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When a double is instanced, Gut will record calls to methods that are defined in the script or scripts it inherits from. You can then make assertions to check if a method was called, not called, passed certain values, or how many times it was called.

You should read the page on doubling before using this, as there are some gotchas with doubling.

The following methods can be used to "spy" on doubled objects:

  • assert_called
  • assert_not_called
  • assert_call_count
  • get_call_parameters

assert_called(inst, method_name, parameters=null)

This assertion is is one of the ways Gut implements Spies. It requires that you pass it an instance of a "doubled" object. An instance created with double will record when a method it has is called. You can then make assertions based on this.

This assert will check the object to see if a call to the specified method (optionally with parameters) was called over the course of the test. If it finds a match this test will pass, if not it will fail.

The parameters parameter is an array of values that you expect to have been passed to method_name. If you do not specify any parameters then any call to method_name will match and the assert will pass. If you specify parameters then all the parameter values must match. You must specify all parameters the method takes, even if they have defaults. Gut is not able (yet?) to fill in default values.

Methods that are inherited from built-in parent classes are not yet recorded. For example, you cannot make "called" assertions on methods like set_position unless your sub-class specifically implements it. But since those methods retain their built-in functionality, you can just make normal assertions on them.

# Given the following class located at 'res://test/doubler_test_objects/'
# --------------------
	extends Node2D
	var _value = 0

	func get_value():
	    return _value
	func set_value(val):
	    _value = val
	func has_one_param(one):
	func has_two_params_one_default(one, two=null):
	func get_position():
	    return .get_position()
# --------------------

# This is how assert_called behaves
func test_assert_called():
	var DOUBLE_ME_PATH = 'res://test/doubler_test_objects/'

	var doubled = double(DOUBLE_ME_PATH).new()
	doubled.has_two_params_one_default('a', 'b')

	gut.p('-- passing --')
	assert_called(doubled, 'set_value')
	assert_called(doubled, 'set_value', [5])
	# note the passing of `null` here.  Default parameters must be supplied.
	assert_called(doubled, 'has_two_params_one_default', ['a', null])
	assert_called(doubled, 'has_two_params_one_default', ['a', 'b'])

	gut.p('-- failing --')
	assert_called(doubled, 'get_value')
	assert_called(doubled, 'set_value', ['nope'])
	# This fails b/c Gut isn't smart enough to fill in default values for you...
	# ast least not yet.
	assert_called(doubled, 'has_two_params_one_default', ['a'])
	# This fails with a specific message indicating that you have to pass an
	# instance of a doubled class.
	assert_called(, 'some_method')

assert_not_called(inst, method_name, parameters=null)

This is the inverse of assert_called and works the same way except, you know, inversely. Matches are found based on parameters in the same fashion. If a matching call is found then this assert will fail, if not it will pass.

assert_call_count(inst, method_name, expected_count, parameters=null)

This assertion is is one of the ways Gut implements Spies. It requires that you pass it an instance of a "doubled" object. An instance created with double will record when a method it has is called. You can then make assertions based on this.

Asserts that a method on a doubled instance has been called a number of times. If you do not specify any parameters then all calls to the method will be counted. If you specify parameters, then only those calls that were passed matching values will be counted.

The parameters parameter is an array of values that you expect to have been passed to method_name. If you do not specify any parameters then any call to method_name will match and the assert will pass. If you specify parameters then all the parameter values must match. You must specify all parameters the method takes, even if they have defaults. Gut is not able (yet?) to fill in default values.

Methods that are inherited from built-in parent classes are not yet recorded. For example, you cannot make "call" assertions on methods like set_position unless your sub-class specifically implements it (you can, they will just always return 0). Since those methods retain their built-in functionality, you can just make normal assertions on them.

# Given the following class located at 'res://test/doubler_test_objects/'
# --------------------
	extends Node2D
	var _value = 0

	func get_value():
	    return _value
	func set_value(val):
	    _value = val
	func has_one_param(one):
	func has_two_params_one_default(one, two=null):
	func get_position():
	    return .get_position()
# --------------------

# This is how assert_call_count behaves
func test_assert_call_count():
	var DOUBLE_ME_PATH = 'res://test/doubler_test_objects/'

	var doubled = double(DOUBLE_ME_PATH).new()
	doubled.has_two_params_one_default('a', 'b')
	doubled.set_position(Vector2(100, 100))

	gut.p('-- passing --')
	assert_call_count(doubled, 'set_value', 2)
	assert_call_count(doubled, 'set_value', 1, [4])
	# note the passing of `null` here.  Default parameters must be supplied.
	assert_call_count(doubled, 'has_two_params_one_default', 1, ['a', null])
	assert_call_count(doubled, 'get_value', 0)

	gut.p('-- failing --')
	assert_call_count(doubled, 'set_value', 5)
	assert_call_count(doubled, 'set_value', 2, [4])
	assert_call_count(doubled, 'get_value', 1)
	# This fails with a specific message indicating that you have to pass an
	# instance of a doubled class even though technically the method was called.
	assert_call_count(, 'some_method', 0)
	# This fails b/c double_extends_node2d does not have it's own implementation
	# of set_position.  The function is supplied by the parent class and these
	# methods are not yet being recorded.
	assert_call_count(doubled, 'set_position', 1)