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692 lines (418 loc) · 33.3 KB

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692 lines (418 loc) · 33.3 KB

Change Log

All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.



  • usesLegacyTableViewUpdateMethod on TableViewUpdater
  • configureDiffableDatasource deprecated method that returned UITableViewDiffableDataSourceReference.


  • Diffable datasources exceptions in Xcode 13 / iOS 15 with some internal restructuring.
  • Swift 5.4 / Xcode 12.5 warnings.


  • Support for DTModelStorage 9.1


  • Cell and supplementary view events are now available inside mapping closure directly, for example:
// Previous releases
manager.didSelect(PostCell.self) { cell, model, indexPath in
    // React to selection

// New
manager.register(PostCell.self) { mapping in
    mapping.didSelect { cell, model, indexPath in


Those events are now tied to ViewModelMapping instance, which means, that events, registered this way, will only trigger, if mapping condition of current mapping applies. For example:

manager.register(PostCell.self) { mapping in
    mapping.condition = .section(0)
    mapping.didSelect { cell, model, indexPath in  
        // This closure will only get called, when user selects cell in the first section
manager.register(PostCell.self) { mapping in
    mapping.condition = .section(1)
    mapping.didSelect { cell, model, indexPath in  
        // This closure will only get called, when user selects cell in the second section

Please note, that headers and footers only support mapping-style event registration, if they inherit from UITableViewHeaderFooterView.

  • TableViewConfiguration semanticHeaderHeight and semanticFooterHeight, that specify whether DTTableViewManager should deploy custom logic in tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, heightForHeaderInSection section: Int) and tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, heightForFooterInSection section: Int). This logic includes checking whether header and footer models exist in storage, returning UITableView.automaticDimension for sections, whose header and footer models are Strings (for table section titles), as well as returning minimal height for cases where data model is not there(which happens to be different for UITableView.Style.plain and UITableView.Style.grouped). Those properties default to true, but if you want to use self-sizing table view sections headers or footers, which may improve perfomance, consider turning those off:
manager.configuration.semanticHeaderHeight = false
manager.configuration.semanticFooterHeight = false

Please note, that even when those properties are set to false, corresponding UITableViewDelegate methods will still be called in two cases:

  1. Your DTTableViewManageable instance implements them
  2. You register a heightForHeader(withItem:_:) or heightForFooter(withItem:_:) closures on DTTableViewManager instance.


This release requires Swift 5.3. Minimum iOS / tvOS deployment targets are unchanged (iOS 11, tvOS 11).

Some context: this release heavily relies on where clauses on contextually generic declarations, that are only available in Swift 5.3 - SE-0267.

  • ViewModelMapping is now a generic class, that captures view and model information(ViewModelMapping<T,U>).


  • indentationLevelForCell closure now correctly returns Int instead of CGFloat.
  • Several event API's have been improved to allow returning nil for methods, that accept nil as a valid value: contextMenuConfiguration, previewForHighlightingContextMenu, previewForDismissingContextMenu.


  • Generic placeholders for cell/model/view methods have been improved for better readability.


  • Several cell/header/footer/supplementary view registration methods have been deprecated to unify registration logic. Please use register(_:mapping:handler:), registerHeader(_:mapping:handler:), registerFooter(_:mapping:handler:) as a replacements for all of those methods. For more information on those changes, please read migration guide.
  • All non-deprecated registration methods now have an additional handler closure, that allows to configure cells/headers/footers that are dequeued from UITableView. This is a direct replacement for configure(_:_:, configureHeader(_:_:), configureFooter(_:_:) , that are all now deprecated. Please note, that handler closure is called before DTModelTransfer.update(with:) method.
  • DTTableViewManager.configureEvents(for:_:), it's functionality has become unnecessary since mapping closure of cell/header/footer registration now captures both cell and model type information for such events.
  • DTTableViewManager.configureDiffableDataSource(modelProvider:) for non-hashable data models. Please use configureDiffableDataSource method for models, that are Hashable. From Apple's documentation: If you’re working in a Swift codebase, always use UITableViewDiffableDataSource instead.
  • TableViewUpdater.usesLegacyTableViewUpdateMethods property.


  • Deployment targets - iOS 11 / tvOS 11.
  • Minimum Swift version required: 5.0
  • Added support for DTModelStorage/Realm with Realm 5

Please note, that this framework version source is identical to previous version, which supports iOS 8 / tvOS 9 / Swift 4.0 and higher.


  • It's not longer necessary to import DTModelStorage framework to use it's API's. import DTTableViewManager now implicitly exports DTModelStorage.
  • willCommitMenuWithAnimator method has been made unavailable for Xcode 11.2, because UITableViewDelegate method it used has been removed from UIKit on Xcode 11.2.
  • Added support for Xcode versions, that are older than Xcode 11.

