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Tested testing theories

Tests are the bread and butter of Codewars. Without tests, you couldn't check whether the user has solved your kata, so they're very important. Yet some neglect them.

Make sure to file an issue if you notice that a kata is lacking some tests. This will prevent a moderator from approving the kata. This will increase the overall quality of the approved katas. Also, as long as #123 stands, one cannot change the tests in approved katas with more than 500 solutions.

Consider writing your tests first

Before we actually dive into the many tips one can follow on Codewars, you should get familiar with the test driven development (TDD) cycle. It's not required to follow it in order to write katas for Codewars, but recommended.

So what is the cycle? Essentially, it's the following:

  1. Add a test
  2. Run tests and verify that the new one fails
  3. Adjust your solution
  4. Run tests and verify that the new solution passes all tests
  5. Refactor your solution (optional)

That's it. Note that the important part is the very first step: you write the tests first. "Why?", you're probably asking. "I know my solution already!" Well, are you sure about that? Some katas have long standing issues since the original author didn't check a few edge cases.

However, since Codewars isn't running on your own machine, you should adjust the cycle a little bit and add more than a single test. The cycle works best with fast iterations, and the remote nature of Codewars makes this a little bit hard. Still, writing at least part of your tests first is very recommended.

Make your test descriptive

Let's have a look at the following test:

Test.expect(fizzBuzz(15) === 'FizzBuzz', "Value not what's expected")

There are several things wrong with it. First of all, it uses expect. You should never use expect in any language, unless there isn't a fitting function in your test framework. But usually, there is a correct testing function. Here, one would use Test.assertEquals, but it might vary, depending on your language:

Test.assertEquals(fizzBuzz(15), 'FizzBuzz', "Value not what's expected")

The additional message will be shown if the test failed. However, "Value not what's expected" is useless. It doesn't give the user any hint what's gone wrong:

  Expected: "FizzBuzz", actual: "Buzz". Value not what's expected.

Either drop the message in this case, or use a better one:

Test.assertEquals(fizzBuzz(15), 'FizzBuzz', "testing on 15")

This tells the user immediately that their function failed on 15.

Group your tests

Furthermore, you should group your tests with describe and it. After all, a tests describes the behaviour of something, for example the behaviour of fizzBuzz. It should pass several specifications:

Test.describe('fizzBuzz', function(){'should return "Fizz" on 3,6,9,12', function(){
    for(let i = 1; i <= 4; ++i)
      Test.assertEquals(fizzBuzz(3 * i), 'Fizz')
  });'should return "Buzz" on 5,10,20,25', function(){
    for(let i = 1; i <= 4; i += 3)
      Test.assertEquals(fizzBuzz(5 * i),       'Buzz')
      Test.assertEquals(fizzBuzz(5 * (i + 1)), 'Buzz')
  });'should return "FizzBuzz" on 15*n', function(){
    for(let i = 1; i <= 4; ++i)
      Test.assertEquals(fizzBuzz(15 * i), 'FizzBuzz')

Note that not every language provides describe and it. Refer to your language's test framework documentation to find out how to group tests there.

If you use describe, keep in mind that you describe one thing:

Test.describe('bar', function(){'returns "bar"', function(){
    Test.assertEquals(bar(), "bar");

Test.describe('foo', function(){'returns "foo"', function(){
    Test.assertEquals(foo(), "foo");

A final remark on test grouping: if you have a look into some TDD books, you'll notice that they encourage you to use a single assertion in a test, not multiple as in this section's first example. This is also the subject of a programmers SE question.

However, some languages on Codewars don't provide the proper means to couple tests (label/text) with assertions, for example Python. It would be cumbersome to add a single it("...") for every assertion and clutters the test code. In those cases, you should write a helper that takes care of this.

Either way, you should always make sure that the user knows the reason for failing tests (see next section).

Make errors obvious

Especially if you use random tests (see below), you want to make sure that the user knows why the test failed. You could print the arguments. You could show a hint. Either way, a user shouldn't be left alone in face of an error.

Think of the HTML

Keep in mind that every output will be interpreted as HTML. If you want to use <, > or & in your error messages or description, make sure to escape it---unless you actually want to use HTML tags:

Character HTML entity Mnemonic
< &lt; lesser than
> &gt; greater than
& &amp; ampersand

All other characters are usually safe to use in UTF8 encoded documents.

Always test all corner cases of your input domain

If you ask the user to create a function that should work for 1 <= N <= 1,000,000, make sure that their function works for both 1 and 1,000,000. If you specified that "negative input should return a monkey", make sure that you actually test negative input.

Use the tools of your testing framework

If possible, try to use multiple kinds of assertions, e.g. assertEquals and assertNotEquals, or shouldSatisfy and shouldNotSatisfy. That way, a cheating user will have some more work to circumvent equality or predicate based tests.

Use random tests

Whenever when you state a kata you also have to write a solution. This is great, as you can use exactly that function to check the users code in the tests. What's even better: it makes you think about the input domain.

