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574 lines (272 loc) · 7.22 KB

File metadata and controls

574 lines (272 loc) · 7.22 KB

Internal notes of reverse-engineering TabIt


Using reverse-engineering tools such as Ghidra and/or IDA Pro to analyze the TabIt executable.

Efforts to reverse-engineer TabIt are hindered by a few factors:

identifying information

installer used: TabIt-2.03-full.exe

from PEiD:

Borland Delphi 2.0

Zlib 1.2.3 is embedded

function offsets

0040a544 Format

0040a558 FmtStr

004190d8 TStream.ReadBuffer

00470124 openFile

00479e9c Zlib_zmemzero

00479eb0 Zlib_zmemcpy

00479ec4 ZAlloc

00479f00 ZFree

00479f08 checkOutOfMemory

0047a1a0 InflateX

0047a244 Inflate2 (not specific to metadata)

0047a3a8 Inflate1 (not specific to metadata)

0047a484 Zlib_adler32

0047aadc Zlib_deflateReset

0047ad10 Zlib_putShortMSB

0047ad38 Zlib_flush_pending

0047ad8c Zlib_deflate

0047b04c Zlib_deflateEnd

0047b100 Zlib_deflateCopy

0047b298 Zlib_read_buf

0047b2e4 Zlib_lm_init

0047b5a8 Zlib_fill_window

0047b6b8 Zlib_deflate_stored

0047bf0c Zlib_inflateReset

0047bfc8 Zlib_inflateInit2_

0047c090 Zlib_inflateInit

0047c0a0 Zlib_fixedtables

0047c0c0 Zlib_updatewindow

0047c1c4 Zlib_inflate

0047d0d8 Zlib_inflateSetDictionary

0047d1c0 Zlib_syncsearch

0047d208 Zlib_inflateSync

0047d2f4 Zlib_inflateCopy

0047d434 Zlib_inflate_table

0047d8a4 Zlib_tr_static_init

0047d8a8 Zlib_tr_init

0047d918 Zlib_init_block

0047dce8 Zlib_build_tree

0047e684 Zlib_build_bl_tree

0047e9e0 Zlib_tr_stored_block

0047ea9c Zlib_tr_align

0047ed68 Zlib_tr_flush_block

0047f040 Zlib_compress_block

0047f500 Zlib_set_data_type

0047f568 Zlib_bi_flush

0047f7a8 Zlib_inflate_fast

0047fcd0 crc32WithAcc

0047fd00 crc32

004b9218 somethingWithINIFiles

004b9534 somethingTabit000File

004c86f8 scanBlocksThing

004c8724 scanSingleBlock

004c8744 scan2Blocks

004c8780 scanString

004ca054 seekThingUsedDuringSave

004caba4 dumpTBT

004c9290 parseTBT



0x00: string magic
0x03: byte versionNumber
0x04: byte tempo1
0x05: byte trackCount
0x06: Pascal255 versionString (5 bytes)
0x0b: byte bitfieldThing:
0x0c: byte[28] unused1
0x28: short barCountGE70
0x2a: short spaceCount6f
0x2c: last nonempty space up to 6f, unused >= 0x70
0x2e: short tempo2
0x30: uint metadataLen
0x34: int crc32Rest
0x38: int totalByteCount
0x3c: int crc32Header
TBT_z4096_struct (4164 = 0x1044 bytes)

0x00: TFileStream * TFileStreamObject
0x04: uint metadataLen
0x08: byte[4096] data
0x1008: z_stream
0x1040: byte
0x1041: byte
0x1042: byte
0x1043: byte
offsets in first big thing

0x364: ?
0x668: TBT_song_struct *
0x674: ?
0x6a8: ?
0x6c0: ?
offsets in TBT_song_struct

0x0c: a string?
0x30: some function called during init
0x34: some function called during init, some function called at end of parsing
0x38: spaceCount
0x3c: ?, TList_Get is called on it
0x48: ? usually set to 0
0x4c: title
0x50: artist
0x54: album
0x58: transcribedBy
0x5c: comment
0x60: track count? zeroed during init
0x64: tempo
0x68: tracks, array of 15 track pointers
0xa4: some thing that is iterated through during construction (and seems to be end of track objects)
0xa8: some thing that is iterated through during construction
0xb1: zeroed during init
0xb4: seems to be another string, file name?
offsets in track objects (size AT LEAST 98 = 0x62 bytes)

