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< Boson Protocol Widgets

The Redemption Widget

Redeeming rNFTs using the Boson Widget

With the release of the Boson Redemption Widget, Sellers can now offer redemption of their rNFTs on their own domains.

Sellers can chose to sell their rNFTs everywhere in the metaverse, in game, on NFT marketplaces, or from the Boson dApp whilst bringing users back to their own domain to redeem their NFTs.

The Boson Redemption Widget allows Sellers to simply embed, via a few lines of code, redemption functionality of their rNFTs into an existing website.

Redemption Widget steps

To integrate the Boson Redemption Widget, all a seller needs to do is:

  1. Add the following <script> entry, either in <head> or <body> of their website:
<script async type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
  1. The Seller then needs to create a button with the fragment identifier id="boson-redeem". When clicked, the redeem modal will popup on the Seller's website.
<button type="button" id="boson-redeem" data-config-id="production-137-0">Show Redeem</button>

The data-config-id parameter specifies the Boson Configuration addressed by the widget (here production-137-0 is the production configuration deployed on the Polygon blockchain). See Boson Environment to get more details.

Redemption Widget Items View

Using the Boson Redemption Button

As a seller you can also choose to use the Boson branded "Redeem" Button on your website, if you would like to do this, all you need to do is:

  1. Add the below 2 lines of code in HTML <head> section:
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="">
  1. Add the below class name to the "boson-redeem" button:
<button type="button" id="boson-redeem" class="bosonButton" data-config-id="production-137-0">Show Redeem</button>

Boson Redeem Button

Redeeming specific rNFTs

A specific rNFT

The Boson Widget's default behaviour is to show a buyer all of their redeemable vouchers. However, the widget can be configured to direct a buyer to a given rNFT for redemption, this enables different user flows. This the way that the Widget is used on the Boson dApp.

A Seller can specify which exchange is going to be redeemed by the widget, by adding a data-exchange-id tag to the "boson-redeem" button, specifying the exchangeId of a given exchange:

<button type="button" id="boson-redeem" data-config-id="production-137-0" data-exchange-id="80">Redeem Exchange 80</button>

You can find an example HTML file which embeds the widgets on the the widgets subdomain :

rNFTs for a/some specific seller(s)

The widget can also be configured to show only the rNFTs emitted by some specific Boson Seller Accounts (typically the seller account the redemption site is referring to).

To add a Seller filter to the redemption widget, add a data-seller-ids tag to the "boson-redeem" button, specifying the list of Boson Seller accounts you're addressing to:

<button type="button" id="boson-redeem" data-config-id="production-137-0" data-seller-ids="26,110,138">Redeem Exchange</button>

Integrating the Redemption Widget as an iFrame

Instead of using the Redeem Button as shown above, the redemption widget can be embedded in any web page using an iFrame HTML tag.

For instance:

<iframe src=""></iframe>

In which case the page:

  • does not need to include any specific line (like the <script> tag for boson-widgets.js)
  • shall manage itself the logic to show and hide the iFrame, and the parameters to pass to its URL.

Redemption Widget Parameters

The following parameters configures the widget. They must be passed in the widget URL (for instance when building an iFrame). For instance:

<iframe src=",110,138&configId=production-137-0"></iframe>

When using the Redeem Button, as shown above, the parameters must be passed as HTML attributes to the Button tag. For instance:

<button class="bosonButton" id="boson-redeem-button" data-config-id="production-137-0" data-seller-ids="26,110,138">Show Redeem</button>
URL parameter HTML attribute Required Default Value Purpose Example
configId data-config-id yes none the Boson Protocol environment the widget is linked to (see Boson Environments) "production-137-0"
account data-account no none the address of the wallet the widget should accept. When specified, the user can't connect any other wallet that the one specified "0x023456789abcd0213456789abcd213456789abcd"
widgetAction data-widget-action no "SELECT_EXCHANGE" the action the widget is going to jump on (SELECT_EXCHANGE, EXCHANGE_DETAILS, REDEEM_FORM, CANCEL_FORM or CONFIRM_REDEEM) "REDEEM_FORM"
exchangeId data-exchange-id no none The ID of the exchange being redeemed (or cancelled). Relevant when used with widgetAction different than SELECT_EXCHANGE. "123"
sellerIds data-seller-ids When targetOrigin and/or postDeliveryInfoUrl is used none Specifies the list of sellerIds to filter the exchanges shown to the user. Relevant when widgetAction is SELECT_EXCHANGE. "46,78,90"
signatures data-signatures When targetOrigin and/or postDeliveryInfoUrl is used none A signature is required for each seller listed in sellerIds. The message to be signed should be {"origin":"<parentWindowOrigin>"} where <parentWindowOrigin> is the domain of the page integrating the widget (for instance Signing should be done with the seller's admin wallet "0x8357f1aabd7b1811c4b7e30ed867471b9d813614ebb56ce0a90d9bae0b86c4a5272a1b9749c1cf9ad6823eb6fe5a0367c0f727b68bd411eec02167080d28d3a21c,...,..."
exchangeState data-exchange-state no "Committed" State of the exchanges when shown in the Select Exchange step. Relevant when widgetAction is SELECT_EXCHANGE. "Redeemed"
showRedemptionOverview data-show-redemption-overview no true set to 'false' to skip the Redemption Overview (first step in the user flow) false
deliveryInfo data-delivery-info no none specify the delivery details that shall prefill the Redeem form, or be recapped on Confirm Redeem step. '{"name":"TITI","streetNameAndNumber":"1 grand place","city":"LILLE","state":"NORD","zip":"59000","country":"FR","email":"","phone":"+33123456789"}'
sendDeliveryInfoThroughXMTP data-send-delivery-info-XMTP yes none whether the widget should send the delivery information to the seller via XMTP true
targetOrigin data-target-origin no none If set, the widget will send frontend messages (boson-delivery-info, boson-redemption-submitted and boson-redemption-confirmed) to this origin when appropriate ""
shouldWaitForResponse data-wait-for-response no none whether the widget should wait for a response (boson-delivery-info-response) to the deliveryInfo message (boson-delivery-info). If false, the widget does not wait and progress further with the redemption flow false
postDeliveryInfoUrl data-post-delivery-info-url no none this is the URL to which the widget will post the DeliveryInfo HTTP request with the delivery Details (see Redemption with 3rd party eCommerce backend) ""
postDeliveryInfoHeaders data-post-delivery-info-headers no none optionally specifies some request headers that must be added to the DeliveryInfo HTTP request '{"authorization":"Bearer eyJhbGciOiJIUzL1Ni2sInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ7","another-header":"*****"}'
postRedemptionSubmittedUrl data-post-redemption-submitted-url no none this is the URL to which the widget will post the RedemptionSubmitted HTTP request with the delivery Details ""
postRedemptionSubmittedHeaders data-post-redemption-submitted-headers no none optionally specifies some request headers that must be added to the RedemptionSubmitted HTTP request '{"authorization":"Bearer eyJhbGciOiJIUzL1Ni2sInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ7","another-header":"*****"}'
postRedemptionConfirmedUrl data-post-redemption-confirmed-url no none this is the URL to which the widget will post the RedemptionConfirmed HTTP request with the delivery Details ""
postRedemptionConfirmedHeaders data-post-redemption-confirmed-headers no none optionally specifies some request headers that must be added to the RedemptionConfirmed HTTP request '{"authorization":"Bearer eyJhbGciOiJIUzL1Ni2sInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ7","another-header":"*****"}'

Advanced Redemption Flows

Hereafter are detailed examples of the redemption flows supported by the widget.

The redemption widget can also support other usecases: