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Getting Setup

  • Go - most recent version
  • Docker - v1.13 or higher
  • Docker Compose - v1.8 or higher
  • Node.js & npm - node v6.9.5 and npm v3.10.10
  • xcode - only required for OS X users
  • nvm

    - if you want to use nvm install command If you already have node on your machine, use the node website to install v6.9.5 or issue the following command in your terminal:

    nvm install v6.9.5

    then execute the following to see your versions:

    # should be 6.9.5
    node -v


    # should be 3.10.10
    npm -v

Curl the source code to create network entities

  • Download the cURL tool if not already installed.
  • Determine a location on your local machine where you want to place the Fabric artifacts and application code.

    mkdir -p <my_dev_workspace>/hackfest
    cd <my_dev_workspace>/hackfest

    Next, execute the following command:

    curl -L -o sfhackfest.tar.gz 2> /dev/null;  tar -xvf sfhackfest.tar.gz

    This command pulls and extracts all of the necessary artifacts to set up your network - Docker Compose script, channel generate/join script, crypto material for identity attestation, etc. In the /src/ directory you will find the chaincode that will be deployed.

Your directory should contain the following:

JDoe-mbp: JohnDoe$ pwd
JDoe-mbp: JohnDoe$ ls
sfhackfest.tar.gz   src
ccenv     docker-compose-gettingstarted.yml  tmp

Using Docker

You do not need to manually pull any images. The images for -fabric-peer, fabric-orderer, fabric-ca, and cli are specified in the .yml file and will automatically download, extract, and run when you execute the docker-compose command.


The channel commands are:

  • create - create and name a channel in the orderer and get back a genesis block for the channel. The genesis block is named in accordance with the channel name.
  • join - use the genesis block from the create command to issue a join request to a peer.

Use Docker to spawn network

Ensure the hyperledger/fabric-ccenv image is tagged as latest:

docker-compose -f docker-compose-gettingstarted.yml build

Create network entities, create channel, join peers to channel:

docker-compose -f docker-compose-gettingstarted.yml up -d

Behind the scenes this started six containers (3 peers, a "solo" orderer, cli and CA) in detached mode. A script - -embedded within the docker-compose-gettingstarted.yml issued the create channel and join channel commands within the CLI container. In the end, you are left with a network and a channel containing three peers - peer0, peer1, peer2.

View your containers:

# if you have no other containers running, you will see six
docker ps

Ensure the channel has been created and peers have successfully joined:

docker exec -it cli bash

You should see the following in your terminal:

/opt/gopath/src/ #

To view results for channel creation/join:

more results.txt

You're looking for:


To view genesis block:

more myc1.block

Exit the cli container:


Curl the application source code and SDK modules

  • Prior to issuing the command, make sure you are in the same working directory where you curled the network code. AND make sure you have exited the cli container.
  • Execute the following command:

    curl -OOOOOO{config.json,deploy.js,helper.js,invoke.js,query.js,package.json}

This command pulls the javascript code for issuing your deploy, invoke and query calls. It also retrieves dependencies for the node SDK modules.

  • Install the node modules:

    # You may be prompted for your root password at one or more times during this process.
    npm install

    You now have all of the necessary prerequisites and Fabric artifacts.

Asset Transfer with SDK

The individual javascript programs will exercise the SDK APIs to register and enroll the client with the provisioned Certificate Authority. Once the client is properly authenticated, the programs will demonstrate basic chaincode functionalities - deploy, invoke, and query. Make sure you are in the working directory where you pulled the source code before proceeding.

Upon success of each node program, you will receive a "200" response in the terminal.

Register/enroll & deploy chaincode (Linux or OSX):

# Deploy initializes key value pairs of "a","100" & "b","200".
GOPATH=$PWD node deploy.js

Register/enroll & deploy chaincode (Windows):

# Deploy initializes key value pairs of "a","100" & "b","200".
node deploy.js

Issue an invoke. Move units 100 from "a" to "b":

node invoke.js

Query against key value "b":

# this should return a value of 300
node query.js

Explore the various node.js programs, along with example_cc.go to better understand the SDK and APIs.

Asset transfer with CLI

Use the cli container to manually exercise the create channel and join channel APIs.

Channel - myc1 already exists, so let's create a new channel named myc2.

Exec into the cli container:

docker exec -it cli bash

If successful, you should see the following in your terminal:

/opt/gopath/src/ #

Send createChannel API to Ordering Service:

CORE_PEER_COMMITTER_LEDGER_ORDERER=orderer:7050 peer channel create -c myc2

This will return a genesis block - myc2.block - that you can issue join commands with. Next, send a joinChannel API to peer0 and pass in the genesis block as an argument. The channel is defined within the genesis block:

CORE_PEER_COMMITTER_LEDGER_ORDERER=orderer:7050 CORE_PEER_ADDRESS=peer0:7051 peer channel join -b myc2.block

To join the other peers to the channel, simply reissue the above command with peer1 or peer2 specified. For example:

CORE_PEER_COMMITTER_LEDGER_ORDERER=orderer:7050 CORE_PEER_ADDRESS=peer1:7051 peer channel join -b myc2.block

Once the peers have all joined the channel, you are able to issues queries against any peer without having to deploy chaincode to each of them.