0x0: ? something with reading Registry ?
0x2: unused ?
0x4: spaces struct array pointer
0x8: allocatedThing1 pointer, indexed by spaceCount6f?
0xc: ? set in FUN_004c7654, seems to always be 0
0x10: vmPtr for space
0x14: vmPtr for allocatedThing1
0x18: ?
0x1c: stringCount
0x20: clean guitar
0x24: muted
0x28: volume
0x2c: pan
0x30: reverb
0x34: chorus
0x38: modulation
0x3c: pitchBend
0x40: midi channel
0x44: highest note?, if stringCount == 6 && drum == 1 && version < 0x6b, then set to 99
0x48: transposeHalfSteps
0x4c: midiBank (cannot change in TabIt UI? maybe disabled in later version?)
0x50: dontLetRing
0x51: topLineText
0x52: bottomLineText
0x53: displayMIDINoteNumbers
0x54: tuning (8 bytes)
0x5c: drum?
0x60: spaceCount (2 bytes) ?
offsets in space objects (size 24 = 0x18 bytes)

0x00: note
0x01: note
0x02: note
0x03: note
0x04: note
0x05: note
0x06: note
0x07: note
0x08: effect
0x09: effect
0x0a: effect
0x0b: effect
0x0c: effect
0x0d: effect
0x0e: effect
0x0f: effect
0x10: change
0x11: top text
0x12: bottom text
0x13: change value,  decimal 19
0x16: ?, set in FUN_004c77ac and FUN_004c776c, seems to always be 1
0x17: ?, set in FUN_004c77ac and FUN_004c776c, seems to always be 1

fixing function calling conventions

Borland register

Evaluating arguments from left to right, it passes three arguments via EAX, EDX, ECX. Remaining arguments are pushed onto the stack, also left to right.


this works:

int __usercall Assert@<eax>(char *@<eax>, char *@<edx>, int@<ecx>)

this seems correct:

void __usercall sub_4C8A38(int barCount@<eax>)

the call is:

sub_4C8A38(*(unsigned __int16 *)&HEADER[40]);

steps for loading IDA Pro

keep processor type MetaPC

Options > Compiler...

Compiler: Delphi

Calling Convention: Pascal


Fastcall ?

run TabIt.idc

File > Script file...

load tbt-structs.h

load function names

Zlib functions TabIt functions

immediate steps for TabIt RE

understand and fix negative stack offsets


seeing stuff like:

*(_BYTE *)(*(_DWORD *)(*(_DWORD *)(a2 - 0x50) + 0x30) + 16 * v5 + 8) = 1;

notes on Zlib

#define Z_OK            0
#define Z_STREAM_END    1
#define Z_NEED_DICT     2
#define Z_ERRNO        (-1)
#define Z_STREAM_ERROR (-2)
#define Z_DATA_ERROR   (-3)
#define Z_MEM_ERROR    (-4)
#define Z_BUF_ERROR    (-5)
#define Z_VERSION_ERROR (-6)

#define UPDATE(...) adler32(...)

#define Z_BINARY   0
#define Z_TEXT     1
#define Z_ASCII    Z_TEXT   /* for compatibility with 1.2.2 and earlier */
#define Z_UNKNOWN  2
/* Possible values of the data_type field (though see inflate()) */

notes on Ghidra

Ghidra: Fix in_, extraout_, in_stack_ decompiler variables

ghidra tutorials

Ghidra quickstart & tutorial: Solving a simple crackme

Reverse Engineering SkiFree

Reverse engineering Skifree | Hacker News

notes on Delphi

what is @LStrAsg ?

This function is used when assigning to global variables.

LStrAsg(Dest, Source)


"Long String SetLength"


It turns out that string := const is implemented with different calls, depending on LValue:

Result: AnsiString -> LStrAsg
Result: UnicodeString: -> UStrAsg
Local var: UnicodeString: -> UStrLAsg
Local var: AnsiString: -> LStrLAsg