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1.Legacy Full Node

The snapshot listed below are all PBSS&PebbleDB mode, if you need Hash based snapshot, check out FAQ-Q2



Multi-Databases-PBSS(new feature) Multi-databases is a new feature in bsc v1.4.6 When the user runs node with the new snapshot of the multi-databases below, the feature will be enabled automatically.


Step 1: Preparation

  • Make sure your hardware meets the suggested requirement.
  • A disk with enough free storage, at least twice the size of the snapshot.

Step 2: Download && Uncompress

  • Copy the above snapshot URL.
  • Download: wget -O geth.tar.lz4 "<paste snapshot URL here>" . It will take one or two hours to download the snapshot, you can put it in the backgroud by nohup wget -O geth.tar.gz "<paste snapshot URL here>" &

If you need to speedup download, just use aria2c

aria2c -o geth.tar.lz4 -s14 -x14 -k100M{filename}

But aria2c may fail sometimes, you need to rerun the download command. To make it convient, you can use the following script, save it into file and run: nohup ./ "<paste snapshot URL here>" <your dir> &

if [ $# -eq 1 ]; then 
elif [ $# -eq 2 ]; then 
        echo "Usage: $0 <uri> [filepath] "
        exit 1
filename=$(basename "$uri")
while (( status != 0 ))
        PIDS=$(pgrep aria2c)
        if [ -z "$PIDS" ]; then
                aria2c -d $dir -o $filename -s14 -x14 -k100M $uri
        pid=$(pidof aria2c)
        wait $pid 
        echo aria2c exit.
        case $status in 
                        echo file not exist.
                        exit 3
                        echo No space left on device.
                        exit 9
echo download succeed.
exit 0
  • Uncompress: tar -I lz4 -xvf geth.tar.lz4. It will take more than two hours to uncompress. You can put it in the background by nohup tar -I lz4 -xvf geth.tar.lz4 &
  • You can combine the above steps by running a script:
wget -O geth.tar.lz4  "<paste snapshot URL here>"
tar -I lz4 -xvf geth.tar.lz4
  • If you do not need to store the archive for use with other nodes, you may also extract it while downloading to save time and disk space:
wget -q -O - <snapshot URL> | tar -I lz4 -xvf -

Step 3: Replace Data

  • First, stop the running bsc client if you have one by kill {pid}, and make sure the client has shut down.
  • Consider backing up the original data: mv ${BSC_DataDir}/geth/chaindata ${BSC_DataDir}/geth/chaindata_backup; mv ${BSC_DataDir}/geth/triecache ${BSC_DataDir}/geth/triecache_backup
  • Replace the data: mv server/data-seed/geth/chaindata ${BSC_DataDir}/geth/chaindata; mv server/data-seed/geth/triecache ${BSC_DataDir}/geth/triecache
  • Start the bsc client again and check the logs

1.3.About Snapshot with multi-database

The Chaindata of the snapshot will be divided into three stores, BlockStore, TrieStore, and OriginalStore.

TrieStore: All trie nodes of the current state and historical state data of nearly 9w blocks are stored here. The data is stored in ${BSC_DataDir}/geth/chaindata/state.

BlockStore: Block-related data is stored in this store, including headers, bodies, receipts, difficulties, number-to-hash indexes, hash-to-number indexes, and historical block data. The data is stored in ${BSC_DataDir}/geth/chaindata/block.

If the user intends to store the databases on the same storage disk, they just need to start the client by following the same steps after extracting the snap file, without requiring any additional startup parameters.

If the user want to store different databases on different disks, you can move the folder corresponding to TrieStore or BlockStore to a different directory and create a symbolic link with the same name as the folder using an absolute path in the chaindata directory. For example:

mv ${BSC_DataDir}/geth//chaindata/state <move-directory>
ln -s <move-directory>  ${BSC_DataDir}/geth/chaindata/state

After the symbolic link is created, you can start the bsc client again and check the logs. Due to the larger size of the trie store, we recommend that the trie database be stored on different disks to achieve better performance.

2.Snapshots Provided by Community

Special thanks to BNB48Club on contributing another dump of snapshot, you can also refer here to download.

3.Erigon-BSC Snapshot(Archive Node)


For more granular upload & download to avoid big files error, split the files into several chunks, so please download them together and concatenate finally.

a.Endpoint(Testnet): update every 6 months

erigon version v1.1.10, Block: 35851654

SHA256 = 7c59f6846eba146a5668e44d3863545375ee52c6c70d3707ab55c2d8fdfdc6bb


b.Endpoint(Mainnet): update every three week

erigon version v1.2.5

SHA256(mdbx.dat) = ae8d37af9f49bb169e47ce705c5fa846d553e174597ce376fca07d46cd4d2d84

erigon_data_20240416.lz4.000 md5=d7c4ccaa0b85c4f4e535765338d97f57

erigon_data_20240416.lz4.001 md5=b4c6f298eeeaaed13225b0661a4f1438

erigon_data_20240416.lz4.002 md5=cc9012c2b47513ce1d2212bd1f2c6196

erigon_data_20240416.lz4.003 md5=c74e1bb098f88345abfd81e116fe3d49

erigon_data_20240416.lz4.004 md5=7955e265b34ef9daa7b0995eea0c6cf1

erigon_data_20240416.lz4.005 md5=6b710f68f72d855ed83a8723fd01f0b0

erigon_data_20240416.lz4.006 md5=438f5357735374e7beeba130835b58ba

erigon_data_20240416.lz4.007 md5=88d3ceeb4418c9d1df16542c2118f978

c.Endpoint(Mainnet torrent,the block range[0, 36,500,000))

erigon_snapshots_20240301.tar.lz4 md5=04238a8fb079904f4f1c8a9862054d7e


Step 1: Preparation

Step 2: Download && Concatenate && Uncompress

sudo yum install aria2c
aria2c -s14 -x14 -k100M[0]..erigon_data_20240416.lz4.[7]
lz4 -d erigon_data_20240416.lz4.[0]..erigon_data_20240416.lz4.[7]
cat "erigon_data_20240416"* > mdbx.dat

Step 3: Replace Data And Restart erigon

  • Stop the running erigon client by kill {pid}

  • Backing up the original data: mv ${erigon_datadir}/chaindata/mdbx.dat ${erigon_datadir}/chaindata/mdbx.dat

  • Replace the data: mv ${erigon_snapshot_dir}/erigon/chaindata/mdbx.dat ${erigon_datadir}/chaindata/mdbx.dat

  • Replace the torrent: mv ${erigon_torrent_dir}/snapshots ${erigon_datadir}/

  • Start the erigon client again and check logs

  • mainnet command sample:

./build/bin/erigon --p2p.protocol=66 --txpool.disable --metrics.addr= --log.console.verbosity=dbug --db.pagesize=16k --datadir ${erigon_dir/data} --private.api.addr=localhost:9090 --chain=bsc --metrics --log.dir.path ${erigon_dir/log}
  • testnet command sample:
./build/bin/erigon --txpool.disable --networkid=97 --db.pagesize=16k --p2p.protocol=66 --datadir ./data --chain=chapel --sentry.drop-useless-peers --nat=any --log.dir.path ./log --http.port=8545 --private.api.addr= --http --ws --http.api=web3,net,eth,debug,trace,txpool --http.addr= --metrics --metrics.addr=