This is a major release with some breaking changes, please read DTTableViewManager 7.0 Migration Guide


  • configureDiffableDataSource(modelProvider:) method to enable UITableViewDiffableDataSource with DTTableViewManager.
  • Ability for DTTableViewManageable to implement tableView(_:viewForHeaderInSection:) and tableView(_:viewForFooterInSection:) to return view directly without going through storages.
  • minimalHeaderHeightForTableView and minimalFooterHeightForTableView properties for TableViewConfiguration, that allows configuring height for section headers and footers that need to be hidden.
  • Ability to customize bundle, from which xib files are loaded from by setting bundle property on ViewModelMapping in mappingBlock. As before, bundle defaults to Bundle(for: ViewClass.self).
  • DTTableViewManager.supplementaryStorage getter, that conditionally casts current storage to SupplementaryStorage protocol.

New method wrappers for iOS 13 API

  • shouldBeginMultipleSelectionInteraction
  • didBeginMultipleSelectionInteraction
  • didEndMultipleSelectionInteraction
  • contextMenuConfiguration(for:)
  • previewForHighlightingContextMenu
  • previewForDismissingContextMenu
  • willCommitMenuWithAnimator


  • If tableView section does not contain any items, and TableViewConfiguration.display<Header/Footer>OnEmptySection property is set to false, DTTableViewManager no longer asks for header footer height explicitly and returns TableViewConfiguration.minimal<Header/Footer>HeightForTableView.
  • Anomaly event verification now allows subclasses to prevent false-positives.
  • animateChangesOffScreen property on TableViewUpdater that allows to turn off animated updates for UITableView when it is not on screen.


  • Usage of previously deprecated and now removed from DTModelStorage ViewModelMappingCustomizing protocol.


DTModelStorage header, footer and supplementary model handling has been largely restructured to be a single closure-based API. Read more about changes in DTModelStorage changelog. As a result of those changes, several breaking changes in DTTableViewManager include:

  • SupplementaryAccessible extension with tableHeaderModel and tableFooterModel properties has been removed.
  • Because headers/footers are now a closure based API, setSectionHeaderModels and setSectionFooterModels do not create sections by default, and do not call tableView.reloadData.
  • If a storage does not contain any sections, even if configuration.displayHeaderOnEmptySections or configuration.displayFooterOnEmptySections is set, headers and footers will not be displayed, since there are no sections, which is different from present sections, that contain 0 items. For example, If you need to show a header or footer in empty section using MemoryStorage, you can call memoryStorage.setItems([Int](), forSectionAt: emptySectionIndex), and now with empty section header and footer can be displayed.

Other breaking changes:

  • tableViewUpdater will contain nil if DTTableViewManager is configured to work with UITableViewDiffableDataSource.
  • DTTableViewOptionalManageable protocol was removed and replaced by optionalTableView property on DTTableViewManageable protocol. One of tableView/optionalTableView properties must be implemented by DTTableViewManageable instance to work with DTTableViewManager.


Following methods have been deprecated due to their delegate methods being deprecated in iOS 13:

  • editActions(for:)
  • shouldShowMenuForItemAt
  • canPerformAction
  • performAction
  • Added support for Swift Package Manager in Xcode 11


  • Convenience constructor for DTTableViewManager object: init(storage:) that allows to create it's instance without initializing MemoryStorage.
  • Static variable defaultStorage on DTTableViewManager that allows to configure which Storage class is used by default.
  • Documentation
  • Support for Xcode 10.2 and Swift 5


  • Support for Xcode 9 and Swift 3

Dependency changelog -> DTModelStorage 7.2.0 and higher


  • Example of auto-diffing capability and animations when using SingleSectionStorage.
  • Support for Swift 4.2 and Xcode 10.


  • Reduced severity comment for nilHeaderModel and nilFooterModel anomalies, since in some cases it's actually a desired behavior.


  • Anomaly detecting system for various errors in DTTableViewManager. Read more about it in Anomaly Handler Readme section. Anomaly handler system requires Swift 4.1 and higher.
  • Support for Swift 4.2 in Xcode 10 beta 1.


  • Calling startManaging(withDelegate:_) method is no longer required.