This is usually the hard part of creating random tests. After all, creating sufficient random input is most often harder than creating the kata itself. But it is worth every honour.

Use more random tests

While it's nice to have a random test which validates that the user returns the same as your hidden solution, there's no guarantee that your solution provides the correct result. If you provide a predicate that checks whether the solution makes sense, you can use it in both the hidden and public tests.

For example, if foo should always return false on negative inputs, add the following test:'should return false for negative numbers', function(){
  for (let i = 0; i < 100; ++i) {
    Test.assertEquals(foo(-Math.random() * 1000000), false);

This prevents both you and the user to forget about those inputs. Generally this pattern will look like this:'returns something valid', function(){
  for (let i = 0; i < 100; ++i) {
    var some   = ...
    var random = ...
    var args   = ...
      isValid(foo(some, random, args)),
      "predicate failed, invalid answer returned"

Hide your solution

If you use random tests, make sure to hide your solution. In Java or C#, this includes making your function private. Haskell doesn't allow mutual imports, so the user cannot import the tests either way. However, in dynamic languages, one can sometimes simply use solve = solution.

You can prevent this kind of cheating if you

  • add static tests (not only random ones),
  • move your solution into a local scope.

The first one is obvious. The second one can be realized if you don't provide a solution with the same interface, but instead a testAgainstSolution:

// bad!
var solution = function(a, b){
  // ...

// better
var testFunction = function(a,b){
  var solution = function(a, b) {
    // ...
  Test.assertEquals(userFunc(a,b), solution(a,b));

There are more creative ways to hide/store the function, but that's one way at least. Note that all dynamic languages on Codewars (Ruby, Python, CS, JS) support this kind of local scopes.

Always have some example tests

Unless you're creating a puzzle where the user has to find the answer, present some example tests. Those tests should also contain the corner cases and some easy random tests, e.g. check that the user actually returns a number for arbitrary negative numbers.

Handle floating point values the right way

Whenever the user returns a floating point number, make sure that you take floating point behaviour into account. The user might not add the numbers in the same order as you, and therefore end up with a slightly different number. Equality tests will always fail for that poor user.

Unless you want to write a kata were the user needs to round a floating point value to a certain precision, never ever tell the user to round up/down or truncate a floating point number. Instead, check the relative error. You might some time need to find a good epsilon, I usually use 1e-12 if I want to have something "almost exact" and 1e-7 if I want something "near-ish" the correct solution.

For more information about floating-point arithmetic, read What Every Computer Scientist Should Know About Floating-Point Arithmetic.

An example of floating point dangers

def add_three(a,b,c):
    return a + b + c

def add_three_reference(a,b,c):
    return a + (b + c)

print(add_three_reference(1e-12,1e-12,1) == add_three(1e-12,1e-12,1))
 # False

Relative error testing

The following example shows one way to check floating point values in a more sane way:

def assertFuzzyEquals(actual, expected, msg=""):
    import math

    # max error
    merr = 1e-12

    if expected == 0:
        inrange = math.fabs(actual) <= merr
        inrange = math.fabs((actual - expected) / expected) <= merr

    if msg == "":
        msg = "Expected value near {:.12f}, but got {:.12f}"
        msg = msg.format(expected, actual)

    return Test.expect(inrange, msg)

Most language sections contain their equivalent and use expect or a similar function of their test framework.

Consider integral tests

If your number is guaranteed to be an integral number, use int, long or your language's equivalent instead of floating point numbers. However, keep in mind that all values, either input, output, or intermediate should fit in this type, otherwise you might encounter overflow or underflow issues.

Fix broken tests early and fix them right

While #163 will give you the tools to fix a kata even late, you should take every reported test issue by heart. If the tests are failing for some only, check whether your current example tests contain enough corner cases. Ask them for their code (in spoilers).

There are several ways your tests can be wrong. For examples, your tests can be too strict. This is usually the case with floating points, where one expects the user to do things in a certain way.

However, sometimes your reference implementation – the solution the users try to write – is wrong. People have now adjusted their submitted functions to yours, so that they still solve the kata, even though their logic is broken. If you now fix your reference solution, the results of many users might get rejected.

So what can you do?

Change description to address the bug

You should definitely tell your users if your kata is broken. Especially if your tests have a defect in only one particular language. It's not the best you can do, but as long as #163 is still there, it might be the only thing you can do.

Reject old solutions, they didn't follow the description

This is fine as long as there haven't been many solutions. If your kata has been solved by hundreds, it might seem a little bit unfair, but correct tests are a little bit more important.

Experimental solutions

There are also other alternatives:

  • check the time: if the kata solution is submitted after a certain point in time, use the new tests, otherwise the old. This can lead to problems with the anti-cheat measurements.
  • test against both results: this basically duplicates all your tests, which can be hard to maintain if you do it wrong.

Either way, fix them, otherwise it will lead to submitted issues and therefore to negative honour.