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File metadata and controls

342 lines (259 loc) · 11.7 KB

Configuration Reference

This covers configuration for both "old" (v0) and "new" (v2 / v1) Databroker implementations and interfaces.

Current Best Practice

Databroker uses intake's configuration system.

Catalog File Search Path

We rely on appdirs to detect local conventions for the location of application configuration files. Thus, its configuration file search path is dependent on the OS and the software environment. It can be queried like so:

python3 -c "import databroker; print(databroker.catalog_search_path())"

Within these directories, Databroker looks for YAML files. The filenames are not meaningful to Databroker.

The general structure of a catalog YAML file is a nested dictionary of data "sources". Each source name is mapped to information for accessing that data, which includes a type of "driver" and some keyword arguments to pass to it. A "driver" is generally associated with a particular storage format.

    driver: SOME_DRIVER
    driver: SOME_DRIVER

As shown, multiple sources can be specified in one file. All sources found in all the YAML files in the search path will be included as top-level entries in databroker.catalog.

Optional Parameters

All Databroker "drivers" accept the following arguments:

  • handler_registry --- If ommitted or None, the result of :func:`~databroker.core.discover_handlers` is used. See :doc:`event-model:external` for background on the role of "handlers".
  • root_map --- This is passed to :func:`event_model.Filler` to account for temporarily moved/copied/remounted files. Any resources which have a root matching a key in root_map will be loaded using the mapped value in root_map.
  • transforms --- A dict that maps any subset of the keys {start, stop, resource, descriptor} to a function that accepts a document of the corresponding type and returns it, potentially modified. This feature is for patching up erroneous metadata. It is intended for quick, temporary fixes that may later be applied permanently to the data at rest (e.g., via a database migration).

Specific drivers require format-specific arguments, shown in the following subsections.

Driver-Specific Parameters

Msgpack Example

Msgpack is a binary file format.

    driver: bluesky-msgpack-catalog
        - "DESTINATION_DIRECTORY/*.msgpack"

where ENTRY_NAME is a name of the entry that will appear in databroker.catalog, and DESTINATION_DIRECTORY is a directory of msgpack files generated by suitcase-msgpack, as illustrated in the previous section.

Note that the value of paths is a list. Multiple directories can be grouped into one "source".

JSONL (Newline-delimited JSON) Example

JSONL is a text-based format in which each line is a valid JSON. Unlike ordinary JSON, it is suitable for streaming. This storage is much slower than msgpack, but the format is human-readable.

    driver: bluesky-jsonl-catalog
        - "DESTINATION_DIRECTORY/*.jsonl"

where ENTRY_NAME is a name of the entry that will appear in databroker.catalog and DESTINATION_DIRECTORY is a directory of newline-delimited JSON files generated by suitcase-jsonl.

Note that the value of paths is a list. Multiple directories can be grouped into one "source".

MongoDB Example

MongoDB is the recommended storage format for large-scale deployments because it supports fast search.

    driver: bluesky-mongo-normalized-catalog
      metadatastore_db: mongodb://HOST:PORT/MDS_DATABASE_NAME
      asset_registry_db: mongodb://HOST:PORT/ASSETS_DATABASE_NAME

where CATALOG_NAME is a name of the entry that will appear in databroker.catalog. The two datbase URIs, metadatastore_db and asset_registry_db, are distinct only for historical reasons. For new deployments, we recommend that you set them to the same value---i.e. that you use one database shared by both.

If you are using Databroker on the same system where you are running MongoDB, then the URI would be mongodb://localhost:27017/DATABASE_NAME where DATABASE_NAME is fully up to you.

The driver's name, bluesky-mongo-normalized-catalog, differentiates it from the bluesky-mongo-embedded-catalog, an experimental alternative way of original bluesky documents into MongoDB documents and collections. It is still under evaluation and not yet recommended for use in production.

Advanced: Configuration via Python Package

To distribute catalogs to users, it may be more convenient to provide an installable Python package, rather than placing YAML files in specific locations on the user's machine. To achieve this, a Python package can advertise catalog objects using the 'intake.catalogs' entrypoint. Here is a minimal example:

from setuptools import setup

          ['ENTRY_NAME = example:catalog_instance']},

# Create an object named `catalog_instance` which is referenced in the
#, and will be discovered by Databroker. How the instance is
# created, and what type of catalog it is, is completely up to the
# implementation. This is just one possible example.

import intake

# Look up a driver class by its name in the registry.
catalog_class = intake.registry['bluesky-mongo-normalized-catalog']

catalog_instance = catalog_class(
    metadatastore_db='mongodb://...', asset_registry_db='mongodb://...')