  • viewFactoryErrorHandler deprecated property on DTTableViewManager was removed. All previously reported errors and warnings are now a part of anomaly detecting system.
  • editingStyle(for:_,_:) method was replaced with editingStyle(forItem:_,:_) method, that accepts model and indexPath closure, without cell. Reason for that is that UITableView may call this method when cell is not actually on screen, in which case this event would not fire, and current editingStyle of the cell would be lost.
  • Updates for Xcode 9.3 and Swift 4.1
  • Implemented new system for deferring datasource updates until performBatchUpdates block. This system is intended to fight crash, that might happen when performBatchUpdates method is called after UITableView.reloadData method(for example after calling memoryStorage.setItems, and then immediately memoryStorage.addItems). This issue is detailed in DenTelezhkin/DTCollectionViewManager#27 and DenTelezhkin/DTCollectionViewManager#23. This crash can also happen, if iOS 11 API UITableView.performBatchUpdates is used. This system is turned on by default. If, for some reason, you want to disable it and have old behavior, call:
manager.memoryStorage.defersDatasourceUpdates = false
  • TableViewUpdater now uses iOS 11 performBatchUpdates API, if this API is available. This API will work properly on MemoryStorage only if defersDatasourceUpdates is set to true - which is default. However, if for some reason you need to use legacy methods beginUpdates, endUpdates, you can enable them like so:
manager.tableViewUpdater?.usesLegacyTableViewUpdateMethods = true

Please note, though, that new default behavior is recommended, because it is more stable and works the same on both UITableView and UICollectionView.

  • tableViewUpdater property on DTTableViewManager is now of TableViewUpdater type instead of opaque StorageUpdating type. This should ease use of this object and prevent type unneccessary type casts.
  • Updated to Xcode 9.1 / Swift 4.0.2
  • Makes DTTableViewManager property weak instead of unowned to prevent iOS 10-specific memory issues/crashes.
  • Build with Xcode 9.0 final release.
  • Fixed partial-availability warnings.

This is a major release with some breaking changes, please read DTTableViewManager 6.0 Migration Guide

  • Added updateVisibleCells(_:) method, that allows updating cell data for visible cells with callback on each cell. This is more efficient than calling reloadData when number of elements in UITableView does not change, and only contents of items change.
  • Implement configureEvents(for:_:) method, that allows batching in several cell events to avoid using T.ModelType for events, that do not have cell created.
  • Added event for UITableViewDelegate tableView(_:targetIndexPathForMoveFromRowAt:toProposedIndexPath:
  • Added events for focus engine on iOS 9
  • Added events for iOS 11 UITableViewDelegate methods: tableView(_:leadingSwipeActionsConfigurationForRowAt:, tableView(_:trailingSwipeActionsConfigurationForRowAt:, tableView(_:shouldSpringLoadRowAt:withContext:
  • UITableViewDelegate and UITableViewDatasource implementations have been refactored from DTTableViewManager to DTTableViewDelegate and DTTableViewDataSource classes.
  • DTTableViewManager now allows registering mappings for specific sections, or mappings with any custom condition.
  • Added move(_:_:) method to allow setting up events, reacting to tableView:moveRowAt:to: method.


  • Signature of move(_:_:) method has been changed to make it consistent with other events. Arguments received in closure are now: (destinationIndexPath: IndexPath, cell: T, model: T.ModelType, sourceIndexPath: IndexPath)
  • tableView(UITableView, moveRowAt: IndexPath, to: IndexPath) no longer automatically moves items, if current storage is MemoryStorage. Please use MemoryStorage convenience method moveItemWithoutAnimation(from:to:) to move items manually.


  • Error handling system of DTTableViewManager is deprecated and can be removed or replaced in future versions of the framework.

Dependency changelog -> DTModelStorage 5.0.0 and higher

  • Use new events system from DTModelStorage, that allows events to be properly called for cells, that are created using ViewModelMappingCustomizing protocol.


  • Setting TableViewUpdater instance to tableViewUpdater property on DTTableViewManager now triggers didUpdateContent closure on TableViewUpdater.
  • Added sectionIndexTitles event to replace UITableViewDataSource.sectionIndexTitles(for:) method.
  • Added sectionForSectionIndexTitle event to replace UITableViewDataSource.tableView(_:sectionForSectionIndexTitle:at) method.


  • All events that return Optional value now accept nil as a valid event result.
  • didDeselect(_:,_:) method now accepts closure without return type - since UITableViewDelegate does not have return type in that method.

Dependency changelog -> DTModelStorage 4.0.0 and higher

  • TableViewUpdater has been rewritten to use new StorageUpdate properties that track changes in order of their occurence.
  • TableViewUpdater reloadRowClosure and DTTableViewManager updateCellClosure now accept indexPath and model instead of just indexPath. This is done because update may happen after insertions and deletions and object that needs to be updated may exist on different indexPath.

