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Escape Room

Agents use reinforcement learning to learn how to navigate and escape a small room as quickly as possible.

This was for a final project for the Reinforcement Learning Practical course from the University of Groningen.

How it works

The room is represented by a grid of N×M cells. Multiple agents can inhabit this room, and try to escape the room by reaching the "goal" cell, while avoiding death. Each agent starts the escape with 2 point of health, and walking over broken glass lowers their health by 1 point. When their health drops to 0, they die. Each simulation round lasts for 200 time steps, after which the simulation is reset and the whole escape process starts again. Each agent gets 1 move per time-step. They can move in any of the 4 direction, or they can stand still. If two agents try to walk into the same tile, they "bump into each other" and both agents remain on the tile they started for that turn.

The agents use Q-learning to learn an optimal path through the room. All of the agents share the same single Q-table, so this is a shared Q-learning algorithm. The agents get rewarded for successfully escaping the room, and they get punished for dying. The agents are also punished for every time step in the simulation until they escape or die. This encourages the agents to escape the room as quickly as possible, as they don't want to accumulate a lot of punishment for just standing around. We use the ε-greedy policy selection, meaning that agents at random pick either the best action so far, or a completely random action each turn.

The curse of dimensionality definitely rears its ugly head here, and for this assignment we were asked to limit our state space to no more than 1'000'000 states. As a result of this, the agents have a very limited view of the environment. They can only see 2 tiles away in each of the 4 directions around them. They also don't exactly see the tiles in their vision - they only know whether another agent occupies them, and if the tile is glass, a door, or a bandage they can see whether the glass was shattered, or door was opened, or bandage taken. This is a huge handicap, especially since the agents cannot see diagonally. However, it does mean there are less than 1'000'000 states in a 8×9 room.

This algorithm works decently well, the agents will generally discover a pretty good escape path through the maze in a relative small number of rounds. However, it is far from perfect. Q-learning is generally known to have flaws in dynamic, multi-agent environments such as this one. The agents don't appear to learn to coordinate very well - for example they won't move "in unison", or help each other escape. Since the agents don't see diagonally, they can't predict when another agent will bump into them around a corner, which can sometimes make them get stuck for long periods of time.

The room

The consists of an N×M grid of cells, where both N and M are between 1 and 9. Each cell can be one of the following types:


This is the equivalent of empty space. Agents can freely inhabit these tiles.


Agents cannot pass through these tiles by any means. As a side note, everything outside of the N×M room is also considered to be a wall.


The door is a dynamic element in the room. The agents obviously cannot walk through them when they are closed. Rather, the first time an agent tries to move into a door cell, the door will be opened, but the agent will stay in place. The door will then stay open until the end of the simulation round since there is no way for the agents to close a door.


Another dynamic element. Glass is very similar to doors - the agents first cannot walk through it. The first time an agent tried to move into a glass tile, the glass will shatter, and the agent will stay in place. If an agent then walks over the glass, they will get hurt and lose 1 health point. This is the only way agents can get hurt in the room.


The bandage will heal any agent that walks over it back to the full 2 health points, and it will be consumed in the process. The bandage will be consumed even if the agent is already at full health.


This marks the exit of the room - when an agents walks into a goal tile, they are removed from the room. There can be multiple goals in the room.


  • c99 compiler
  • GLFW (optionally)


There are two versions of the program. We have worked very hard to create a GUI that can visualize the enviromnent in real time as the agents are learning. Some features of the GUI like the Q-table visualizer have significantly helped us understand what is going on in the environment, why the agents behave the way they do. For this reason we recommend that you compile and run the GUI version for the "full experience". However we did use an external library to implement the GUI, so compiling this version is a bit more complicated. Because of this, there is also an option to disable the GUI and avoid the dependancy. Library files are provided for you in the same directory so we hope that compiling the GUI won't be a problem.

How to compile with the GUI?

With GCC

$ gcc escape.c -std=c99 -L. -lm -lglfw3


$ cl escape.c glfw3.lib msvcrt.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib shell32.lib

With clang

$ clang escape.c -std=c99 -L. -lm -lglfw3

The GLFW library is the only dependancy, and we provide versions for windows, linux, and mac. If they don't work for whatever reason and you still want the GUI, get glfw3-dev from your package manager, or download GLFW and try again. Sorry.

If you give up on compiling, there are pre-compiled standalone versions of the program for windows and linux in the /bin directory.

How to compile without the GUI? (NOGUI)

Just #define NOGUI globally from the compiler.

$ gcc escape.c -std=c99 -D NOGUI -lm
$ clang escape.c -std=c99 -D NOGUI -lm
$ cl escape.c -D NOGUI

You can add optimization flags if you want the program to run faster.

How to run?

Simply run the exectuable. A prompt/window will appear and typing h will show you a short reference of commands you can use.

How to reproduce the paper results?

Type reproduce into the prompt. If you are using the GUI, pressing X will bring up the prompt.

MAKE SURE that room1.txt, room2.txt and room3.txt all exist in the same directory.

How to use the GUI?

Using the command line program (NOGUI) is fairly straightforward, but using the GUI is a bit more challenging since we didn't implement any text rendering.

You can press H at any point to print out a help reference to your terminal.

At any point you can press X to access the command prompt version of the program. For example, if you want to open a room from file ROOM.txt:

  1. press X, the window will minimize
  2. type load ROOM.txt into the prompt

Edit mode

When you launch the GUI, you will be in EDIT mode by default. This means you can edit the room using your mouse.

  • Use the Scroll-wheel to select something.
  • Left-click to place your selection.
  • Right-click to remove it.
  • The top left of the screen will show your current selection.
  • You can also select something by Middle-clicking on it.
  • If your current selection is an agent, you can Click-drag the agents with your mouse.
  • Use to resize the room.
  • You can press CTRL+Z/Y to undo/redo.
  • You can also edit rooms by opening up a room text file with your text editor.
  • When you exit the GUI your room will be saved as room.txt. This room will also be loaded when you launch the GUI.

Run mode

When you are done editing the room, press ENTER or SPACE to switch to RUN mode. In this mode the agents will start moving around and trying to reach the goal.

  • Use numbers 0..9 to control the speed of the simulation.
  • After 200 turns, the simulation resets.
  • Press F to run the simulation really quickly. Press F again to slow down.
  • If you want to save the results to a file Press X and type saveto YOURFILE at the prompt. New results will now be added to YOURFILE as CSV files.
  • You can PAUSE by pressing SPACE. press SPACE again to unpause, or press ENTER to go back to EDIT mode.

Q-table visualizer

V toggles the Q-table visualizer. The visualizer will will highlight the table entries of agents as it updates.

  • Each cell will split into 5 parts, 1 for each of the 5 actions an agent can take.
  • Parts highlighted in green have positive Q-values while parts highlighted in red have nagative Q-values.
  • Parts highlighted in blue are the parts with the highest Q values, and are the ones that will probably be picked very often by the agents.
  • When you enable the visualizer, a green outline will appear around the window. This indicates that you are visualizing Q-entries only for agents that have 2 points of health (which is the maximum).
  • Press V again, and a red outline will replace the green one. You are now seeing the Q-entries only for agents that have 1 point of health.

have fun! :)