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aioarangodb provides APIs for working with ArangoDB clusters. For more information on the design and architecture, refer to ArangoDB manual.


To connect to multiple ArangoDB coordinators, you must provide either a list of host strings or a comma-separated string during client initialization.


from aioarangodb import ArangoClient

# Single host client = ArangoClient(hosts='http://localhost:8529')

# Multiple hosts (option 1: list) client = ArangoClient(hosts=['http://host1:8529', 'http://host2:8529'])

# Multiple hosts (option 2: comma-separated string) client = ArangoClient(hosts='http://host1:8529,http://host2:8529')

By default, a aiohttp.ClientSession instance is created per coordinator. HTTP requests to a host are sent using only its corresponding session. For more information on how to override this behaviour, see http.

Load-Balancing Strategies

There are two load-balancing strategies available: "roundrobin" and "random" (defaults to "roundrobin" if unspecified).


from aioarangodb import ArangoClient

hosts = ['http://host1:8529', 'http://host2:8529']

# Round-robin client = ArangoClient(hosts=hosts, host_resolver='roundrobin')

# Random client = ArangoClient(hosts=hosts, host_resolver='random')


Below is an example on how to manage clusters using aioarangodb.

from aioarangodb import ArangoClient

# Initialize the ArangoDB client.
client = ArangoClient()

# Connect to "_system" database as root user.
sys_db = await client.db('_system', username='root', password='passwd')

# Get the Cluster API wrapper.
cluster = sys_db.cluster

# Get this server's ID.
await cluster.server_id()

# Get this server's role.
await cluster.server_role()

# Get the cluster health.

# Get statistics for a specific server.
server_id = await cluster.server_id()
await cluster.statistics(server_id)

# Toggle maintenance mode (allowed values are "on" and "off").
await cluster.toggle_maintenance_mode('on')
await cluster.toggle_maintenance_mode('off')

See ArangoClient and Cluster for API specification.