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executable file
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bdsd - baos datapoint sdk daemon

This module intended to solve architecturing problem when developing js applcation for KNX. Nodejs connects to BAOS 838 module via serial port, usually /dev/ttyAMA0 and it handles only one connection at a time. But what if you want to connect to KNX bus multiple clients? If you want to write some custom scripts and use this device as a MQTT gateway at a same time?

So, schematically it may look like this:



Assuming you have Raspberry Pi with installed Raspbian with configured access to BAOS module via /dev/ttyAMA0.

If not, follow instructions on bobaos repository page

Installation via script

$ curl -L | bash

Manual installation

1. Install npm package

$ sudo npm install -g bdsd.sock --unsafe-perm

Check if it executes correctly:

$ bdsd.sock
IPC: Checking for leftover socket.
IPC: No leftover socket found.
IPC: Listening at  /run/user/1000/bdsd.sock
BAOS: connected to baos
BAOS: success on setting indications to: 0
BAOS: success on get datapoint description: { id: 1 , dpt:  dpt9 }
BAOS: success on get datapoint description: { id: 2 , dpt:  dpt5 }
BAOS: success on get datapoint description: { id: 999 , dpt:  dpt16 }
BAOS: success on get datapoint description: { id: 1000 , dpt:  dpt16 }
BAOS: success on setting indications to: 1
BAOS: got bus state: connected

Since version 2.0.0 bdsd.sock accepts command line arguments to ease running on different platforms.

$ bdsd.sock --help
  --help                   Show help                                   [boolean]
  --version                Show version number                         [boolean]
  --sockfile, -s           path to socket file. Default:
  --serialport-device, -d  path to serialport device. Default: /dev/ttyAMA0
  --serialport-params, -p  serialport parameters: "baud rate,parity,data
                           bits,stop bits". Default: "19200,even,8,1"

2. Create systemd service folders, create service file

$ cd ~/
$ mkdir ~/.config/systemd
$ mkdir ~/.config/systemd/user
$ touch ~/.config/systemd/user/bdsd.service

Then add following to this file using your favourite text editor:

Description=Bobaos Datapoint Sdk Daemon

ExecStart=/usr/bin/env bdsd.sock


3. Enable service, enable automatic start-up

$ systemctl --user daemon-reload
$ systemctl --user enable bdsd.service
$ sudo loginctl enable-linger pi

4. Start the service

$ systemctl --user start bdsd.service

5. Check with bdsd-cli

$ sudo npm -g install bdsd-cli
$ bdsd-cli
bobaos> setProgrammingMode -v 1
Set programming mode: success
bobaos> getValue -s 1
{ id: 1, value: true }

Usage in js

For js applications there will be available client-side library which you may install from npm.

Further information you can find in repo: bdsd.client

Usage with other programming languages

For other programming languages you may implement client-side library which should communicate with IPC following Bobaos Datapoint Sdk Message Protocol.

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