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Speech corpus

Format definition

A standardized corpus is stored as a directory composed of the following:

  • wavs: subfolder containing the speech recordings in wav, either as files or symbolic links
  • segments.txt: list of utterances with a description of their location in the wavefiles
  • utt2spk.txt: list containing the speaker associated to each utterance
  • text.txt: transcription of each utterance in word units
  • phones.txt: phone inventory mapped to IPA
  • lexicon.txt: phonetic dictionary using that inventory
  • silences.txt: list of silence symbols

Supported corpora

Supported corpora are (see also abkhazia prepare --help:

  • Articulation Index Corpus LSCP
  • Buckeye Corpus of conversational speech
  • Child Language Data Exchange System (only Brent part for now)
  • Corpus of Interactional Data
  • Corpus of Spontaneous Japanese
  • GlobalPhone multilingual read speech corpus (Vietnamese and Mandarin)
  • LibriSpeech ASR Corpus
  • Wall Street Journal ASR Corpus
  • NCHLT Xitsonga Speech Corpus

Once you have the raw data, you can import any of the above corpora in the standardized Abkhazia format using the abkhazia prepare command, for exemple:

abkhazia prepare csj /path/to/raw/csj -o ./prepared_csj --verbose

Note that many corpora do not form a homogeneous whole, but are constituted from several homogenous subparts. For example in the core subset of the [CSJ]( corpus, spontaneous presentations from academics (files whos names starts with an 'A'), spontaneous presentations from laymen ('S' files), readings ('R' files) and dialogs ('D' files) form homogeneous sub-corpora. If you expect the differences between the different subparts to have an impact on the results of standard ABX and kaldi analyses, you should generate a separate standardized corpus for each of them.

Adding new corpora

  • Make a new Python class which inherit from abkhazia.corpus.prepare.abstract_preparator. So far, you need to implement few methods to populate the transcriptions, lexicon, etc... See the section below and the absctract preparator code for detailed specifications, and the existing preparators for exemples.
  • To access your new corpus from the command line, register it in abkhazia.commands.abkhazia_prepare. An intermediate factory class can be defined to define additional command line arguments, or the default AbstractFactory class can be used (if your corpus prepration relies on the CMU dictionary, use instead AbstractFactoryWithCMU.

Detailed files format


File formats are often, but not always, identical to Kaldi standard file formats.

1. Speech recordings

A folder called wavs containing all the wavefiles of the corpus in a standard mono 16-bit PCM wav format sampled at 16KHz. The standard kaldi and ABX analyses might work with other kinds of wavefiles (in particular other sampling frequencies) but this has not been tested. The wavs can be either links or files.

2. List of utterances

A text file called segments.txt containing the list of all utterances with the name of the associated wavefiles (just the filename, not the entire path) and if there is more than one utterance per file, the start and end of the utterance in that wavefile expressed in seconds (the designated segment of the audio file can include some silence before and after the utterance).

The file should contain one entry per line in the following format:

<utterance-id> <wav-filename> <segment-begin> <segment-end>

or if there is only one utterance in a given wavefile:

<utterance-id> <wav-filename>

Each utterance should have its unique utterance-id. Moreover, all utterance ids must begin by a unique identifier (the speaker-id) for the speaker of the utterance. In addition, all speaker ids must have the same length.

Here is an example file with three utterances:

sp001-sentence001 sp001.wav 53.2 55.4
sp001-sentence005 sp001.wav 65.1 66.9
sp109-sentence003 sp109-sentence003.wav

3. List of speakers

A text file called utt2spk.txt containing the list of all utterances with a unique identifier for the associated speaker (the speaker-id mentionned in the previous section). As said previously, all utterance ids must be prefixed by the corresponding speaker-id. In addition, all speaker-ids must have the same length.

The file should contain one entry per line in the following format:

<utterance-id> <speaker-id>

Here is an example file with three utterances:

sp001-sentence001 sp001
sp001-sentence005 sp001
sp109-sentence003 sp109

4. Transcription

A text file called text.txt, containing the transcription in word units for each utterance. Word units should correspond to elements in the phonetic dictionary (having a few out-of-vocabulary words is not a problem). The file should contain one entry per line in the following format:

<utterance-id> <word1> <word2> ... <wordn>

Here is an example file with two utterances:

sp001-sentence001 ON THE OTHER HAND

5. Phone inventory

An UTF-8 encoded text file called phones.txt and an optional text file called silences.txt also UTF-8 encoded.

phones.txt contains a list of each symbol used in the pronunciation dictionary (cf. next section) with the associated IPA transcription ( The idea is to use IPA transcription as consistent as possible throughout the different corpora, speaking style, languages etc. To this effect when mapping a knew corpus to IPA you can take inspiration from previously mapped corpora.

