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Arc v2


  • Docker

All the runtime environment is based on the docker-compose file. It contains a postgres container and the python runtime.

The containers /code directory is the project home. This allows the developers to see their changes in live.

Basic commands

Run in development mode

To run the project simply run

$ docker-compose up --build

in the project root directory.

The API is available on localhost:8000

Note that on the first launch the database is empty so we have to create the tables. To do so we use Django's CLI:

$ docker-compose run web python migrate

Maintenance on the container

  1. Connect to the Django docker container: docker-compose exec web bash
  2. Apply database migrations: python migrate
  3. Create a superuser to connect to the administration interface: python createsuperuser
  4. Optionally populate the database for development by running python runscript seed
  5. You can now connect to the administration interface at /admin and to the platform

Seed & administration srcipts

Scripts are located in the scripts folder. They are run with the runscript library. An utility shell script is available in bin/run to avoid the verbose calling of runscript. It is added to the PATH of the image. You can use it with

run <script_name> <script args>


run seed_all

Populate the database

You can run python runscript seed in the docker container to create a few entries in the database.

Run the tests

$ docker-compose run web ./ test

Adding a python package

To add a pypi package simply add it to requirements.txt and run

docker-compose build web

Don'tforget to specify the exact version of the package to prevent changes in the library from breaking your code !

JS & SCSS assets packaging

For convenience a docker service watching and compiling assets source files (in arcv2_platform/static/src) is configured for development (in docker-compose.override.yml). To add an npm package, you can edit the package.json file and rebuild the watcher service with

docker-compose build web-parcel

To extract the updated package-lock.json to commit it you can run

docker cp $(docker-compose ps -q web-parcel):/code/package-lock.json package-lock.json


Run the linter:

$ docker-compose run web flake8

Fix (some) of your bad style...

$ docker-compose run web autopep8 -iraa .


The web container runs with SERVER_ENV=local by default.

You can change the environment using

$ docker-compose up -e SERVER_ENV=dev --build

Which is probably not a good idea, but you might want to override a specific setting using env vars

$ docker-compose up -e APP_LOGLEVELS_APP=INFO --build


Environments other then local require additional configuration to be set via environment variables.

This is a list of env vars a deployment might require:

  • global:
  • email:
  • db:
  • monitoring:
  • other:

See for more details.

CI - Dev

  • Open a pull request on a branch

=> Trigger test on CircleCI

  • Merge pull request or push on master branch

=> Build, test, and deploy on

CI - Release

To release a new version on uat / prd :

$ git checkout master
$ git pull
$ docker-compose run web fullrelease
<answer the questions>
$ git push origin master
$ git push origin <the new tag>

Pushing a new tag on github triggers the tagged workflow on CircleCI. This will deploy this a new version on Then, an hold button is available on CircleCI which triggers the deployment on

Therefore, the above commands will result in the following:

  • Update minor version number in
  • git commit that change
  • git tag the repo with the new version number
  • git push the tag and the develop branch
  • New version deployed on
  • New version deployed on
  • Hold button available on CircleCI to deploy on prd after a reasonable testing phase on uat.

Logger level recommendations

  • CRITICAL - The system is about to stop. Log the reason. After that the process should end with a non zero exit code
  • ERROR - Something went wrong. Default level for all caught / rejected Errors front the main event loop. Also to be used for errors during to third party components calls (remote service, db...)
  • WARNING - Need to catch the attention of a DevOp. But the system is able to deal with that. (e.g. inconsistencies in the db)
  • INFO - What is happening in the system. Frequency of message is suitable for production.
  • DEBUG - What is happening in the system. Help dev to follow the flow of the code, and to understand the cases. Useful for development, but disabled in production to avoid to flood the log.

Create a pull request (PR) process

  1. commit new changes
  2. if linter in place : docker-compose run web autopep8 -iraa . before push
  3. add in previews commit instead of create a new commit :
    1. git add -u
    2. git commit --amend
  4. push to repository : git push origin <branchName>

(!) branch must be ready to merge, pull master in the branch. git pull origin master

(!) As Reviewer, you have the responsibility to check if the developer respects the guidelines

IDE - PyCharm

  • Use venv for your own good
  • Ensure you enable .editorconfig support

Custom scripts

To run python scripts within the Django context we use the runscript library from django-extensions. To add a new script simply create a file named after the command (e.g. in the scripts folder. The file must contain a function called run which can then be executed by running

python runscript example

in the web container (accessible with docker-compose exec web bash).


We kindly ask you to cite the following publication:

AUTHOR={Courcol, Jean-Denis and Invernizzi, Cédric F. and Landry, Zachary C. and Minisini, Mikhaél and Baumgartner, Dieter A. and Bonhoeffer, Sebastian and Chabriw, Barbara and Clerc, Estelle E. and Daniels, Michael and Getta, Pavlo and Girod, Matthieu and Kazala, Kinga and Markram, Henry and Pasqualini, Axel and Martínez-Pérez, Clara and Peaudecerf, François J. and Peaudecerf, Margit S. and Pfreundt, Ulrike and Roller, Benjamin R. K. and Słomka, Jonasz and Vasse, Marie and Wheeler, Jeanette D. and Metzger, César M. J. A. and Stocker, Roman and Schürmann, Felix},   
TITLE={ARC: An Open Web-Platform for Request/Supply Matching for a Prioritized and Controlled COVID-19 Response},      
JOURNAL={Frontiers in Public Health},      
ABSTRACT={In 2020 the world was hit by the COVID-19 pandemic putting entire governments and civil societies in crisis mode. Around the globe unprecedented shortages of equipment and qualified personnel were reported in hospitals and diagnostic laboratories. When a crisis is global, supply chains are strained worldwide and external help may not be readily available. In Switzerland, as part of the efforts of the Swiss National COVID-19 Science Task Force, we developed a tailor-made web-based tool where needs and offers for critical laboratory equipment and expertise can be brought together, coordinated, prioritized, and validated. This Academic Resources for COVID-19 (ARC) Platform presents the specialized needs of diagnostic laboratories to academic research groups at universities, allowing the sourcing of said needs from unconventional supply channels, while keeping the entities tasked with coordination of the crisis response in control of each part of the process. An instance of the ARC Platform is operated in Switzerland ( catering to the diagnostic efforts in Switzerland and sourcing from the Swiss academic sector. The underlying technology has been released as open source so that others can adopt the customizable web-platform for need/supply match-making in their own relief efforts, during the COVID-19 pandemic or any future disaster.}

Funding & Acknowledgment

The development of this software was supported by funding to the Blue Brain Project, a research center of the École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), from the Swiss government’s ETH Board of the Swiss Federal Institutes of Technology.

Copyright (c) 2020-2024 Blue Brain Project/EPFL