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119 lines (82 loc) · 5.89 KB

File metadata and controls

119 lines (82 loc) · 5.89 KB
A shared type similar with a similar API to global.Map


import * as Y from 'yjs'

const ydoc = new Y.Doc()

// You can define a Y.Map as a top-level type or a nested type

// Method 1: Define a top-level type
const ymap = ydoc.getMap('my map type') 
// Method 2: Define Y.Map that can be included into the Yjs document
const ymapNested = new Y.Map()

// Nested types can be included as content into any other shared type
ymap.set('my nested map', ymapNested)

// Common methods
ymap.set('prop-name', 'value') // value can be anything json-encodable
ymap.get('prop-name') // => 'value'


ymap.doc: Y.Doc | null (readonly)
The Yjs document that this type is bound to. Is null when it is not bound yet.

ymap.parent: Y.AbstractType | null
The parent that holds this type. Is null if this ymap is a top-level type.

ymap.set(key: string, value: object|boolean|string|number|Uint8Array|Y.AbstractType)
Add or update an entry with a specified key. This method works similarly to the Map.set method. The value can be a shared type, an Uint8Array, or anything JSON-encodable.

ymap.get(key: string): object|boolean|Array|string|number|Uint8Array|Y.AbstractType
Returns an entry with the specified key. This method works similarly to the Map.get method.

ymap.delete(key: string)
Deletes an entry with the specified key. This method works similarly to the Map.delete method.

ymap.has(key: string): boolean
Returns true if an entry with the specified key exists. This method works similarly to the Map.has method.

ymap.toJSON(): Object<string,object|boolean|Array|string|number|Uint8Array>
Copies the [key,value] pairs of this Y.Map to a new Object. It transforms all shared types to JSON using their toJSON method.

ymap.forEach(value: any, key: string, map: Y.Map)
Execute the provided function once on every key-value pair.

ymap[Symbol.Iterator]: Iterator
Returns an Iterator of [key, value] pairs. This allows you to iterate over the ymap using a for..of loop: for (const [key, value] of ymap) { .. }

ymap.entries(): Iterator
Returns an Iterator of [key, value] pairs.

ymap.values(): Iterator
Returns an Iterator of values only. This allows you to iterate through the values only for (const value of ymap.values()) { ... } or insert all values into an array Array.from(ymap.values()).

ymap.keys(): Iterator
Returns an Iterator of keys only. This allows you to iterate through the keys only for (const key of ymap.key()) { ... } or insert all keys into an array Array.from(ymap.keys()).

ymap.clone(): Y.Map
Clone all values into a fresh Y.Map instance. The returned type can be included into the Yjs document.

ymap.observe(function(YMapEvent, Transaction))
Registers a change observer that will be called synchronously every time this shared type is modified. In the case this type is modified in the observer call, the event listener will be called again after the current event listener returns.

Unregisters a change observer that has been registered with ymap.observe.

ymap.observeDeep(function(Array<Y.Event>, Transaction))
Registers a change observer that will be called synchronously every time this type or any of its children is modified. In the case this type is modified in the event listener, the event listener will be called again after the current event listener returns. The event listener receives all Events created by itself or any of its children.

Unregisters a change observer that has been registered with ymap.observeDeep.

Observing changes: Y.MapEvent

ymap.observe(ymapEvent => { === ymap // => true

  // Find out what changed: 
  // Option 1: A set of keys that changed
  ymapEvent.keysChanged // => Set<strings>
  // Option 2: Compute the differences
  ymapEvent.changes.keys // => Map<string, { action: 'add'|'update'|'delete', oldValue: any}>
  // sample code.
  ymapEvent.changes.keys.forEach((change, key) => {
    if (change.action === 'add') {
      console.log(`Property "${key}" was added. Initial value: "${ymap.get(key)}".`)
    } else if (change.action === 'update') {
      console.log(`Property "${key}" was updated. New value: "${ymap.get(key)}". Previous value: "${change.oldValue}".`)
    } else if (change.action === 'delete') {
      console.log(`Property "${key}" was deleted. New value: undefined. Previous value: "${change.oldValue}".`)

ymap.set('key', 'value') // => Property "key" was added. Initial value: "value".
ymap.set('key', 'new') // => Property "key" was updated. New value: "new". Previous value: "value".
ymap.delete('key') // => Property "key" was deleted. New value: undefined. Previous Value: "new".

Y.MapEvent API

ymapEvent.keysChanged: Set<string>
A Set containing all keys that were modified during a transaction.

See Y.Event API. The rest of the API is inherited from Y.Event.