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Guide for using Content-Security-Policy HTTP header for Cross Site Scripting (XSS) defense


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Content Security Policy (CSP)

What is CSP?

Content Security Policy (CSP) is an added layer of security that helps to detect and mitigate certain types of attacks, including Cross Site Scripting (XSS) and data injection attacks. These attacks are used for everything from data theft to site defacement or distribution of malware.

Content Security Policy on MDN

A content security policy allows us to instruct the browser on the origins from which scripts, styles, images, frames, and other web resources are allowed to be loaded and executed for any given web page.

A CSP should not be your only layer of defense against XSS attacks. User input still should never be trusted and always be properly sanitized. However, when leveraged correctly, a robust content security policy can be an extremely versatile addition to your defense in depth strategy.

What is Cross Site Scripting (XSS)?

Cross-site scripting (XSS) is a security exploit which allows an attacker to inject into a website malicious client-side code. This code is executed by the victim's browser and lets the attackers bypass access controls and impersonate users.

According to the Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP), XSS was the third most common Web app vulnerability in 2013.



What are HTTP headers?

HTTP headers are part of an HTTP request or response, they convey additional information about the request/response. A header consists of it's case insensitive name followed by a colon, then it's value (without line breaks). Leading white space before the value is ignored.

HTTP Headers on MDN

Some common HTTP request headers include Host, User-Agent, Referrer, Authorization, Cookie, and many others.

Some common HTTP response headers include Server, Content-Type, Content-Length, Set-Cookie, Date, Expires, and many others.

Using the Content-Security-Policy Header

Currently, the most widely supported version of CSP is version 2. All of the keywords and directives mentioned here are supported in this CSP version (though browser support is sometimes limited; more on that later).

To use a CSP, we must configure our server to return the Content-Security-Policy HTTP header:

Content-Security-Policy: <policy>

Setting the Content-Security-Policy header in popular web servers


In the server{ } block in the nginx.conf file, add the following:

add_header Content-Security-Policy "<your policy>";


In the httpd.conf file for the host or in an .htaccess file, add:

Header set Content-Security-Policy "<your policy>"


In your web.config file, add the following to your <system.webServer> node:

            <add name="Content-Security-Policy" value="<your policy>" />

Popular web frameworks also provide interfaces through which you can set custom headers. However, if you plan to have a singular policy for your entire site, the recommended approach would be to add the Content-Security-Policy header directly via the web server.

If you do not have access to set HTTP response headers on your server, a CSP can also be specified with an HTML <meta> tag inside the document <head>:

<meta http-equiv="Content-Security-Policy" content="<your policy>" />

CSP Examples

A CSP header allows us to define a whitelist of approved sources from which any given resource type may be loaded, giving us very fine control over the origins from which web resources can be loaded (including our own).

A CSP applies to a single web page only, it can be unique for a single page or consistent across an entire site. CSPs can also be combined; in the case of multiple CSPs, browsers will attempt to honor all of them. Note that if multiple CSP headers are specified, the policy can only get more restrictive, not less.

Before we look at a comprehensive list of CSP keywords and directives, let's look at a few examples.

# Restrict all content to the site's origin (excluding subdomains)
Content-Security-Policy: default-src 'self';
# Restrict JavaScript to be loaded via https: from the current origin, allow inline script (unsafe)
# Restrict CSS to load via https: from the current origin, allow inline styles (unsafe)
# Restrict all other content to be loaded from the current origin
Content-Security-Policy: default-src 'self'; script-src https: 'self' 'unsafe-inline'; style-src https: 'self' 'unsafe-inline';

Note that inline script and styles (as well as the use of functions such as eval()) are considered unsafe. Try to avoid using inline styles and scripts unless absolutely necessary.

# Restrict JS to https: via (including subdomains)
# Restrict CSS to https: via (including subdomains) or the current origin
# All other content restricted to https: via the current origin

Content-Security-Policy: default-src https: 'self'; script-src https: *; style-src https: 'self' *;

Note that values are not inherited from the default-src directive. Any directive completely overwrites the default for that type of resource. So, in the previous example, we had to re-declare https: for both the style-src and script-src directives, as well as re-declare 'self' in the style-src directive. The default-src directive is used as a fallback for other directives that are not explicitly declared elsewhere.

# Scripts may only be loaded via https from the /js/ folder on
# Styles may only be loaded via https from the /style/ folder on
# All other resources must be loaded via https from the current site's origin
Content-Security-Policy: default-src https: 'self'; script-src; style-src;
# A more restrictive example.
# This would allow scripts, styles, and images to load from the
# current origin, and block everything else
Content-Security-Policy: default-src 'none'; script-src 'self'; style-src 'self'; img-src 'self'

Why is the use of inline JavaScript and CSS considered unsafe?

