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mpd-scripts - iHeartRadio Script

Based on the StreamFinder::IHeartRadio Perl Module (documentation) for interacting with iHeartRadio stations.


This script interacts with the StreamFinder::IHeartRadio Perl module to fetch iHeartRadio station URLs and generates M3U playlists along with associated information.

The script automates the process of fetching station URLs, generating M3U playlists, and acquiring relevant information.


To use this script, ensure you have the following prerequisites installed:

  • Perl
  • StreamFinder::IHeartRadio Perl module

You can install the StreamFinder::IHeartRadio Perl module using CPAN:

sudo apt install cpanminus   # (if cpanm is not installed)
sudo cpanm StreamFinder::IHeartRadio


Ensure you have the StreamFinder::IHeartRadio Perl module installed to utilize this script effectively.

Run the script with appropriate arguments or configuration to fetch station URLs, generate M3U playlists, and gather associated station information.


Ensure you have the necessary credentials or configurations set up within the script or provided as arguments for the script to function correctly.


This project is licensed under the GNU General Public License v3. For more information, see LICENSE.