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A simple, lightweight, and configurable plugin that allows you to check how many bees are in a hive. It also adds lore to the hive that says how many bees are inside.


Commands & Permissions

Command Permission Default Description
/bb none true Display plugin version
/bb reload bbeechecker.reload false Reload config


Option Default Description
ClickOnBlock true Report number of bees when a player right clicks on a hive
ClickInAir false Report number of bees when a player right clicks with a hive in their hand
MessageLocation chat Where you want the number of bees to be shown (chat or hotbar)
lore true Add lore to hives (This will persist after plugin is uninstalled)
Lore.AmountSingle §rThere is §6%number% bee §rinside. Lore message for one bee in a hive
Lore.AmountPlural §rThere are §6%number% bees §rinside. Lore message for multiple bees in a hive
ChatMessage.AmountSingle §rThere is §6%number% bee §rinside. Chat message for one bee in a hive
ChatMessage.AmountPlural §rThere are §6%number% bees §rinside. Chat message for multiple bees in a hive
InvalidCommand §cInvalid Command Usage! Message for invalid command
ReloadingConfig §6Reloading Config! Config reload start message
ReloadedConfigSuccess §eSuccessfully Reloaded Config! Config was successfully reloaded message
ReloadedConfigFail §cFailed to Reload Config! Config failed to reload message
disableMetrics false Set to true to disable metrics
