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Download a release of the command line tool.

To use it, place the 'cda' or 'cda.exe' binary somewhere in your path.

  cda URL [flags]
  cda [command]

Available Commands:
  config      create a config file in your home directory
  help        Help about any command
  serve       Run the CDA URL Shortening service

  -a, --alias string     CDA Alias
  -c, --channel string   channel
      --config string    config file (default is $HOME/.cda.yaml)
  -e, --event string     event
  -h, --help             help for cda
      --server string    URL Shortening server (default "")

Use "cda [command] --help" for more information about a command.

Getting Started

Run cda config. This will create a file called .cda.yaml in your $HOME directory.

Edit this file, and replace the alias configuration value with your Microsoft alias.

Creating a Shortened URL

cda -c twitter -e ignite

This returns:

Using config file: /home/bketelsen/.cda.yaml
Submitting to

It also copies the shortened URL into your clipboard. Because I love you guys.


The shortener uses three flags or config settings to create the tracking link.

    -a --alias   :  Your CDA alias  ex: brketels
    -c --channel :  The channel/medium  ex: twitter
    -e --event   :  The event name  ex: ignite

If the configuration file at $HOME/.cda.yaml has any of these values they will be defaulted for you and you may exclude them.

For example, if my config file looks like this:

Alias: brketels
Channel: twitter

Then I can use the cda command and only specify the event with the -e flag, the channel and alias will be read from the config file.

You may fill in all three values in the config file, or none. Any missing values will cause the program to fail with an error:

$ cda -a brketels -e ignite

> Using config file: /home/bketelsen/.cda.yaml
> Channel is required.  Set with -c or in config file.


Building from source

You need Go 1.11 or above to use this properly.

  1. Checkout the repository. If you put it into the GOPATH, you must set GO111MODULE to on
  • Optionally set GOPROXY to for more reliable builds. That server is experimental and might go away, though
  1. Use the makefile to build a binary
$ make
  1. The makefile will drop off an executable in the top level directory of the repository.
$ chmod +x cda 
$ mv cda /usr/local/bin # ...or somewhere in your executable $PATH
$ cda --help