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This hook is inspired by the useSelector hook in react-redux, and makes it easy to reactively select readonly data from localStorage.


function Component() {
   * Assume { name: 'user1', email: '' } is stored under
   * 'user' key in `localStorage`.
  const userEmail = useLocalStorageSelector('user', (user) =>;

  return (
      Email: {userEmail} {/* Email: */}


const data = useLocalStorageSelector(key, selector);

This hook accepts:

  • key — key for localStorage,
  • selector — a selector function of type (data) => selectedData,
  • options object:
    • equalityFn — function of type (prev, next) => boolean to compare selectedData across updates. (default: (prev, next) => prev === next)

This hook returns:

  • selectedData — returned by selector method.

When does this hook update?

Similar to how useSelector hook updates, useLocalStorageSelector hook only updates and forces re-render when the data returned by the selector method updates.

  • A change is internally triggered in the hook when the value stored in localStorage under key key changes (either by another hook, or directly using window.localStorage API) on the same tab or different tab. This change does not immediately trigger a re-render and uses the selector and equalityFn methods to check if the selected data has changed.

  • The selector method is of the form (data) => selectedData. The hook only updates the returned value and forces re-render when the value of selectedData changes, not just when data changes. This is done by checking the equality of incoming selected data with the past cached data.

  • The hook by default uses the strict === comparison operator for comparing between the past and the new value. A custom equalityFn can be defined for comparison of complex objects if they are not intended to be updated in every change.

  • To prevent unnecessary updates and re-renders on complex objects, useLocalStorageSelector may be used multiple times to return atomic values from the object.