTML that fits into lines of 80 characters. Therefore for HTML it is OK tp produce lines that are longer and aim for code that has very consequent indentation.

Quote marks

We use double quote marks (") to wrap HTML tag attributes and templatetag parameters.


<h1 id="anAttribute">Foobar</h1>
{% trans "This text is a templatetag parameter" %}


Almost everything should be indented by 4 spaces. The only exception are {% block %} tags and {% blocktrans %} tags.

Example for a {% block %} tag:

{% block main %}
    <h1>First indentation</h1>
    {% for object in object_list %}
        {% if %}
            <p>{{ }}</p>
        {% endif %}
    {% endfor %}
{% endblock %}

Example for a {% blocktrans %} tag:

        {% blocktrans %}
        Hello world! This is a blocktransified text. And we use it when we
        want to translate a big block of text, that possibly spans multiple
        {% endblocktrans %}

Casing & class names

HTML tags and attributes are written in minor letters. CSS classes, names and IDs are written in as variables with dash in order to follow the naming conventions of the Twitter Bootstrap CSS framework.


<h1 id="unique-element" name="some-name" class="element-class"></h1>

Data attributes

Never reference IDs, names or classes in JavaScript. The risk that someone changes the class on an element and then accidentally breaks some JavaScript is too big.

If you need to identify a unique element via JavaScript, use $('[data-id="element"]') and give the element that attribute. If you need to identify a group of elements use $('[data-class="elements"]'). In fact you can use any attribute name in order to add specific settings that can be read by your JavaScript to all elements. We just prepend data- to all those attributes because Twitter Bootstrap does the same and because it is a good convention to indicate that this attribtue is used by some JavaScript.

Code blocks

Separate root level code via 2 empty lines.


{% block main %}
{% endblock %}

{% block extrajs %}
{% endblock %}

Ordering of attributes

ID, name and class are always the first attributes for a HTML tag. After that come data-attributes and then everything else. For input elements, the type shall come first.


<img id="id_foo" name="foo" class="foo-class" data-id="foobar" src="..." />
<button type="submit" name="btn-foo" ...>Submit</button>

Django templates


Always wrap all string in {% trans "" %} tags.


{% load i18n %}
{% trans "Hello World!" %}


Always construct all URLs with the {% url "" %} tag. Make sure to load url from future.


{% load url from future %}
<a href="{% url "object_delete" %}">Delete</a>