In addition to the phonetic annotations, if noise or silence markers are used in your corpus (if your using a standard pronunciation dictionary with some read text, there won't be any silence or noise marker in the transcriptions), you must provide the list of these markers in a file called silences.txt. Two markers will be added automatically in all cases if they aren't already present: SIL for optional short pauses inside or between words and SPN for spoken noise (any out-of-vocabulary item that would be encountered during training would automatically be transcribed by kaldi to SPN). If your corpus already contains other markers for short pauses or for spoken noise, convert them to SIL and SPN and reciprocally, make sure that SIL or SPN aren't already used for something else your corpus.

The file phones.txt should contain one entry per line in the following format:

<phone-symbol> <ipa-symbol>

The file silences.txt should contain one entry per line in the following format:


Here is an example for phones.txt:

a a
sh ʃ
q ʔ

An example for silences.txt:


In this example SIL could have been ommited since it would have been automatically added. SPN will be automatically added.

Phones with tonal, stress or other variants

Having variants of a given phone such as stress or tonal variants: an additional file is needed. By default kaldi allows parameter-tying between HMM states of all the contextual variants of a given phone when training triphone models. To allow parameter-tying between HMM states of other variants of a given phone such as tonal or stress variants you need two things:

  • First, all the variants must be listed as separate items in the phones.txt file

  • Second, you must provide a variants.txt file containing one line for each group of phones with tonal or stress variants in the following format:

    <phone_variant_1 phone_variant_2 phone_variant_n>

Note that you can also use the variants.txt file to allow parameter-tying between states of some or all of the HMM models for silences and noises.

For example here is a phones.txt containing 5 vowels, two of which have tonal variants:

a1 a˥
a2 a˥˩
e ə
i i
o1 o˧
o2 o˩
o3 o˥
u u

An associated silences.txt defining a marker for speechless singing (SIL and SPN markers will be added automatically):


An the variants.txt grouping tonal variants and also allowing parameter sharing between the models for spoken noise and speechless singing:

a1 a2
o1 o2 o3

6. Phonetic dictionary

A text file lexicon.txt containing a list of words with their phonetic transcription. The words should correspond to the words used in the utterance transcriptions of the corpus; the phones should correspond to the phones used in the original phoneset (not IPA) of the corpus (see previous sections). The dictionary can contain more words than necessary. Any word from the transcriptions that is not in the dictionary will be ignored for ABX analyses and will be mapped by kaldi to an out-of-vocabulary special item <unk> transcribed as SPN (spoken noise, see previous section). If no entry <unk> is present in the dictionary it will be automatically added.

Depending on your purposes, the unit in the dictionary can be lexical words (e.g. for a corpus of read speech without detailed phonetic transcription), detailed pronunciation variants of words (e.g. for a corpus of spontaneous speech with detailed phonetic transcription), phonemes... The dictionary can also contain special entries for noise and silence if they are explicitly transcribed in the corpus, as in TIMIT for example.

Each line of the file contains the entry for a particular word, in the following format:

<word> <phone_1> <phone_2> ... <phone_n>

Here is an example lexicon containing two words and using the TIMIT phoneset:

anyone eh n iy w ah n
monitor m aa n ah t er

7. Time-alignments (Optional)

Not yet supported.

A text file called phone_alignment.txt, containing a beginning and end timestamp for each phone of each utterance in the corpus. The file should contain one entry per line in the following format:

<utterance-id> <phone_start> <phone_end> <phone_symbol>

The timestamps are in seconds and are given relative to the beginning each utterance. The phone symbols correspond to those used in the pronunciation dictionary, (not to the IPA transcriptions).

Here is an example file with two utterances containing three and two phones respectively:

sp001-sentence001 1.211 1.256 a1
sp001-sentence001 1.256 1.284 t
sp001-sentence001 1.284 1.340 o3
sp109-sentence003 0.331 0.371 u
sp109-sentence003 0.371 0.917 sh

8. Language model (Optional)

Not yet supported.

9. Syllabification (Optional)

Not yet supported.