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Intuitive templating engine for Go


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A mustache like ({{}}) templating engine for Go. This is still very much WIP, but contributions and issues are welcome.


Given a file, index.batml:

<h1>Hello {{Team.Name}}</h1>

Create a new template and execute it:

content, _ := ioutil.ReadFile("index.bat")

t := team{
    Name: "Foo",
bat.Execute(map[string]any{"Team": team})


Bat provides an engine that allows you to register templates and provides default, as well as user provided helper functions to those templates.

engine := bat.NewEngine(bat.HTMLEscape)
engine.Register("index.bat", "<h1>Hello {{Team.Name}}</h1>")

or, you can use AutoRegister to automatically register all templates in a directory. This is useful with the Go embed package:

//go:embed templates
var templates embed.FS

engine := bat.NewEngine(bat.HTMLEscape)
engine.AutoRegister(templates, ".html")

engine.Render("templates/users/signup.html", map[string]any{"Team": team})

Built-in helpers

  • safe - marks a value as safe to be rendered. This is useful for rendering HTML. For example, {{safe("<h1>Foo</h1>")}} will render <h1>Foo</h1>.
  • len - returns the length of a slice or map. For example, {{len(Users)}} will return the length of the Users slice.
  • partial - renders a partial template. For example, {{partial("header", {foo: "bar"})}} will render the header template with the provided map as locals.
  • layout - Wraps the current template with the provided layout. For example, {{ layout("layouts/application") }} will render the current template wrapped with template registered as "layouts/application". All data available to the current template will be available to the layout.

Here's an overview of more advanced usage:


Bat supports the following primitives that can be used within {{}} expressions:

  • booleans - true and false
  • nil - nil
  • strings - "string value" and "string with \"escaped\" values"
  • integers - 1000 and -1000
  • maps - { foo: 1, bar: "two" }

Data Access

Templates accept data in the form of map[string]any. The strings must be valid identifiers in order to be access, which start with an alphabetical character following by any number of alphanumerical characters.

The template {{userName}} would attempt to access the userName key from the provided data map.


t := bat.NewTemplate(`{{userName}}!`)
out := new(bytes.Buffer)

// outputs "gogopher!"
t.Execute(out, map[string]{"Username": "gogopher"}

Chaining and method calls are also supported:

type Name struct {
    First string
    Last string

type User struct {
    Name Name

func (n Name) Initials() string {
    return n.First[0:1] + n.Last[0:1]

t := bat.NewTemplate(`{{user.Name.Initials()}}!`)
out := new(bytes.Buffer)

user := User{
    Name: Name{
        First: "Fox",
        Last: "Mulder",

// outputs "FM!"
t.Execute(out, map[string]{"user": user}

Finally, map/slice/array access is supported via []:



Bat supports if statements, and the != and == operators.

{{if user != nil}}
<a href="/login">Login</a>
<a href="/profile">View your profile</a>


The ! operator can be used to negate an expression and return a boolean


The above will render false.


Iteration is supported via the range keyword. Supported types are slices, maps, arrays, and channels.

{{range $index, $name in data}}
<h1>Hello {{$name}}, number {{$index}}</h1>

Given data being defined as: []string{"Fox Mulder", "Dana Scully"}, the resulting output would look like:

<h1>Hello Fox Mulder, number 0</h1>

<h1>Hello Dana Scully, number 1</h1>

In the example above, range defines two variables which must begin with a $ so they don't conflict with data passed into the template.

The range keyword can also be used with a single variable, providing only the key or index to the iterator:

{{range $index in data}}
<h1>Hello person {{$index}}</h1>

Given data being defined as: []string{"Fox Mulder", "Dana Scully"}, the resulting output would look like:

<h1>Hello person 0</h1>

<h1>Hello person 1</h1>

If a map is passed to range, it will attempt to sort it before iteration if the key is able to be compared and is implemented in the internal/mapsort package.

Helper functions

Helper functions can be provided directly to templates using the WithHelpers function when instantiating a template.


helloHelper := func(name string) string {
    return fmt.Sprintf("Hello %s!", name)

t := bat.NewTemplate(`{{hello "there"}}`, WithHelpers(map[string]any{"hello": helloHelper}))

// output "Hello there!"
out := new(bytes.Buffer)
t.Execute(out, map[string]any{})


Templates can be provided a custom escape function with the signature func(string) string that will be called on the resulting output from {{}} blocks.

There are two escape functions that can be utilized, NoEscape which does no escaping, and HTMLEscape which delegates to html.EscapeString, which escapes HTML.

The default escape function is HTMLEscape for safety reasons.


// This template will escape HTML from the output of `{{}}` blocks
t := NewTemplate("{{foo}}", WithEscapeFunc(HTMLEscape))

Escaping can be avoided by returning the bat.Safe type from the result of a {{}} block.


t := bat.NewTemplate(`{{output}}`, WithEscapeFunc(HTMLEscape))

// output "Hello there!"
out := new(bytes.Buffer)

// outputs &lt;h1&gt;Hello!&lt;/h1^gt;
t.Execute(out, map[string]any{"output": "<h1>Hello!</h1>"})

// outputs <h1>Hello!</h1>
t.Execute(out, map[string]any{"output": bat.Safe("<h1>Hello!</h1>")})


Basic math is supported, with some caveats. When performing math operations, the left most type is converted into the right most type, when possible:

// int32 - int64
   100   -   200 // returns int64

The following operations are supported:

  • - Subtraction
  • + Addition
  • * Multiplication
  • / Division
  • % Modulus

More comprehensive casting logic would be welcome in the form of a PR.


Comments are supported as complete statements or at the end of a statement.

{{ // This is a comment }}
{{ foo // This is also a comment }}


  • Add each functionality (see the section on range)
  • Add if and else functionality
  • Emit better error messages and validate them with tests (template execution)
  • Emit better error messages from lexer and parser
  • Create an engine struct that will enable partials, helper functions, and custom escaping functions.
  • Add escaping support to templates
  • Support strings in templates
  • Support integer numbers
  • Add basic math operations
  • Simple map class { "foo": bar } for use with partials
  • Improve stringify logic in the executor (bat.go)
  • Support channels in range
  • Trim whitespace by default, add control characters to avoid trimming.
  • Support method calls
  • Support helpers
  • Support map/slice array access []
  • Validate helper methods have 0 or 1 return values


  • Add &&, and || operators for more complex conditionals
  • Replace {{end}} with named end blocks, like {{/if}} rejected
  • Add support for {{else if <expression>}}
  • Support the not operator, e.g. if !foo done
  • Track and error on undefined variable usage in the parsing stage


  • Add parens for complex options
  • Variable declarations that look like provided data access (use $ for template locals, plain identifiers for everything else)
  • Add string concatenation


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