Browsers do not have any way to tell trusted from untrusted inline code; they cannot see the difference between your inline code and unsafe code from an attacker that may have been rendered into the page without being properly sanitized.

What makes styles or scripts 'inline'

Scripts are considered inline if they are a part of a <script> tag that is not loaded via the src attribute. onclick, onhover, onload, onerror and other similar HTML attributes that can contain JavaScript code are also considered inline.

HTML style attributes as well as <style> elements are considered inline style.

When a CSP is enabled and the script-src 'unsafe-inline' or style-src 'unsafe-inline' directives are not specified, inline JavaScript and CSS evaluation are blocked. However, an inline script tag may also be evaluated if it has a valid nonce- attribute value, or if it matches an already specified sha256- hash.

What about 'unsafe-eval'?

The script-src 'unsave-eval' directive allows the use of text to JavaScript functions such as eval(string), setTimeout(string), and new Function(). They are also considered unsafe because untrusted user input could make it's way into them. They are blocked unless the 'unsafe-eval' value is set.

When using setTimeout(), only the string evaluation is blocked, if you pass setTimeout() an inline function, it will still work as expected

CSP Keywords and Directives


Keyword Meaning
'none' Matches nothing, blocks use of the specified source
'self' Refers to the current origin (excluding subdomains)
'unsafe-inline' Allows inline JS and CSS (unsafe)
'unsafe-eval' Allows text to be evaluated as JS (unsafe)
data: Allows loading resources via the data scheme such as a base 64 image src
https: Restrict resources to https:
nonce- script or style tags can be evaluated if their nonce attribute matches the header value <script nonce="f8uz0jlZq41ljc">alert('Hello World!')</script>
sha256- Allow a script or style to execute if it matches the specified sha256 hash.


Directive Meaning
default-src Used as a fallback for unspecified directives
script-src Restricts origins from which scripts can be loaded
style-src Restricts origins from which stylesheets may be loaded
img-src Restricts origins from which images can be loaded
connect-src Restricts origins to which you can connect via XMLHTTPRequests (XHR), WebSockets, and EventSource
font-src Restricts origins from which fonts may be loaded
form-action Restricts endpoints for form submissions
frame-ancestors Restricts origins from which the current page may be loaded in a frame element. Applies to <frame>, <iframe>, <embed>, and <applet>. Setting this to 'none' is roughly equivalent to X-Frame-Options: DENY
object-src Allows control of Flash and other plugins
media-src Restricts origins from which <video> and <audio> can be loaded
frame-src DEPRECATED, use child-src
child-src Restricts URLs for workers and frames. child-src: would allow frames to be loaded from, but not from any other origins.
base-uri Restricts URLs that can appear in the <base> element
plugin-types Limits the types of plugins a page may invoke
report-uri URL to which the browser will POST policy violations
upgrade-insecure-requests Instructs browsers to re-write URLs from http to https (useful for legacy sites with a lot of URLs that need to be re-written)

Testing a policy with report-only mode

You may also supply a Content-Security-Policy-Report-Only: <policy> header, which will cause the browser to report on policy violations via the console as well as POST report violations to a report-uri (if specified) without blocking resources from loading or executing.

This feature can be used to help you fine-tune your policy. It can be used to test out new directives without making them part of the enforced policy, giving you time to address issues without breaking site functionality.

Using the report-uri directive to collect policy violations

The report-uri directive is extremely useful for collecting information on report violations. There may be resources that we missed or an attacker actively trying to exploit an XSS attack vector. Aside from logged violations in the console, without policy violation reporting, we are left in the dark as to which directives may be being violated.

The report-uri directive is used to specify a URL to which the browser should POST a JSON formatted violation report in the event that it acts on the CSP.

Consider the following policy:

Content-Security-Policy: default-src https: 'self'; report-uri;

Let's say that on a page at that is subject to this policy we have the following img tag: <img src="" />.

Upon detecting that this resource is in violation of the policy, the browser will POST a JSON formatted report similar to this:

    "csp-report": {
        "document-uri": "",
        "referrer": "",
        "blocked-uri": "",
        "violated-directive": "default-src https: 'self'",
        "original-policy": "default-src https: 'self'; report-uri;"

The endpoint at should capture this data and log it for later use. You can then use the data to identify the pages and resources which are most frequently violating the policies (high traffic) and address them first, then move on to violations that are seeing less traffic.

Browser Support

Header Firefox Chrome Safari IE Edge
Content-Security-Policy v2 31+ 40+ 10+ - 15 build 15002+
Content-Security-Policy v1 23+ 25+ 7+ - 12 build 10240+
X-Content-Security-Policy deprecated 4+ - - 10+ limited 12+ limited
X-Webkit-CSP deprecated - 14+ 6+ - -

Test if your browser supports CSP


Guide for using Content-Security-Policy HTTP header for Cross Site Scripting (XSS) defense







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