No changes

  • DTModelStorage dependency now requires Realm 2.0
  • UITableViewDelegate heightForHeaderInSection and heightForFooterInSection are now properly called on the delegate, if it implements it(thanks, @augmentedworks!).


  • DTTableViewOptionalManageable protocol, that is identical to DTTableViewManageable, but allows optional tableView property instead of implicitly unwrapped one.
  • Enabled RealmStorage from DTModelStorage dependency

This is a major release, written in Swift 3. Read Migration guide with descriptions of all features and changes.

Dependency changelog -> DTModelStorage 3.0.0 and higher


  • New events system that covers almost all available UITableViewDelegate and UITableViewDataSource delegate methods.
  • New class - TableViewUpdater, that is calling all animation methods for UITableView when required by underlying storage.
  • updateCellClosure method on DTTableViewManager, that manually updates visible cell instead of calling tableView.reloadRowsAt(_:) method.
  • coreDataUpdater property on DTTableViewManager, that creates TableViewUpdater object, that follows Apple's guide for updating UITableView from NSFetchedResultsControllerDelegate events.
  • isManagingTableView property on DTTableViewManager
  • unregisterCellClass(_:), unregisterHeaderClass(_:), unregisterFooterClass(_:) methods to unregister mappings from DTTableViewManager and UITableView


  • Event system is migrated to new EventReaction class from DTModelStorage
  • Swift 3 API Design guidelines have been applied to all public API.
  • Section and row animations are now set on TableViewUpdater class instead of TableViewConfiguration


  • itemForVisibleCell, itemForCellClass:atIndexPath:, itemForHeaderClass:atSectionIndex:, itemForFooterClass:atSectionIndex: were removed - they were not particularly useful and can be replaced with much shorter Swift conditional typecasts.
  • registerCellClass:whenSelected method
  • All events methods with method pointer semantics. Please use block based methods instead.
  • dataBindingBehaviour property.
  • viewBundle property on DTTableViewManager. Bundle is not determined automatically based on view class.
  • DTTableViewContentUpdatable protocol. Use TableViewUpdater properties instead.


  • Support for building in both Swift 2.2 and Swift 2.3
  • Now all view registration methods use NSBundle(forClass:) constructor, instead of falling back on DTTableViewManager viewBundle property. This allows having cells from separate bundles or frameworks to be used with single DTTableViewManager instance.

Dependency changelog -> DTModelStorage 2.6.0 and higher

Dependency changelog -> DTModelStorage 2.5 and higher


  • Update to Swift 2.2. This release is not backwards compatible with Swift 2.1.


  • Require Only-App-Extension-Safe API is set to YES in framework targets.


  • Fixed a bug, where prototype cell from storyboard could not be created after calling registerCellClass(_:) method.


  • Support for Realm database storage - using RealmStorage class.
  • Ability to defer data binding until tableView(_:willDisplayCell:forRowAtIndexPath:) method is called. This can improve scrolling perfomance for table view cells.
    manager.dataBindingBehaviour = .BeforeCellIsDisplayed


  • UIReactions now properly unwrap data models, even for cases when model contains double optional value.


  • Issue with Swift 2.1.1 (XCode 7.2) where storage.delegate was not set during initialization

Dependency changelog -> DTModelStorage 2.3 and higher

This release aims to improve mapping system and error reporting.



  • preconditionFailures have been replaced with DTTableViewFactoryError ErrorType
  • Internal TableViewReaction class have been replaced by UIReaction class from DTModelStorage.

Dependency changelog -> DTModelStorage 2.2 and higher


  • Added support for Apple TV platform (tvOS).


  • registerNiblessFooterClass method now works correctly.


  • objectForCellClass category of methods have been removed to read item in their title instead of object.


  • TableViewStorageUpdating protocol and conformance has been removed as unnecessary.


  • Improved stability by treating UITableView as optional

Dependency changelog -> DTModelStorage 2.1 and higher

This release aims to improve storage updates and UI animation with UITableView. To make this happen, DTModelStorage classes were rewritten and rearchitectured, using Swift Set.

There are some backwards-incompatible changes in this release, however Xcode quick-fix tips should guide you through what needs to be changed.


  • registerNiblessHeaderClass and registerNiblessFooterClass methods to support creating UITableViewHeaderFooterViews from code


  • Fixed retain cycles in event blocks


New events registration system with method pointers, that automatically breaks retain cycles.

For example, cell selection:


func selectedCell(cell: PostCell, post: Post, indexPath: NSIndexPath) {
    // Do something, push controller probably?

