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How to use npm link to develop wechaty puppet padpro

Yuan Gao edited this page Nov 30, 2018 · 1 revision

If you want to be a contributor to wechaty-puppet-padpro, you will encounter a problem, which is how to develop the wechaty-puppet-padpro locally.

We use npm link to link wechaty packages together.

Here is what we usually do when we develop wechaty's puppets.

First of all, fork wechaty, wechaty-puppet and the puppet implementation you are developing into your local workspace. We take wechaty-puppet-padpro as an example here.

Then you will have wechaty, wechaty-puppet and wechaty-puppet-padpro in your local workspace.

Do npm install in theses three folders to download every dependency needed.

Then in each folder, do a npm link to link the current folder to your global npm folder.

Do npm run dist in wechaty-puppet folder, since this is the base dependency of the other two.

Do npm link wechaty-puppet in wechaty and wechaty-puppet-padpro folder to make sure that wechaty and wechaty-puppet-padpro are using the same wechaty-puppet, otherwise, you will encounter incompatible Puppet error.

Do npm run dist in wechaty and wechaty-puppet-padpro folder to use typescript compile the ts into js file.

Then create another folder and put your test code into it, let's name the folder test.

In test folder, do npm link wechaty and npm link wechaty-puppet-padpro.

Then add your test code in that folder, here is the code I usually use for myself.

I will put these code into a bot.ts file, then install the extra qrcode-terminal dependency, then run this with ts-node bot.ts

import { Wechaty, Message } from 'wechaty';
import { generate } from 'qrcode-terminal';
import { PuppetPadpro } from 'wechaty-puppet-padpro';

const puppet = new PuppetPadpro({
  token: '{token}',

const bot = new Wechaty({
  profile: 'test',

.on('scan', (qrcode, status) => {
  generate(qrcode, { small: true })

  const qrcodeImageUrl = [

  console.log(`[${status}] ${qrcodeImageUrl}\nScan QR Code above to log in: `)
.on('login', async user => {
  console.log(`Login: ${user}`);
.on('message', async (message: Message) => {
  console.log(`Message ${message}`)
.on('logout', async user => {
  console.log(`Logout: ${user}`)