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Building & Deployment

Christian Sailer edited this page Jun 30, 2017 · 4 revisions



The build phase will generate the required executables (.exe, .app) for running depthmapX in the system it was built in, but to distribute them, the various QT libraries need to be bundled with them.


The build phase will create an executable (depthmapX.exe) in the GuiApp directory of the build folder. The automated process for bundling will bring all the libraries into the folder depthmapX.exe is located, so ideally it should first be moved somewhere else. Navigate to that directory with the windows command prompt and run:

<QT version directory>/bin/windeployqt depthmapX.exe

This should bring all the required libraries into the same folder. The whole folder is required to run depthmapX.

Note: If you have multiple QT versions installed make sure windeployqt uses the same version as the one used for building the executable (i.e. by making sure it is the only QT version on the path of your current command prompt - this particularly important if you have 32 bit and 64 bit QT installed, as it will look fine other wise but crash with a hard to understand 0xc000007b error when trying to run) More details can be found on the QT Windows deployment page

MacOS (Previously Mac OSX)

The build phase will create an app-bundle file ( in the GuiApp directory of the build folder. Navigate to that directory with the terminal and run:


This should bring all the required libraries into the app-bundle.

Note: If you have multiple QT versions installed make sure macdeployqt uses the same version as the one used for building the app-bundle (i.e. by adding it to the PATH of the current terminal session)

More details can be found on the QT OSX deployment page