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Solutions and write-ups by killerdog of team Kalmarunionen

Writeups for some of the general skills challenges which I solved.

Zip Madness

Used a basic python script which invokes 7z to folders in a chain, deleting the extra zip files, until there was only the last layer left, which i could manually unzip and read flag.

import subprocess
import sys
from random import randrange
import os

fileindex = 1000
while fileindex > 2:
    direction = ""
    with open("direction.txt") as f:
        direction = f.readline().strip()
    target = str(fileindex) + direction + ".zip"
    p =  subprocess.Popen(['7z', 'x', '-y', target], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
    out = p.communicate() 
    if out[1] != b'': 
        raise Exception(out[1].decode('UTF-8'))
    os.remove(str(fileindex) + "")
    os.remove(str(fileindex) + "")
    fileindex -= 1

World trip

Found a python library which allowed location lookup by coordinates. I was confused for a while by the syntax of the flag, as the last many characters are just random. But then a teammate realised you could just wrap the output in nactf{..} and submitted it, and it worked.

The script takes a while to run, as the endpoint isn't very fast. Also beware

from geopy.geocoders import Nominatim

geolocator = Nominatim(user_agent="jame234s2")
location = geolocator.reverse("52.509669, 13.376294")

locations = ""
with open("enc.txt") as f:
    locations =

loclist = locations[1:][:-1].split(")(")
# print(loclist)
print("performing lookups")
output = [geolocator.reverse((loc),language="en-gb").raw["address"]["country"] for loc in loclist]
flag = "nactf{"
for country in output:
    flag = flag + country[0]
flag = flag + "}"

Vegetables 1

We have to sort an array of vegetables alphabetically, by giving a list of indexes, which the machine will then swap the elements at that and the next index for each number.

Just connect to endpoint and manually work out the bubble sort solution, and send it.

Vegetables 2

Same as vegetable 1, but now the list of vegetables is ~200 long. Runtime limit of ~15s for local and server computation for the rest of these challenges.

I manually coded a simple bubblesort algorithm, and each time the algorithm made a swap, i concatenated the swap index onto a solution string. Finally i sent that string back to the server once the list was sorted.

I've lost the file i used for this, may readd later.

Vegetables 3

We can now only rotate the array, (left shift everything onces with wraparound,) and swap the elements at position 0 and 1.

The first thing to note here is we need some fixed point, so that we don't keep swapping forever. I sort the list and save the smallest element, and this will now be our fixed point. We now cycle through the list, swapping if the element in index 0 is bigger than the one in index 1, as long as the element in index 1 is NOT the smallest element.

Every time we reach the smallest element in index 0, we check if the list is sorted yet by checking if we performed any swaps on the previous rotation.

The code for this exercise is pretty quick and dirty, i refined it a lot more for 4 and 5.

A copy of the sorting functionality is below, for full script with my (very very ugly) networking code, see the code

def rotationsort(arr):
    solution = ""
    copiedlist = [elem for elem in arr]
    smallest = copiedlist[0]
    ordered = False
    siz = len(arr)
    thisround = ""
    a, b = 0, 1
    while True:
        if arr[a] == smallest:
            if ordered == True:
                return solution
            ordered = True
            solution = solution + thisround
            thisround = "c "
            a, b = (a + 1) % (siz), (b + 1) % (siz)
        elif arr[b] > smallest and arr[a] > arr[b]:
            ordered = False
            thisround = thisround + "s c "
            arr[a], arr[b] = arr[b], arr[a]              
            a, b = (a + 1) % (siz ), (b + 1) % (siz )
            a, b = (a + 1) % (siz ), (b + 1) % (siz )
            thisround = thisround + "c "

Vegetables 4

We can now only rotate, and swap between indexes i and j, where i and j are random each time.

The first thing we note is that the array has a consistent length of 211, which is prime. This is important because this means we can reach any element from any other element, in n jumps of k rotations, where k = j - i.

This follows from the fact that for a prime order group of order N, for any elements a, b, there exists a value n less than N, such that the congruence a + n*k = b (mod N) holds. This means we can move any element to any other position in a number of swaps less than 211.

The complication here is deciding what metric to use for comparisons. Simply using size doesn't work, as some elements will have to wrap around the array many times to reach their real place. The solution i arrived at was to note that when we fix the smallest element as before, if we want to bubble sort, then the element which comes "after" the smallest element is the element in position k, as this is the element which will be compared to the smallest when the smallest is in one of the swap locations.

This means if we get the k'th smallest element into the position k after the smallest element, then it will never have to move again, and will never be asked to move, and the next element we want to get into position is the 2k'th smallest element. We can generalise this to looping around the array using a modulus, and we instantiate this by taking the list, sorting it, then creating a new list which lists them in "order to sort", going [smallest, k'th smallest, 2k'th smallest...], then recording the elements indexes in this array and sorting by those indexes. This gives us a good heuristic for sorting, as we're kind of using an isomorphism into a group where the two swap locations are adjacent~ (kind of.)