The entry_points parameter in the setup(...) is a feature supported by Python packaging. When this package is installed, a special file inside the distribution, entry_points.txt, will advertise that is has catalogs. DataBroker will discover these and add them to databroker.catalog. Note that Databroker does not need to actually import the package to discover its catalogs. The package will only be imported if and when the catalog is accessed. Thus, the overhead of this discovery process is low.


Some critical details of Python's entrypoints feature:

  • Note the unusual syntax of the entrypoints. Each item is given as one long string, with the = as part of the string. Modules are separated by ., and the final object name is preceded by :.
  • The right hand side of the equals sign must point to where the object is actually defined. If catalog_instance is defined in foo/ and imported into foo/ you might expect foo:catalog_instance to work, but it does not. You must spell out

Legacy (v0-style) configuration

For backward-compatibility, configuration files specifying MongoDB storage are discovered and included in databroker.catalog. Other legacy formats (SQLite, HDF5) are only accessible via v0. See :ref:`v2-transition`.

Search path

The search path for legacy configuration files differs from the new standard search path. It is, in order of highest precedence to lowest:

  • ~/.config/databroker (under the user's home directory)
  • python/../etc/databroker, where python is the current Python binary reported by sys.executable (This allows config to be provided inside a virtual environment.)
  • /etc/databroker/

NOTE: For Windows, we only look in: %APPDATA%\databroker.

A configuration file must be located in one of these directories, and it must be named with the extension .yml. Configuration files are formatted as YAML files.

MongoDB Example

This configuration file sets up a databroker that connects to a MongoDB server. This requires more work to set up.

description: 'heavyweight shared database'
    module: 'databroker.headersource.mongo'
    class: 'MDS'
        host: 'localhost'
        port: 27017
        database: 'some_example_database'
        timezone: 'US/Eastern'
    module: 'databroker.assets.mongo'
    class: 'Registry'
        host: 'localhost'
        port: 27017
        database: 'some_example_database'

SQLite Example


Storage in sqlite is deprecated, and not supported by the v2 or v1 interfaces. See :ref:`migration_from_v0_storage`.

This configuration file sets up a simple databroker backed by sqlite files. This can be used immediately with no extra setup or installation.

description: 'lightweight personal database'
    module: 'databroker.headersource.sqlite'
    class: 'MDS'
        directory: 'some_directory'
        timezone: 'US/Eastern'
    module: 'databroker.assets.sqlite'
    class: 'Registry'
        dbpath: 'some_directory/assets.sqlite'

Optional Parameters

With reference to the :ref:`optional_driver_parameters`, there are some differences in the legacy configuration files.

  • The root_map parameters is the same, and should given as a top-level key (a peer of assets).

  • The handler_registry parameters is spelled handlers and has its contents specified differently, splitting up the module from the class. It is, like root_map a top-level key.

            module: 'databroker.assets.path_only_handlers'
            class: 'RawHandler'
  • the transforms parameter is not supported in legacy configuration.

Migrating sqlite or HDF5 storage to a format supported by v2 / v1

The implementation in databroker.v0 interfaces with storage in MongoDB, sqlite, or HDF5. The implementations in databroker.v1 and databroker.v2 drop support for sqlite and HDF5 and add support for JSONL (newline-delimited JSON) and msgpack. For binary file-based storage, we recommend using msgpack. Data can be migrated from sqlite or HDF5 to msgpack like so:

from databroker import Broker
import suitcase.msgpack

# If the config file associated with YOUR_BROKER_NAME specifies sqlite or
# HDF5 storage, then this will return a databroker.v0.Broker instance.
db = Broker.named(YOUR_BROKER_NAME)
# Loop through every run in the old Broker.
for run in db():
    # Load all the documents out of this run from their existing format and
    # write them into one file located at
    # `<DESTINATION_DIRECTORY>/<uid>.msgpack`.
    suitcase.msgpack.export(run.documents(), DESTINATION_DIRECTORY)