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Bone is a collection of utility methods used by the BotSocket ecosystem.


Bone is available on npm:

npm install @botsocket/bone


const Bone = require('@botsocket/bone');

const cloned = Bone.clone([1, 2, 3]);


const Clone = require('@botsocket/bone/src/clone');

const cloned = Clone([1, 2, 3]);


assert(condition, [message])

Throws an error if a condition is falsy where:

  • condition: The condition to evaluate.
  • message: The error message to throw.
Bone.assert(false); // Throws 'Unknown error'
Bone.assert(false, ''); // Throws 'Unknown error'
Bone.assert(false, 'x'); // Throws 'x'
Bone.assert(false, {}); // Throws '[object Object]'
Bone.assert(false, new TypeError('x')); // Throws 'TypeError: x'
Bone.assert('', 'x'); // Throws 'x'
Bone.assert(true, 'x'); // Does not throw
Bone.assert(1, 'x'); // Does not throw

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clone(value, [options])

Clones a value with support for circular references where:

  • value: The value to clone.
  • options: Optional options where:
    • shallow: Whether the value should be cloned recursively. Defaults to false.
    • symbol: Whether symbol keys should be cloned. Defaults to true.
const ref = {};
const sym = Symbol('test');

class X {}

X.prototype.immutable = true; // Immutable objects

const obj = {
    a: 1,
    b: [1, 2, 3],
    c: new Map([[ref, 1]]),
    d: new X(),
    [sym]: 2,

const cloned = Bone.clone(obj);
obj.b === cloned.b; // false
cloned.b[1]; // 2
obj.d === cloned.d; // true
cloned.c.get(ref); // 1

const shallow = Bone.clone(obj, { shallow: true });
obj.b === shallow.b;

const noSymbol = Bone.clone(obj, { symbol: false });
noSymbol[sym]; // undefined

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equal(value, ref, [options])

Compares two values recursively with support for circular references where:

  • value: The first value.
  • ref: The reference value to compare to value.
  • options: Optional options where:
    • strict: Whether to use strict equality (===). If set to false, is used. Defaults to true.
    • compareDescriptors: Whether object descriptors are compared. Defaults to false.
    • symbol: Whether symbol keys should be compared. Defaults to true.
    • deepFunction: Whether functions are deeply compared using their source code and properties. Defaults to false.
class X {
    constructor(someValue) {
        this.someValue = someValue;

const fn = () => 1;
const sym = Symbol('x');
const obj = {
    a: 1,
    b: [1, 2, 3],
    c: new Map([['x', 'y'], [1, 'z']]),
    d: new X(1),
    e: -0,
    f: fn,
    [sym]: 1,

const obj2 = {
    a: 1,
    b: [1, 2, 3],
    c: new Map([[1, 'z'], ['x', 'y']]),
    d: new X(1),
    e: 0,
    f: fn,
    [sym]: 1,

Bone.equal(obj, obj2); // true
Bone.equal(obj, obj2, { strict: false }); // false (due to, +0) returns false)

const obj3 = Bone.clone(obj2);
obj3[sym] = 2;

Bone.equal(obj, obj3); // false
Bone.equal(obj, obj3, { symbol: false }); // true

const obj4 = Bone.clone(obj2);
obj4.d = new X(2);

Bone.equal(obj, obj4); // false (due to different 'someValue's)

const obj5 = Bone.clone(obj2);
obj5.f = () => 1;

Bone.equal(obj, obj5); // false (due to different function reference)
Bone.equal(obj, obj5, { deepFunction: true }); // true

const obj6 = Bone.clone(obj);
obj6.g = 1;

const obj7 = Object.defineProperties(Bone.clone(obj), {
    g: {
        value: 1,

Bone.equal(obj6, obj7); // true
Bone.equal(obj6, obj7, { compareDescriptors: true }); // false

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get(target, path)

Retrieves a value nested inside an object, map or array given its path where:

  • target: The target object to retrieve. Can be an object, map or array.
  • path: The path to the value. Can be a string of dot-separated keys or an array containing each individual key. If undefined is passed, the target object is returned.

For array-like objects, undefined will be returned if the reference key is an invalid index. The wildcard character * can be used to retrieve all items. To escape the separator, use \.

const obj = {
    a: 1,
    b: [1, 2, 3],
    c: new Map([['key', 'x']]),
    d: [{ a: 1 }, { a: 2 }, { a: 3 }],
    'x.y.z': 1,

Bone.get(obj, 'a'); // 1
Bone.get(obj, 'b.1'); // 2
Bone.get(obj, 'b.-1'); // 3
Bone.get(obj, 'c.key'); // x
Bone.get(obj, 'x\\.y\\.z'); // 1
Bone.get(obj, 'd.*.a'); // [ 1, 2, 3 ]

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Checks if a value is an object where:

  • value: The value to check.
Bone.isObject('x'); // false
Bone.isObject(null); // false
Bone.isObject({}); // true
Bone.isObject(new Date()); // true

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merge(target, source, [options])

Merges two values recursively with support for circular references where:

  • target: The target into which the source value is merged.
  • source: The source value.
  • options: Optional options where:
    • symbol: Whether symbol keys are merged. Defaults to true.

Note that this method mutates the target value.

const sym = Symbol('x');
const obj = {
    a: 1,
    c: [{ a: 'x' }, 2],
    d: { x: 5 },
    e: new Map([[1, 'x'], [2, 'y']]),
    f: new Date(),
    g: [],

const obj2 = {
    b: 2,
    c: [{ b: 'y' }, 4],
    d: { x: 7 },
    e: new Map([[1, 'z']]),
    f: /x/i,
    g: undefined,
    [sym]: 'x',

const result = Bone.merge(obj, obj2);

Bone.equal(result, {
    a: 1,
    b: 2,
    c: [{ a: 'x', b: 'y' }, 4],
    d: { x: 7 },
    e: new Map([[1, 'z'], [2, 'y']]),
    f: /x/i,
    g: [],
    [sym]: 'x',
}); // true

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set(target, path, value)

Sets a value nested inside an object, map or array given its path where:

  • target: The target object to modify. Can be an object, map or array.
  • path: The path to the value. Can be a string of dot-separated keys or an array containing each individual key. If undefined is passed, the target object is returned unmodified.
  • value: The value to set to.

Note that this method mutates the target value. For array-like objects, the target will be returned if the reference key is a invalid index. To escape the separator, use \.

Bone.set({}, 'a', 1); // { a: 1 }
Bone.set({}, 'a.b', 1); // { a: { b: 1 } }
Bone.set({}, 'a.0', 1); // { a: [ 1 ] }
Bone.set([], '0', 1); // [ 1 ]
Bone.set([1, 2], '-1', 3); // [ 1, 3 ]
Bone.set(new Map([['key', 'x']]), 'key', 'y'); // Map { key => y }
Bone.set({}, 'x\\.y\\.z', 1); // { 'x.y.z': 1 }

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splitPath(path, [options])

Splits a path to an array of individual keys where:

  • path: The path to split. Can be a string of dot-separated keys or an array containing each individual key.
  • options: Optional options where:
    • clone: Only applies to arrays of individual keys. Whether the provided array should be cloned. Defaults to false.

To escape the separator, use \.

Bone.splitPath('x.y.z'); // [ x, y, z ]
Bone.splitPath('x\\.y.z'); // [ x.y, z ]
Bone.splitPath('x\\y.z'); // [ x\y, z ]
Bone.splitPath('x\\\\.z'); // [ x\, z ]

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