Alternatively, you can use dynamicType to register method pointer:


Other available events:

  • cellConfiguration
  • headerConfiguration
  • footerConfiguration

Breaking changes

beforeContentUpdate and afterContentUpdate closures were replaced with DTTableViewContentUpdatable protocol, that can be adopted by your DTTableViewManageable class, for example:

extension PostsViewController: DTTableViewContentUpdatable {
    func afterContentUpdate() {
        // Do something

4.0 is a next major release of DTTableViewManager. It was rewritten from scratch in Swift 2 and is not backwards-compatible with previous releases.

Read 4.0 Migration guide.


  • Improved ModelTransfer protocol with associated ModelType
  • DTTableViewManager is now a separate object
  • New events system, that allows reacting to cell selection, cell/header/footer configuration and content updates
  • Added support for UITableViewController, and any other object, that has UITableView
  • New storage object generic-type getters
  • Support for Swift types - classes, structs, enums, tuples.


  • Fixed an issue, where storageDidPerformUpdate method could be called without any updates.
  • Added support for installation using Carthage 🍻


  • Added nullability annotations for XCode 6.3 and Swift 1.2


Added removeAllTableItemsAnimated method.


Fixed issue, that could lead to wrong table items being removed, when using memory storage removeItemsAtIndexPaths: method.


  • Supported frameworks installation from CocoaPods - requires iOS 8.


  • Full Swift support, including swift model classes
  • Added convenience method to update section items
  • Added DTTableViewControllerEvents protocol, that allows developer to react to changes in datasource
  • Registering header or footer view now automatically changes default header/footer style to DTTableViewSectionStyleView.

Breaking changes

  • DTSectionModel methods headerModel and footerModel were renamed. Use tableHeaderModel and tableFooterModel instead.
  • DTStorage protocol was renamed to DTStorageProtocol.
  • DTTableViewDataStorage class was removed, it's methods were merged in DTMemoryStorage
  • DTDefaultCellModel and DTDefaultHeaderFooterModel were removed.

This is a release, that is targeted at improving code readability, and reducing number of classes and protocols inside DTTableViewManager architecture.

Breaking changes

  • DTTableViewMemoryStorage class was removed. It's methods were transferred to DTMemoryStorage+DTTableViewManagerAdditions category.
  • DTTableViewStorageUpdating protocol was removed. It's methods were moved to DTTableViewController.


  • When using DTCoreDataStorage, section titles are displayed by default, if NSFetchedController was created with sectionNameKeyPath property.


Preliminary support for Swift.

If you use cells, headers or footers inside storyboards from Swift, implement optional reuseIdentifier method to return real Swift class name instead of the mangled one. This name should also be set as reuseIdentifier in storyboard.

Breaking changes

Reuse identifier now needs to be identical to cell, header or footer class names. For example, UserTableCell should now have "UserTableCell" reuse identifier.


Added properties of DTTableViewController to control, whether section headers and footers should be shown for sections, that don't contain any items.


Removed DTModelSearching protocol, please use DTMemoryStorage setSearchingBlock:forModelClass: method instead.

  • DTModelSearching protocol is deprecated and is replaced by memoryStorage method setSearchingBlock:forModelClass:
  • UITableViewDelegate and UITableViewDatasource properties for UITableView are now filled automatically.
  • Added more assertions, programmer errors should be easily captured.

Breaking changes

Storage classes now use external dependency from DTModelStorage repo.

Some method calls on memory storage have been renamed, dropping 'table' part from the name, for example

-(void)addTableItems:(NSArray *)items

now becomes

-(void)addItems:(NSArray *)items

Several protocols and classes have been also renamed:

DTTableViewModelTransfer - DTModelTransfer DTTableViewModelSearching - DTModelSearching DTTableViewCoreDataStorage - DTCoreDataStorage


Added support for default UITableViewCellStyles and default UITableViewHeaderFooterViews without subclassing.

DTTableViewManager 2.0 is a major update to the framework with several API - breaking changes. Please read DTTableViewManager 2.0 transition guide for an overview.


Added support for storyboard prototype cells.


DTTableViewManager renamed to DTTableViewController.


Fixed bug, which prevented using correct height values on custom headers and footers.


Added ability to disable logging


Improved structure of mapping code, now mapping and cell creation happens completely in DTCellFactory class.


Introducing support for Foundation data models. Cell, header and footer mapping now supports following classes:

  • NSString / NSMutableString
  • NSNumber
  • NSDictionary / NSMutableDictionary
  • NSArray / NSMutableArray


  • option to not reuse cells is removed. Currently there's no obvious reason to not have cell reuse.


Powerful and easy search within UITableView.

General changes

Tests are now running on Travis-CI


Ability to create DTTableViewManager as a separate object was removed. If you need to subclass from different UIViewController, consider using iOS Containment API.