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This package provides rendering snippets of markup organized as tiles for the pyramid framework.

A tile is a piece of web application, i.e. a form, a navigation, etc.

Splitting your application in such small and logic application parts makes it easy to re-use this application, simplifies application AJAXification and the use of same application parts in different manners.

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Register tiles

A tile is registered similar to a pyramid view. Registration is done with the the cone.tile.tile decorator on classes.

from cone.tile import tile
from cone.tile import Tile

class BTile(Tile):

There also exists a cone.tile.register_tile function. It should not be used directly any more. tile decorator attaches this function to venusian for deferred tile registration.

from cone.tile import register_tile


tile decorator accepts the following arguments:

Identifier of the tile (for later lookup).
Either relative path to the template or absolute path or path prefixed by the absolute package name delimeted by ':'. If path is used attribute is ignored.
Attribute on the given _class to be used to render the tile. Defaults to render.
Interface or class of the pyramid model the tile is registered for.
Class to be used to render the tile. usally cone.tile.Tile or a subclass of. Promises to implement cone.tile.ITile. When the tile decorator is used, the decorated class is expected as tile implementation.
Enables security checking for this tile. Defaults to view. If set to None security checks are disabled.
Wether to raise Forbidden or not if rendering is not permitted. Defaults to True. If set to False the exception is consumed and an empty unicode string is returned.

Tiles can be overwritten later while application initialization by just registering it again. This is useful for application theming and customization.

Rendering tiles

Tile rendering with the render_tile function

from cone.tile import render_tile
rendered = render_tile(model, request, name)

Inside templates which are bound to the tile, more tiles can be rendered on current model and request via tile

<tal:sometile replace="structure tile('tilename')" />

The Tile

A tile is similar to what's known in the zope world as content provider.

Before rendering of the tile is done, the prepare function is called which can be used to load data or whatever.

Further, the show flag is considered (which might have been set in the prepare function) and rendering is skipped if it evaluates to False.

More on rendering

There are helper functions for rendering which pass the tile renderer to templates for invoking child tiles and consider redirections.

The tile class provides a redirect function, which expects either a string containing a URL or a webob.exc.HTTPFound instance. This causes rendering of remaining tiles to be skipped and request.environ['redirect'] to be set.

Render template. Passes tile renderer to template. Considers redirection. Returns empty string if redirection found.
Render template to response. Passes tile renderer to template. Considers redirection. Returns HTTPFound instance if redirection found, otherwise rendered response.
Renders some result to the response considering redirection. Returns HTTPFound instance if redirection found, otherwise rendered response.


  • Robert Niederreiter
  • Jens Klein
  • Attila Olah