Deploy, invoke and query

Run the deploy command. This command is deploying a chaincode named mycc to peer0 on the Channel ID myc2. The constructor message is initializing a and b with values of 100 and 200 respectively.

CORE_PEER_ADDRESS=peer0:7051 CORE_PEER_COMMITTER_LEDGER_ORDERER=orderer:7050 peer chaincode deploy -C myc2 -n mycc -p -c '{"Args":["init","a","100","b","200"]}'

Run the invoke command. This invocation is moving 10 units from a to b.

CORE_PEER_ADDRESS=peer0:7051 CORE_PEER_COMMITTER_LEDGER_ORDERER=orderer:7050 peer chaincode invoke -C myc2 -n mycc -c '{"function":"invoke","Args":["move","a","b","10"]}'

Run the query command. The invocation transferred 10 units from a to b, therefore a query against a should return the value 90.

CORE_PEER_ADDRESS=peer0:7051 CORE_PEER_COMMITTER_LEDGER_ORDERER=orderer:7050 peer chaincode query -C myc2 -n mycc -c '{"function":"invoke","Args":["query","a"]}'

You can issue an exit command at any time to exit the cli container.

Create the initial channel

If you want to manually create the initial channel through the cli container, you will need to edit the Docker Compose file. Use an editor to open docker-compose-gettingstarted.yml and comment out the command in your cli image. Simply place a # to the left of the command. (Recall that this script is executing the create and join channel APIs when you run docker-compose up) For example:

  container_name: cli
  working_dir: /opt/gopath/src/
#  command: sh -c './; sleep 1000'
#  command: /bin/sh

Then use the cli commands from above.


If you have existing containers running, you may receive an error indicating that a port is already occupied. If this occurs, you will need to kill the container that is using said port.

If a file cannot be located, make sure your curl commands executed successfully and make sure you are in the directory where you pulled the source code.

If you are receiving timeout or GRPC communication errors, make sure you have the correct version of Docker installed - v1.13.0. Then try restarting your failing docker process. For example:

docker stop peer0


docker start peer0

Another approach to GRPC and DNS errors (peer failing to resolve with orderer and vice versa) is to hardcode the IP addresses for each. You will know if there is a DNS issue, because a more results.txt command within the cli container will display something similar to:


Issue a docker inspect <container_name> to ascertain the IP address. For example:

docker inspect peer0 | grep IPAddress


docker inspect orderer | grep IPAddress

Take these values and hard code them into your cli commands. For example:

CORE_PEER_COMMITTER_LEDGER_ORDERER= peer channel create -c myc1



If you are seeing errors while using the node SDK, make sure you have the correct versions of node.js and npm installed on your machine. You want node v6.9.5 and npm v3.10.10.

If you ran through the automated channel create/join process (i.e. did not comment out in the docker-compose-gettingstarted.yml), then channel - myc1 - and genesis block - myc1.block - have already been created and exist on your machine. As a result, if you proceed to execute the manual steps in your cli container:

CORE_PEER_COMMITTER_LEDGER_ORDERER=orderer:7050 peer channel create -c myc1

Then you will run into an error similar to:

<EXACT_TIMESTAMP>       UTC [msp] Sign -> DEBU 064 Sign: digest: 5ABA6805B3CDBAF16C6D0DCD6DC439F92793D55C82DB130206E35791BCF18E5F
Error: Got unexpected status: BAD_REQUEST
  peer channel create [flags]

This occurs because you are attempting to create a channel named myc1, and this channel already exists! There are two options. Try issuing the peer channel create command with a different channel name -myc2. For example:

CORE_PEER_COMMITTER_LEDGER_ORDERER=orderer:7050 peer channel create -c myc2

Then join:

CORE_PEER_COMMITTER_LEDGER_ORDERER=orderer:7050 CORE_PEER_ADDRESS=peer0:7051 peer channel join -b myc2.block

If you do choose to create a new channel, and want to run deploy/invoke/query with the node.js programs, you also need to edit the "channelID" parameter in the config.json file to match the new channel's name. For example:


OR, if you want your channel called - myc1 -, remove your docker containers and then follow the same commands in the Manually create and join peers to a new channel topic.

Clean up

Shut down your containers:

docker-compose -f docker-compose-gettingstarted.yml down

Helpful Docker tips

Remove a specific docker container:

docker rm <containerID>

Force removal:

docker rm -f <containerID>

Remove all docker containers:

docker rm -f $(docker ps -aq)

This will merely kill docker containers (i.e. stop the process). You will not lose any images.

Remove an image:

docker rmi <imageID>

Forcibly remove:

docker rmi -f <imageID>

Remove all images:

docker rmi -f $(docker images -q)