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Using oatmilk's Context

oatmilk's was written with the intent to be simple and flexible. It uses React's Context API which is exported as oatmilk.Context so you are encouraged to use it.

For example, if you wanted to build on top of RouterView you can do it really easily. Or if, for some reason, you wanted to change the background colour of your navbar depending on the route, it's quite simple too:

import React, { useContext } from 'react'
import oatmilk, { Link, TRouteName } from 'oatmilk'

function getColour(routeName: TRouteName) {
    switch (routeName) {
        case 'home':
            return 'tomato'
        case 'users':
            return 'redbeccapurple'
            return 'orange'

export default function NavBar() {
    const { route } = useContext(oatmilk.Context)

    return (
        <div css={{ backgroundColor: getColour( }}>
            <Link routeName='home'>
                <IconHome /> Home
            <Link routeName='users'>
                <IconUsers /> Users
            <Link routeName='settings'>
                <IconSettings /> Settings