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245 lines (166 loc) · 5.86 KB

File metadata and controls

245 lines (166 loc) · 5.86 KB


A router for web components.


As part of an ES module

Use "" and import this module into a source file where you need to use the router.

import from "";

As part of a bundle

If you are bundling your source code you may need to use a dynamic import to load the library like so:

async function main() {
  await import("");

Using a script element

The script can also be loaded in an HTML file, typically as part of the <head> element.


Then you can use the router in your HTML.

  <r4w-route path="/foo" src="/foo.js">
    <my-web-component />




Must be a descendant of the <rw4-router> element. When the link is clicked browser history is updated, a matching route that is a child of the same <rw4-router> ancestor element will be activated.


All attributes that can be applied to an <a> element - except href - as well as:

  • to - The path that will be pushed to browser history.

Same descendants as an <a> tag.

<r4w-redirect />

Must be an immediate child of <r4w-switch>. Will be used to update browser history if none of the immediate child <r4w-route> elements match the current URL.

  • to - The path that will be pushed to browser history.



Child elements will be added to the DOM when its path matches the browser location and the route becomes active; child elements will be removed when it is deactivated.

If the route has a src attribute the source file will be dynamically imported (and cached) when the route is activated then the children will be added to the DOM; otherwise children are immediately attached to the DOM. A common use case is a web component as the route's child and the src is the URL of a JavaScript file that creates the web component's class and defines the web component in customElements.

  • path - The path pushed to browser history.
  • src - Optional URL to a resource, commonly another ES module. Will be imported dynamically (and cached) the first time the route is activated.

Any element


All r4w elements must be nested under a single r4w-router. This is the most basic component and should probably be placed close to the <body> element of the document.




Any element


Activates a single child <r4w-route> element (that is an immediate child of the switch) when a path matches the browser location or an <rw4-redirect> takes effect.




Any element. The <r4w-redirect> element must be a direct child of this element.



This mixin is used as a base for web components that want to get params information from a route's path. Must be a descendant of an <r4w-route> element.

Can be used in a mixin definition of a web component.

Create a web component.

import { ParamsListenerMixin } from "";

export class MyWebComponent extends ParamsListenerMixin(HTMLElement) {
  override _onParamsChange(params: Record<string, string>): void {
    // The params information in the `params` object depends on the tokens
    // included in the value of an `<r4w-route>` `path` attrbute.
    console.log("_onParamsChange: params=", params);

if (!customElements.get("my-web-component")) {
  customElements.define("my-web-component", MyWebComponent);

Use the web component.

  <r4w-link to="/items/42">The meaning of...</r4w-link>
  <r4w-route path="/items/:item">
    <my-web-component />

When this code is executed the text "_onParamsChange: params= { item: 42 }" will be logged.


Fetch an HTML file and make its body available as a string to clients. The string can be set as the innerHTML of an element, typically a <template>.

Can be used in a mixin definition of a web component.

Create a web component and apply the mixin to it.

import { TemplateMixin } from "";

export class MyWebComponent extends TemplateMixin(HTMLElement) {
  constructor() {
    // Setting the `templateSrc` property starts the download.
    this.templateSrc = "//";

  override _onTemplateReady(html: string) {
    // The download has completed and the contents of the file are passed as the `html` arg.
    const template = document.createElement("template");
    template.innerHTML = html;

if (!customElements.get("my-web-component")) {
  customElements.define("my-web-component", MyWebComponent);



Various messages are used to communicate status changes in the router system. The receive function is the method used to listen for those messages. Provide a handler that will be invoked when the named message arrives.

  • name {keyof R4WDetailMap} The name of the message to listen for.
  • callback {ReceiveCallback} This will be invoked when a message arrives.
  • target {EventTarget} An optional parameter that indicates the element that message refers to, when provided this is the object that will receive messages; defaults to window.

{DisconnectCallback} Invoke when the you no longer need to receive messages.