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Getting Started

bogeymanEST edited this page Oct 20, 2013 · 4 revisions

Chatty is still in development and provides no pre-compiled binaries. These have to be compiled by the user for the time being.


Building is done by running the given pom.xml file. This can be done from either your favourite Java IDE or the command line: mvn install
This will output target/chatty-(version).jar. This file is your Chatty executable jar file.


Place the compiled jar into an empty folder and run it by either double-clicking or using the command prompt: java -jar chatty.jar.

Bots and plugins

For Chatty to be able to connect to chat services, you need to add bots. All you have to do is drop the bot's .jar file into the bots folder and add it to the config file.
Plugins give Chatty its functionality. Just drop the plugin's .jar into the plugins folder and it will be loaded automatically next time you launch Chatty. It is recommended that you add the chatty-core plugin for some basic commands.


On first launch, Chatty will create a default config file: config/config.yml. It look something like this:

#A list of bots that should be used
bots: #Add bots here, an example is given
#  - type: skype #The type of the bot
#    settings: #Bots may require extra settings
#        username: USERNAME #The username this bot should look for. Skype must be running with this user logged in.
#        name: Chatty #The name the bot should use.

Comments start with the # character and continue to the end of the line. To add a bot, you need to add an element to the bots list. Here is an example config file with a Skype bot:

  - type: skype
         username: my-bot
         name: MyBot

Comments do not have to be removed. They are removed in the example to make it easier to read.
You can add as many bots as you want, even for the same chat service (depends on the chat service; Skype has a limit of one).


Chatty can be extended with connectors for chat services or plugins that provide extra commands and functionality. See Creating a bot or Creating a plugin