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Maxime Pagnoulle edited this page Apr 26, 2024 · 14 revisions

Welcome to the GoMeddo js SDK wiki!

The GoMeddo js SDK is a javascript package meant to allow for easy communication with your GoMeddo implementation on Salesforce.

To do this the SDK provides helper objects and methods that allow you to:

  1. Find resource or other dimension records matching certain conditions
  2. Find resource or other dimension records that are available in a time-range and the timeslots those resource are available for.
  3. See what and when services are available for each resource.
  4. Create a reservation with an attached lead/contact and service reservations.
  5. Find reservation records matching certain conditions.
  6. Update reservation records and child records.
  7. Delete reservation records and child records.
  8. Run the GoMeddo price calculation you configured without inserting the reservation.

In this wiki you will find the technical documentation explaining the different objects and methods in the SDK.

Installing the SDK

The SDK can be installed through your preferred javascript package manager from the npm registry.

The package includes typescript typings and docstrings.

npm: @gomeddo/sdk

You can also use the module in a script tag using unpkg. In this case you will be using the esm module instead of the comonjs module.

<script type="module">
    import GoMeddo from "";

Other Setup

  • Before using the SDK make sure the Salesforce org you will be making requests to has the required GoMeddo versions. See Required package versions.
  • Check the Salesforce settings page to see if any settings need to be enabled for your use case.
  • Check the Salesforce Permissions page to create a dedicated API user to connect the sdk to your salesforce org. With no more permissions than are required for your use case.
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