I also realised at this point that local computation was not at all the bottleneck, i made the logic simpler by removing indexes and actually rotating the array. This runs almost instantly and produces outputs of ~70k characters, which are easily under the server limit.

sorting code below, see code for full solution including very ugly network code.

def switch(arr, p, q):
    arr[p], arr[q] = arr[q], arr[p]
    return arr

def rotate(arr):
   return arr[1:] + arr[:1]

def rotationsort(arr, p1, p2):
    # Traverse through 1 to len(arr) 
    n = len(arr)
    k = p2 - p1 % n
    solution = ""
    copiedlist = [elem for elem in arr]
    permutedlist = []
    for i in range(n):
        permutedlist.append(copiedlist[(i*k) % n])
    permutedvals = {}
    for j in range(n):
        permutedvals[permutedlist[j]] = j
    smallest = copiedlist[0]
    ordered = False
    solution = ""
    a, b = p1, p2
    while True:
        if (arr[0] == smallest) and (arr == copiedlist):
            return solution
        elif arr[b] > smallest:
            if permutedvals[arr[a]] > permutedvals[arr[b]]:
                solution = solution + "s c "
                arr = switch(arr,a,b)         
                arr = rotate(arr)
                solution = solution + "c "
                arr = rotate(arr)
            arr = rotate(arr)
            solution = solution + "c "

Vegetables 5

The key difference between vegetables 4 and 5 is that in 5, the number of vegetables is no longer prime. This means that the earlier congruence no longer holds, so if we keep swapping an element with one of the offsets, we get a cycle, and won't reach all positions.

The key observation here is that if we add the distance of the two swap offsets together, we get a distance which is coprime to the number of elements. This means if we can create a subroutine which performs one swap then another in succession, we can use that as a black box swap of the combined distance, and trivially generalise our previous solution using this new swap functionality.

If we set swap a between i and j, and swap b between m and n, then k = (n-m) + (j-i) to be the total swap distance of using both swaps, we can swap any two elements, A and B by this k distance by first swapping A with an intermediate swappartner using swap b, then swapping A and B using swap a, then swapping the actual B with the old intermediate swap partner using swap b again on the next rotation. Now A and B are swapped, and the intermediate partner is back where it was. This also only touches 3 elements, so we can do any other swaps during the same rotation so long as the (A,B,intermediate) triples have no overlap.

I monitor this overlap by keeping a dictionary with the "state" of each vegetable, whether it's currently free, waiting for an a swap, or waiting for a b swap, and only initiate new swap triples when all 3 values are free. This means that when a swap is initiated, none of those three values can be involved in another swap for the next full rotation, but all other elements are free to be included in their own triples.

I then use this subroutine for just implementing k offset bubble sort as in Vegetable 4, and it solves it with solutions of the order of ~200k.

Code here, with very ugly networking again :D

The sorting algorithm is as follows

def switch(arr, p, q):
    arr[p], arr[q] = arr[q], arr[p]
    return arr

def rotate(arr):
   return arr[1:] + arr[:1]

def rotationsort(arr, p1, p2, q1, q2):
    n = len(arr)
    statedict = {}
    for elem in arr:
        statedict[elem] = 0
    k1 = p2 - p1 % n
    k2 = q2 - q1 % n
    k3 = k1 + k2
    solution = ""
    copiedlist = [elem for elem in arr]
    permutedlist = []
    for i in range(n):
        permutedlist.append(copiedlist[(i*(k3)) % n])
    permutedvals = {}
    for j in range(n):
        permutedvals[permutedlist[j]] = j
    smallest = copiedlist[0]
    solution = ""
    a, b, c, d = p1, p2, q1, q2
    swappos = d - k3
    while True:
        if (arr[0] == smallest) and (arr == copiedlist):
            return solution
        elif statedict[arr[b]] == 1 and (statedict[arr[a]] == 6):
            arr = switch(arr,a,b)
            solution = solution + "a "
            statedict[arr[a]] = 0
            statedict[arr[b]] = 2
        elif statedict[arr[d]] == 7 and statedict[arr[c]] == 2:
            solution = solution + "b "
            arr = switch(arr,c,d)
            statedict[arr[d]] = 0
            statedict[arr[c]] = 0
        elif arr[d] > smallest:
            if permutedvals[arr[swappos]] > permutedvals[arr[d]]:
                if (statedict[arr[d]] + statedict[arr[c]] + statedict[arr[swappos]]) == 0:
                    solution = solution + "b "
                    arr = switch(arr,c,d) 
                    statedict[arr[d]] = 7
                    statedict[arr[c]] = 1
                    statedict[arr[swappos]] = 6
        arr = rotate(arr)
        solution = solution + "c "