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Debugging Gaia in Desktop B2G

Of course, all you probably care about is running the debugger; as you should! Here's how you do it.

The Dev Tools

Make sure you have Firefox Aurora or Firefox Nightly for the latest Dev Tools. If you're curious how to run Firefox stable and Firefox Aurora together, check out how to add and manage profiles. You can make a separate profile for each and opt to be prompted which profile to open when Firefox starts.

Once you have it installed, open about:config and change the devtools.debugger.remote-enabled setting to true.


You need to build gaia with debugging enabled. Create a file in the build directory called custom-prefs.js. Here's what /path/to/gaia/build/custom-prefs.js should look contain:

user_pref("marionette.defaultPrefs.enabled", false);
user_pref("devtools.debugger.log", true);
user_pref("devtools.debugger.remote-enabled", true);
user_pref("devtools.debugger.force-local", false);

When you make gaia, specify you want debug mode. Do that with:

DEBUG=1 make

Get your hands dirty

Using FireFox 18

To work on a specific application, it may be preferable to work in FireFox 18. This provides access to FireFox's full suite of developer tools, operating in the context of the application.

To use FireFox 18, run the application from the command line, specifying the absolute path to your Gaia profile as follows:

$ /path/to/firefox-18 -profile /absolute/path/to/gaia/profile/

Next, navigate to the application's URL. Application URLs are structured as follows:

http://{ application name }

For example, the home screen application can be accessed by visiting:

Using B2G-Desktop

B2G-Desktop is necessary to facilate development across applications.

Fire up b2g-bin with your gaia profile. Once you've unlocked the screen in B2G desktop, open up the Settings App. The remote debugging is burried in Settings > Device Information > More Information > Developer and a toggle is present for Remote Debugging. Enable it.

In Firefox, connect to the B2G desktop application by choosing Connect... in the Tools > Web Developer menu. Connect to localhost on port 6000 and you're all set! If you don't see Connect, turn on remote debugging in Firefox in about:config and toggle devtools.debugger.remote-enabled to true.

Once you've hit Connect in Firefox, you should see a prompt in B2G Desktop that asks if you want to allow the debugger to connect. Allow it, and then go back to Firefox. There should now be chrome://browser/content/shell.xul visible on the Connect page, which you'll click to get a console.

A good query to test the console is to make sure B2G is on the homescreen (where the clock/date appear). Enter the following:


That should give you today's date as displayed on the homescreen. (So document.childNodes[0].children[4].contentDocument.activeElement.contentDocument is the context of the active application that is currently on the screen, and you can go from there.) Note that if you inspect an object, its inspection window may appear behind the console itself.


If you need to change the port for some reason (you already are using a service that requires that, albeit unlikely) you can change it in the build/custom-prefs.js file with user\_pref("devtools.debugger.remote-port", XXXX); where XXXX is the port number.

Specific steps for getting it to work on Linux (Ubuntu 12.04 LTS x86-64)

  • Download FireFox Aurora (Intel 64) from -- in this case, 21.0a1 (2013-02-07)

  • Remove the "gaia" directory: rm -rf gaia/

  • Re-clone the repository: git clone gaia

  • Modify file gaia/apps/homescreen/index.html to show something different from a stock build

  • Add these lines to gaia/build/custom-prefs.js:

    user_pref("marionette.defaultPrefs.enabled", false); user_pref("devtools.debugger.log", true); user_pref("devtools.debugger.remote-enabled", true); user_pref("devtools.debugger.force-local", false);

  • Run make with the debug flag: /gaia $ DEBUG=1 make important note: don't even try a regular (non-debug) make, it won't work

  • Run the nightly b2g build from 2013-02-07: _b2g_feb7 $ ./b2g-bin -profile /home/dariusk/Projects/Mozilla/gaia/profile/

  • Navigate to homescreen, confirm the change

  • Navigate to Settings -> Device info -> More info -> Developer -> Remote Debugger

  • Run Firefox Aurora. Navigate to Tools -> Web Developer -> Connect...

  • Select "connect"

  • Select the OK button which immediately appears in a prompt on the Firefox OS b2g-desktop simulator

  • Select chrome://browser/content/shell.xul in FireFox. This should spawn a console window.

  • Ensure you're on your home screen

  • Execute the following JavaScript in the console: document.childNodes[0].querySelector("#homescreen");. This should return an Iframe element. If you click on the Iframe element it will launch an object inspector BEHIND the console window.

  • Also, while on the homescreen, try: document.childNodes[0].children[4].contentDocument.activeElement.contentDocument.querySelector("#landing-date").innerHTML. This should return the date as displayed on the homescreen.