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Building Render Pipeline C++

Languages: 한국어


  • C++14
  • Tools
    • CMake (build tool)
    • Windows
      • vcpkg (optional, but recommended)
  • Panda3D
  • FreeType2: 2.5.2 (included in Panda3D third-party)
  • Boost: above 1.65.0
  • yaml-cpp
  • fmt
  • spdlog
  • Eigen3 (conditional): Panda3D does not have Eigen3 although Panda3D uses it
  • Assimp (optional): Required to build rpassimp plugin
  • ImGUI (optional): Required to build imgui or rpstat plugin

Versions in Continuous Integration (CI)

You can see the build pipeline:


Render Pipeline C++ uses CMake build system. CMake will find required libraries and generate build tools (ex, Unix Makefiles or Visual Studio solutions.)

While configuring CMake, the first configuration may be failed because it cannot find some libraries. To solve this problem, you can give hints for the path of the libraries in CMake configuration (or advanced tab).

If you use vcpkg, then this issue may be almost gone.

Third-party Guide

In Windows, we recommend to use vcpkg for some third-party. If you does not use vcpkg, then build and install those and setup proper values for CMake cache.

  • Windows

    vcpkg install --triplet x64-windows boost-dll boost-any boost-multi-index spdlog yaml-cpp
    # conditional
    vcpkg install --triplet x64-windows eigen3
    # optional
    vcpkg install --triplet x64-windows assimp imgui
  • Ubuntu

    apt-get install libboost-filesystem-dev libfmt-dev libspdlog-dev
    # optional
    apt-get install libassimp-dev


You can get the latest built files from my Panda3d repository OR build Panda3D from source.

And then set panda3d_ROOT to installed directory for CMake cache.


Panda3D may use Eigen3 and original Panda3D installs it into Panda3D package as default if it is used.

However, Patched Panda3D does not install Eigen3. If your Panda3D uses Eigen3 and does not include it, then you need to install Eigen3.

  • Windows: vcpkg install eigen3:x64-windows
  • Ubuntu: apt-get install libeigen3-dev


You can get the latest built files from my Panda3d-Thirdparty repository OR build it from original panda3d-thirdparty repository.

And then, FindPackage function for FreeType2 does not have hint in configuration. Instead, it uses FREETYPE_DIR in System Environment Variable as hint.

Therefore, use system environment variable OR set it in CMake (see Integration with Plugin & Samples)


  • Required libraries: algorithm, filesystem, dll, any, optional, variant, multi-index
  • Windows:
    • vcpkg install --triplet x64-windows boost-dll boost-any boost-multi-index
    • OR, get Boost library from official website and set BOOST_ROOT to installed directory (For details, see FindBoost usage in CMake)
  • Ubuntu: apt-get install libboost-filesystem-dev


  • Windows: vcpkg install yaml-cpp:x64-windows
  • Ubuntu: build from github


  • Windows: vcpkg install fmt:x64-windows
  • Ubuntu: apt-get install libfmt-dev


  • Windows: vcpkg install spdlog:x64-windows
  • Ubuntu: apt-get install libspdlog-dev

Build Structure

Render Pipeline C++ will build core library (render_pipeline), native module, internal plugins. Native module is the same as original Render Pipeline. This will be linked statically.

Internal plugins are built as Module, not library. Therefore, it creates only shared library (.dll or .so files.) and install this into share/render_pipeline/rpplugins.

Integration with Plugin & Samples

There are a plugin project ( and a sample project ( .

If you want to build with plugins and samples, you can do it using the following ways.

1. Directory Structure

  ├ build                   # CMake build directory
  ├ render_pipeline_cpp     # Render Pipeline C++ project
  ├ rpcpp_plugins           # Plugin project
  ├ rpcpp_samples           # Sample project
  └ CMakeLists.txt          # CMake file (see below)

2. CMakeLists.txt File

cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.11.4)

# write paths and use options on your system
set(panda3d_ROOT "R:/usr/lib/panda3d" CACHE PATH "")
set(ENV{FREETYPE_DIR} "R:/usr/lib/panda3d-thirdparty/win-libs-vc14-x64/freetype")

# optional paths
set(NvFlex_ROOT "R:/usr/lib/flex" CACHE PATH "")

# if vcpkg is not used, uncomment and write paths
#set(BOOST_ROOT "R:/usr/lib/boost" CACHE PATH "")
#set(spdlog_DIR "R:/usr/lib/spdlog/lib/cmake/spdlog" CACHE PATH "")
#set(yaml-cpp_DIR "R:/usr/lib/yaml-cpp/CMake" CACHE PATH "")
#set(OpenVR_ROOT "R:/usr/lib/openvr" CACHE PATH "")


3. Run CMake

If vcpkg is used, select Specify toolchain file for cross-compiling and choose toolchain file (vcpkg.cmake) of vcpkg in CMake GUI. In command line, generate CMake project with -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=.....\vcpkg\scripts\buildsystems\vcpkg.cmake option.

If vcpkg is not used, just run CMake.